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Grep of noun tic abs plastic acoustic acrostic adriatic aesthetic afroasiatic agnostic amino plastic anaesthetic analeptic analphabetic anesthetic anorectic antarctic anthelmintic antibiotic antic antidiabetic antidiuretic antiemetic antiepileptic antimycotic antineoplastic antineoplastic antibiotic antipruritic antipsychotic antipyretic antiseptic antisyphilitic anxiolytic aquatic arctic arithmetic art critic ascetic asiatic ataractic atlantic atmospheric static attic austro-asiatic automatic baltic biquadratic bitumastic body politic canaanitic cataleptic cathartic caustic celtic characteristic chiropractic coptic cosmetic critic cushitic deictic demotic device characteristic diabetic diacritic dialectic diaphoretic distribution free statistic diuretic domestic drama critic dyspeptic ecclesiastic eclectic ecliptic elamitic elastic electrolytic emetic encaustic epileptic esthetic eutectic fanatic fluorocarbon plastic frequency-response characteristic general anaesthetic general anesthetic gnostic gum elastic hamitic hamito-semitic heretic heuristic hieratic hypnotic inhalation anaesthetic inhalation anesthetic inhalation general anaesthetic inhalation general anesthetic intravenous anesthetic literary critic local anaesthetic local anesthetic lunar caustic lunatic mastic metic monastic music critic mydriatic mystic narcoleptic narcotic neobiotic neuroleptic neurotic newspaper critic nilotic nonparametric statistic omotic optic paralytic parametric statistic parasympathetic paretic penicillinase-resistant antibiotic peripatetic phenolic plastic plastic primary sex characteristic prognostic propaedeutic prophylactic psychoneurotic psychotic pyrectic quadratic quartic religious mystic rheumatic romantic rustic sceptic schematic scholastic secondary sex characteristic sedative-hypnotic semiautomatic semitic sex characteristic sinitic skeptic spasmolytic spastic spinal anaesthetic spinal anesthetic static statistic stigmatic styptic synthetic syphilitic tactic tartar emetic tenoretic theater critic thermoplastic thrombolytic tic tic-tac-toe tic douloureux tical tichodroma tichodroma muriaria tichodrome ticino tick tick fever tick trefoil ticker ticker tape tickertape ticket ticket-of-leave ticket agent ticket book ticket booth ticket collector ticket holder ticket line ticket office ticket stub ticket taker ticket tout ticket window ticking tickle tickler tickler coil tickler file tickling tickseed tickseed sunflower ticktack ticktacktoe ticktacktoo ticktock tickweed ticonderoga tictac topical anaesthetic topical anesthetic ugaritic Overview of noun tic The noun tic has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. tic -- (a local and habitual twitching especially in the face) Grep of adj tic abatic abiogenetic absolutistic acanthotic acapnotic acatalectic acetic acherontic achondritic achondroplastic achromatic acidotic acoustic acrobatic actinomycotic activistic adiabatic adventuristic aerobiotic aerolytic aeronautic aesthetic agamogenetic agnatic agnostic agonistic agranulocytic agrestic agrypnotic albinistic albinotic albitic alchemistic aliphatic alkahestic alkalotic alphabetic altruistic amaurotic amitotic ammonitic amnestic amniotic amoristic amphibiotic amphiprotic amylolytic anabatic anabiotic anachronistic anaclitic anaerobiotic anaesthetic anaglyptic anagrammatic analeptic analgetic analphabetic analytic anamnestic anapaestic anapestic anaphylactic anaplastic anarchistic anastigmatic anastomotic anchoritic androgenetic anecdotic anesthetic aneurismatic aneurysmatic animalistic animatistic animistic anisogametic ankylotic annalistic anorectic anorthitic anosmatic antagonistic antarctic anthelmintic anthracitic anthropogenetic anti-semitic antibiotic antic anticlimactic antiferromagnetic antimagnetic antineoplastic antipathetic antiphlogistic antipyretic