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speechlesslymore about speechlessly


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Speechless  \Speech"less\,  a. 
  1.  Destitute  or  deprived  of  the  faculty  of  speech. 
  2.  Not  speaking  for  a  time;  dumb;  mute;  silent. 
  Speechless  with  wonder,  and  half  dead  with  fear. 
  --  {Speech"less*ly},  adv  --  {Speech"less*ness},  n. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  adv  :  without  speaking;  "he  stood  up  soundlessly  and  speechlessly 
  and  glided  across  the  hallway  and  through  a  door" 

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