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spoofingmore about spoofing


  1  definition  found 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
  A  technique  used  to  reduce  network  overhead,  especially  in 
  {wide  area  network}s  (WAN). 
  Some  network  {protocol}s  send  frequent  packets  for  management 
  purposes.  These  can  be  {routing}  updates  or  {keep-alive} 
  messages.  In  a  {WAN}  this  can  introduce  significant  overhead, 
  due  to  the  typically  smaller  {bandwidth}  of  WAN  connections. 
  Spoofing  reduces  the  required  bandwidth  by  having  devices, 
  such  as  {bridge}s  or  {router}s,  answer  for  the  remote  devices. 
  This  fools  (spoofs)  the  {LAN}  device  into  thinking  the  remote 
  LAN  is  still  connected,  even  though  it's  not  The  spoofing 
  saves  the  WAN  bandwidth,  because  no  packet  is  ever  sent  out  on 
  the  WAN. 
  LAN  {protocol}s  today  do  not  yet  accommodate  spoofing  easily. 
  ["Network  Spoofing"  by  Jeffrey  Fritz,  BYTE,  December  1994, 
  pages  221  -  224]. 

more about spoofing