antiseptic antithetic anuretic anxiolytic aoristic aortic apathetic aphaeretic aphanitic apheretic aphetic aphoristic aphotic aplanatic aplitic apocalyptic apochromatic apodeictic apodictic apogametic apologetic apomictic aponeurotic apopemptic apoplectic aposiopetic apothegmatic apractic aquatic archaistic arctic argentic aristocratic arithmetic aromatic arteriosclerotic arthritic artistic ascetic ascitic aseptic asiatic asphaltic astatic asthmatic astigmatic astrocytic astronautic asymptomatic asymptotic asyndetic atactic ataractic atavistic ateleiotic atheistic atheromatic atherosclerotic athletic atlantic atomistic atonalistic attic augitic austenitic authentic autistic autocatalytic autocratic autodidactic autoerotic autogenetic autolytic automatic autophytic autoplastic autosemantic auxetic avifaunistic avitaminotic axiomatic azotic bacchantic bacteriolytic bacteriostatic balletic ballistic baltic baptistic barytic basaltic bathetic batholitic bauxitic behavioristic behaviouristic belemnitic belletristic bentonitic bibliotic bimetallistic biocatalytic bioclimatic biogenetic biologistic biosynthetic biosystematic biotic biotitic biquadratic blastematic blastodermatic blastogenetic blastomycotic bolshevistic bombastic bregmatic bronchitic bryophytic buddhistic bureaucratic cabalistic cachectic calcitic calvinistic cannibalistic capitalistic casuistic catachrestic catalatic catalectic cataleptic catalytic cataphoretic cataplastic catapultic catechetic catechistic categorematic cathartic cathectic caustic celtic cenobitic cenogenetic centralistic chaotic characteristic charismatic chauvinistic chemotherapeutic chiasmatic chiliastic chiromantic chondritic chromatic cinematic classicistic climactic climatic coenobitic collectivistic cometic communistic conceptualistic concretistic copacetic copasetic copesetic copesettic coptic cosmetic cross-linguistic cryptanalytic cryptic cryptobiotic cubistic cyanogenetic cybernetic cystic cytogenetic czaristic deictic deistic democratic demotic dendritic despotic deterministic diabatic diabetic diacritic diagnostic diagrammatic dialectic diamagnetic dianoetic diaphoretic diarrhetic diarrhoetic dichromatic didactic dietetic diplomatic dislogistic dizygotic dogmatic dolomitic domestic dramatic drastic dualistic dynastic dyslectic dyslogistic dyspeptic dysphemistic dysplastic ecclesiastic eclectic ecstatic egoistic egotistic eidetic elastic electrolytic electromagnetic electrophoretic electrostatic elliptic emblematic embryotic empathetic emphatic enatic encomiastic endermatic endodontic endogenetic endoparasitic energetic enigmatic enthusiastic enzymatic epigrammatic epileptic epiphytic epiphytotic epizootic eremitic ergotic erotic erratic esthetic eucaryotic eucharistic eukaryotic eulogistic euphemistic eurasiatic evangelistic exegetic exhibitionistic exodontic exogenetic exotic expressionistic extragalactic extralinguistic fanatic fantastic fascistic fatalistic ferromagnetic feudalistic fiber-optic fiberoptic fibre-optic fibreoptic formalistic frantic frenetic fundamentalistic futuristic galactic genetic geodetic geophytic gigantic gnostic grammatic granitic granulocytic gymnastic haematic haematogenetic haematopoietic haematotic haemolytic haemopoietic haptic hectic hedonistic hellenistic hematic hematogenetic hematopoietic hematotic hemiparasitic hemolytic hemopoietic hemostatic hepatic hermaphroditic hermetic hermitic heuristic hidrotic hieratic hippocratic holistic holophytic homeostatic homiletic homochromatic homoerotic humanistic hydrokinetic hydrophytic hydrostatic hygrophytic hypercatalectic hypnotic hypothetic iconoclastic ictic idealistic idiomatic idiosyncratic idiotic imperialistic impolitic impressionistic inaesthetic inartistic inauthentic individualistic inelastic intergalactic internationalistic interscholastic intralinguistic iritic isolationistic isosmotic