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summonsesmore about summonses


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Summons  \Sum"mons\,  n.;  pl  {Summonses}.  [OE.  somouns  OF 
  sumunse  semonse  semonce,  F.  semonce,  semondre  to  summon, 
  OF  p.  p.  semons  See  {Summon},  v.] 
  1.  The  act  of  summoning;  a  call  by  authority,  or  by  the 
  command  of  a  superior,  to  appear  at  a  place  named  or  to 
  attend  to  some  duty. 
  Special  summonses  by  the  king.  --Hallam. 
  This  summons  .  .  .  unfit  either  to  dispute  or 
  disobey.  --Bp.  Fell. 
  He  sent  to  summon  the  seditious,  and  to  offer 
  pardon;  but  neither  summons  nor  pardon  was  regarded. 
  --Sir  J. 
  2.  (Law)  A  warning  or  citation  to  appear  in  court;  a  written 
  notification  signed  by  the  proper  officer,  to  be  served  on 
  a  person,  warning  him  to  appear  in  court  at  a  day 
  specified,  to  answer  to  the  plaintiff,  testify  as  a 
  witness,  or  the  like 
  3.  (Mil.)  A  demand  to  surrender. 

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