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unions unions definition


  Grep  of  noun  union 
  anglican  communion 
  company  union 
  constitutional  union  party 
  cooper  union 
  cooper  union  for  the  advancement  of  science  and  art 
  craft  union 
  credit  union 
  customs  union 
  european  union 
  holy  communion 
  industrial  union 
  labor  union 
  pam  american  union 
  sexual  union 
  soviet  union 
  student  union 
  teamsters  union 
  trade  union 
  trade  union  movement 
  trades  union 
  union  army 
  union  card 
  union  flag 
  union  jack 
  union  member 
  union  of  burma 
  union  of  soviet  socialist  republics 
  union  representative 
  union  shop 
  union  soldier 
  union  suit 
  vertical  union 
  Overview  of  noun  union 
  The  noun  union  has  11  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (27)  union,  labor  union,  trade  union,  trades  union,  brotherhood  --  (an  organization  of  employees  formed  to  bargain  with  the  employer;  "you  have  to  join  the  union  in  order  to  get  a  job") 
  2.  (2)  Union,  North  --  (the  United  States  (especially  the  northern  states  during  the  American  Civil  War);  "he  has  visited  every  state  in  the  Union";  "Lee  hoped  to  detach  Maryland  from  the  Union";  "the  North's  superior  resources  turned  the  scale") 
  3.  (1)  coupling,  mating,  pairing,  conjugation,  union,  sexual  union  --  (the  act  of  pairing  a  male  and  female  for  reproductive  purposes;  "the  casual  couplings  of  adolescents";  "the  mating  of  some  species  occurs  only  in  the  spring") 
  4.  union  --  (the  state  of  being  united;  "there  is  strength  in  union") 
  5.  marriage,  matrimony,  union,  wedlock  --  (state  of  being  husband  and  wife;  "a  long  and  happy  marriage";  "God  bless  this  union") 
  6.  union,  conglutination  --  (healing  process  involving  the  growing  together  of  the  edges  of  a  wound  or  the  growing  together  of  broken  bones) 
  7.  union  --  (a  political  unit  formed  from  previously  independent  people  or  organizations;  "the  Soviet  Union") 
  8.  union,  sum,  join  --  (a  set  containing  all  and  only  the  members  of  two  or  more  given  sets;  "let  C  be  the  union  of  the  sets  A  and  B") 
  9.  union  --  (the  occurrence  of  a  uniting  of  separate  parts  "lightning  produced  an  unusual  union  of  the  metals") 
  10.  union  --  (a  device  on  a  national  flag  emblematic  of  the  union  of  two  or  more  sovereignties  (typically  in  the  upper  inner  corner)) 
  11.  union,  unification,  uniting  --  (making  or  becoming  a  single  unit;  "the  union  of  opposing  factions";  "he  looked  forward  to  the  unification  of  his  family  for  the  holidays") 
  Overview  of  noun  union 
  The  noun  union  has  11  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (27)  union,  labor  union,  trade  union,  trades  union,  brotherhood  --  (an  organization  of  employees  formed  to  bargain  with  the  employer;  "you  have  to  join  the  union  in  order  to  get  a  job") 
  2.  (2)  Union,  North  --  (the  United  States  (especially  the  northern  states  during  the  American  Civil  War);  "he  has  visited  every  state  in  the  Union";  "Lee  hoped  to  detach  Maryland  from  the  Union";  "the  North's  superior  resources  turned  the  scale") 
  3.  (1)  coupling,  mating,  pairing,  conjugation,  union,  sexual  union  --  (the  act  of  pairing  a  male  and  female  for  reproductive  purposes;  "the  casual  couplings  of  adolescents";  "the  mating  of  some  species  occurs  only  in  the  spring") 
  4.  union  --  (the  state  of  being  united;  "there  is  strength  in  union") 
  5.  marriage,  matrimony,  union,  wedlock  --  (state  of  being  husband  and  wife;  "a  long  and  happy  marriage";  "God  bless  this  union") 
  6.  union,  conglutination  --  (healing  process  involving  the  growing  together  of  the  edges  of  a  wound  or  the  growing  together  of  broken  bones) 
  7.  union  --  (a  political  unit  formed  from  previously  independent  people  or  organizations;  "the  Soviet  Union") 
  8.  union,  sum,  join  --  (a  set  containing  all  and  only  the  members  of  two  or  more  given  sets;  "let  C  be  the  union  of  the  sets  A  and  B") 
  9.  union  --  (the  occurrence  of  a  uniting  of  separate  parts  "lightning  produced  an  unusual  union  of  the  metals") 
  10.  union  --  (a  device  on  a  national  flag  emblematic  of  the  union  of  two  or  more  sovereignties  (typically  in  the  upper  inner  corner)) 
  11.  union,  unification,  uniting  --  (making  or  becoming  a  single  unit;  "the  union  of  opposing  factions";  "he  looked  forward  to  the  unification  of  his  family  for  the  holidays") 

unions definition