jesuitic jingoistic journalistic juristic katabatic kinaesthetic kinesthetic kinetic kyphotic lactic lentic lexicostatistic liberalistic linguistic lithomantic lithophytic logistic lordotic lotic lunatic lymphatic lymphocytic macrobiotic magnetic majestic mantic masochistic materialistic maternalistic mechanistic megakaryocytic megaloblastic meiotic melodramatic mephitic meritocratic mesoblastic mesophytic metastatic meteoritic micrometeoritic mid-atlantic middle atlantic militaristic mimetic miotic mithraistic modernistic monastic monistic monochromatic monopolistic monotheistic monozygotic moralistic morganatic myotic myrmecophytic mystic narcissistic narcoleptic narcotic nationalistic nativistic natriuretic naturalistic naturistic necromantic necrotic neoclassicistic neoplastic nephritic neritic neurotic nihilistic nilotic noetic nominalistic nomothetic non-automatic nonenzymatic nonlinguistic nonmagnetic nonmechanistic nonparasitic nonphotosynthetic nonsymbiotic nonsynthetic onomatopoetic ontogenetic operatic opportunistic optic optimistic organicistic orgiastic orthodontic orthoptic orthostatic osmotic otic overenthusiastic pacifistic paederastic palingenetic panchromatic pancreatic panoptic pantheistic papistic paradigmatic paralytic paramagnetic parasitic parasympathetic parasympathomimetic parenthetic parthenogenetic particularistic paternalistic pathetic patriotic patristic pectic pedantic pederastic peptic periodontic peripatetic periphrastic pessimistic phagocytic pharmaceutic phlegmatic phonetic photic photosynthetic phreatic phrenetic phyletic phylogenetic physiotherapeutic pianistic pietistic plagiaristic plagioclastic plastic platonistic pleonastic pluralistic plutocratic pneumatic poetic pointilistic politic polychromatic polysemantic polysynthetic polytheistic porphyritic positivistic pragmatic presymptomatic prismatic probabilistic problematic procaryotic prognostic prokaryotic propaedeutic propagandistic prophetic prophylactic prostatic prosthetic prosthodontic proteolytic pseudohermaphroditic psychoanalytic psychokinetic psycholinguistic psychoneurotic psychosomatic psychotherapeutic psychotic pugilistic pycnotic pyknotic pyrectic pyretic pyrolytic quadratic quixotic rachitic rationalistic realistic relativistic revivalistic rheumatic ritualistic romantic romanticistic rustic sadistic sadomasochistic saprophytic sarcastic schematic schismatic scholastic sciatic sclerotic scorbutic semantic semiaquatic semiautomatic semiotic semisynthetic semitic sensationalistic septic shamanistic shintoistic simplistic sinitic socialistic sociolinguistic socratic somatic sophistic spastic specialistic spermatic spiritualistic splenetic static stenotic stigmatic stochastic stylistic styptic subaquatic subarctic supernaturalistic superpatriotic surrealistic sybaritic sycophantic syllogistic symbiotic sympathetic sympathomimetic symptomatic synaesthetic synaptic syncategorematic syncretic syncretistic syndetic synergetic synergistic synesthetic synoptic synsemantic syntactic syntagmatic synthetic syphilitic systematic telegnostic thallophytic theistic thematic theocratic theoretic therapeutic thermoplastic thermostatic tickling ticklish totalistic traditionalistic transatlantic transvestic traumatic tribadistic trichromatic trophoblastic tsaristic ultranationalistic unaesthetic unapologetic unartistic unauthentic uncharacteristic undemocratic undiplomatic undogmatic undomestic undramatic unemphatic unenergetic unenthusiastic unergetic universalistic unneurotic unpatriotic unproblematic unprophetic unrealistic unromantic unsarcastic unsympathetic unsystematic unthematic vatic viscoelastic voyeuristic xerophytic yogistic zygomatic zygotic zymolytic zymotic Overview of noun tic The noun tic has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. tic -- (a local and habitual twitching especially in the face)
tic definition