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spiritualitiesmore about spiritualities


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Spirituality  \Spir`it*u*al"i*ty\,  n.;  pl  {Spiritualities}.  [L. 
  spiritualitas:  cf  F.  spiritualit['e].] 
  1.  The  quality  or  state  of  being  spiritual;  incorporeality; 
  A  pleasure  made  for  the  soul,  suitable  to  its 
  spirituality.  --South. 
  If  this  light  be  not  spiritual,  yet  it  approacheth 
  nearest  to  spirituality.  --Sir  W. 
  Much  of  our  spirituality  and  comfort  in  public 
  worship  depends  on  the  state  of  mind  in  which  we 
  come  --Bickersteth. 
  2.  (Eccl.)  That  which  belongs  to  the  church,  or  to  a  person 
  as  an  ecclesiastic,  or  to  religion,  as  distinct  from 
  During  the  vacancy  of  a  see  the  archbishop  is 
  guardian  of  the  spiritualities  thereof. 
  3.  An  ecclesiastical  body;  the  whole  body  of  the  clergy,  as 
  distinct  from  or  opposed  to  the  temporality.  [Obs.] 
  Five  entire  subsidies  were  granted  to  the  king  by 
  the  spirituality.  --Fuller. 

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