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tons |
Grep of noun tons billy buttons brass buttons golden buttons gravitons tons tonsil tonsilla tonsilla adenoidea tonsilla pharyngealis tonsillectomy tonsillitis tonsure Grep of noun ton absorbent cotton akhenaton alan paton alan stewart paton alcapton alexander hamilton alice hamilton alkapton allium haematochiton anne sexton antilepton antiproton appendicular skeleton appleton arizona wild cotton arthur compton arthur holly compton ashton astrophyton automaton axial skeleton bachelor's button badminton balaton baron lloyd webber of sydmonton baron olivier of birghton baton beef wellington bellybutton bennington benton bill clinton binghamton bloomington bon ton booker t. washington booker taliaferro washington boston brachychiton breton brighton brinton briton bulwer-lytton burlington burton buster keaton button canton capital of washington carton charles laughton charles liston charleston chesterton chiton chlor-trimeton clinton coat button collis potter huntington compton cotton craton crichton croton crouton cut of mutton dalton daniel garrison brinton danton dayton dewitt clinton doubleton duke ellington duke of wellington e. t. s. walton eburophyton eddington edmonton edward appleton edward george earle bulwer-lytton edward kennedy ellington edward weston egyptian cotton elizabeth cady stanton elizabeth seton ellington emilie charlotte le breton endoskeleton ernest thomas sinton walton ernest walton exoskeleton farmington ferdinand joseph la menthe morton first baron lytton first baron marks of broughton first duke of wellington foot-ton francis galton francis richard stockton frank stockton fredericton fulton futon g. k. chesterton galton galveston genus astrophyton genus brachychiton genus chiton genus croton genus eburophyton genus halogeton genus horneophyton genus hynerpeton genus lysichiton genus potamogeton genus psilophyton genus rhyacotriton genus trichophyton genus triplochiton george washington georges jacques danton gilbert keith chesterton glutton grand teton gross ton guncotton haematohiston halogeton hamilton hampton hematohiston henry oscar houghton horn button horneophyton houghton houston huntington huston hutton hynerpeton hyperbaton ikhanaton isaac newton izaak walton j. e. johnston james crichton james hutton jelly roll morton john dalton john huston john milton johnston joseph eggleston johnston joseph francis keaton keaton kiloton kingston krypton lady emma hamilton lake balaton laughton lavender cotton lawton lepton levant cotton lewiston lexington lionel hampton liston livingston long ton lysichiton lytton magneton megaton merton mescal button metric ton middleton milton morton mother seton mouse button mouton muton mutton nekton net ton new zealand cotton newton nitrocotton orpington paton peruvian cotton phaeton phlogiston photon phytoplankton piston piton plankton pluton polyptoton polysyndeton potamogeton president clinton president washington princeton proton psilophyton push button red silk cotton reset button rhyacotriton richard burton robert fulton robert king merton robert merton robert r. livingston ruth fulton sabaton saint elizabeth ann bayley seton sam houston samuel houston samuel huntington scranton sea island cotton seton sexton sheraton sherrington shirt button short ton silk cotton simpleton singleton sir arthur stanley eddington sir charles scott sherrington sir edward victor appleton sir francis galton sir frederick ashton sir isaac newton sir leonard hutton sir richard burton sir richard francis burton sir william rowan hamilton sir william turner walton sir william walton skeleton sonny liston stanton stilton stockton swiss canton tetragrammaton teuton the admirable crichton thomas hart benton thomas merton thomas middleton thornton ton tonal language tonal pattern tonal system tonality tone tone-beginning tone arm tone deafness tone ending tone language tone of voice tone poem tone system tonegawa susumu toner tong ho tonga tongan tongan monetary unit tongs tongue tongue and groove joint tongue depressor tongue fern tongue tie tongue twister tongue worm tonguefish tongueflower tongueless frog tonguing and grooving plane toni morrison tonic tonic accent tonic epilepsy tonic solfa tonic water tonicity tonight tonka bean tonka bean tree tonnage tonnage duty tonne tonocard tonometer tons tonsil tonsilla tonsilla adenoidea tonsilla pharyngealis tonsillectomy tonsillitis tonsure tontine tontine insurance tonus tree cotton trenton trichophyton triplochiton triton upland cotton walton wanton washington wellington weston wild cotton william hyde wollaston william jefferson clinton william rowan hamilton william thornton wilmington wilton wollaston won ton wonton yellow bachelor's button zooplankton Overview of noun tons The noun tons has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (2) tons, dozens, heaps, lots piles, scores, stacks, loads, rafts, slews, wads, oodles, gobs, scads, lashings -- (a large number or amount; "made lots of new friends") Overview of noun ton The noun ton has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (12) short ton, ton, net ton -- (a United States unit of weight equivalent to 2000 pounds) 2. long ton, ton, gross ton -- (a British unit of weight equivalent to 2240 pounds) Grep of adj tons tonsorial tonsured Overview of noun tons The noun tons has 1 sense (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (2) tons, dozens, heaps, lots piles, scores, stacks, loads, rafts, slews, wads, oodles, gobs, scads, lashings -- (a large number or amount; "made lots of new friends") Overview of noun ton The noun ton has 2 senses (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (12) short ton, ton, net ton -- (a United States unit of weight equivalent to 2000 pounds) 2. long ton, ton, gross ton -- (a British unit of weight equivalent to 2240 pounds)
tons definition