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vein vein definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  vein 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  vein 
  Entailment  of  verb  vein 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  vein 
  1  sense  of  vein 
  Sense  1 
  =>  stain 
  Familiarity  of  verb  vein 
  vein  used  as  a  verb  is  very  rare  (polysemy  count  =  1) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  vein 
  Sense  1 
  =>  stain 
  Grep  of  noun  vein 
  accessory  cephalic  vein 
  accessory  hemiazygos  vein 
  accessory  hemiazygous  vein 
  accessory  vertebral  vein 
  accompanying  vein 
  anastomotic  vein 
  angular  vein 
  anterior  cardinal  vein 
  anterior  cerebral  vein 
  anterior  facial  vein 
  anterior  jugular  vein 
  anterior  vertebral  vein 
  appendicular  vein 
  arcuate  vein  of  the  kidney 
  auricular  vein 
  axillary  vein 
  azygos  vein 
  azygous  vein 
  basal  vein 
  basilic  vein 
  basivertebral  vein 
  brachial  vein 
  brachiocephalic  vein 
  bronchial  vein 
  capillary  vein 
  cardinal  vein 
  central  vein  of  retina 
  central  vein  of  suprarenal  gland 
  cephalic  vein 
  cerebellar  vein 
  cerebral  vein 
  cervical  vein 
  choroid  vein 
  circumflex  femoral  vein 
  circumflex  iliac  vein 
  circumflex  vein 
  clitoral  vein 
  colic  vein 
  common  cardinal  vein 
  common  facial  vein 
  common  iliac  vein 
  costoaxillary  vein 
  cutaneous  vein 
  cystic  vein 
  deep  cervical  vein 
  deep  middle  cerebral  vein 
  deep  temporal  vein 
  digital  vein 
  diploic  vein 
  dorsal  scapular  vein 
  emissary  vein 
  epigastric  vein 
  ethmoidal  vein 
  external  iliac  vein 
  external  jugular  vein 
  external  nasal  vein 
  facial  vein 
  femoral  vein 
  fibular  vein 
  gastric  vein 
  gastroepiploic  vein 
  gastroomental  vein 
  genicular  vein 
  gluteal  vein 
  great  cerebral  vein 
  great  saphenous  vein 
  hemizygos  vein 
  hemizygous  vein 
  hemorrhoidal  vein 
  hepatic  portal  vein 
  hepatic  vein 
  hypogastric  vein 
  ileocolic  vein 
  iliac  vein 
  iliolumbar  vein 
  inferior  cerebral  vein 
  inferior  epigastric  vein 
  inferior  labial  vein 
  inferior  ophthalmic  vein 
  inferior  pulmonary  vein 
  inferior  thalamostriate  vein 
  inferior  thyroid  vein 
  innominate  vein 
  intercapitular  vein 
  intercostal  vein 
  internal  auditory  vein 
  internal  cerebral  vein 
  internal  iliac  vein 
  internal  jugular  vein 
  intervertebral  vein 
  jugular  vein 
  labial  vein 
  labyrinthine  vein 
  lacrimal  vein 
  laryngeal  vein 
  left  gastric  vein 
  lingual  vein 
  long  saphenous  vein 
  lumbar  vein 
  maxillary  vein 
  mesenteric  vein 
  metacarpal  vein 
  metatarsal  vein 
  middle  cerebral  vein 
  middle  temporal  vein 
  middle  thyroid  vein 
  mineral  vein 
  musculophrenic  vein 
  nasofrontal  vein 
  oblique  vein  of  the  left  atrium 
  obturator  vein 
  occipital  vein 
  ophthalmic  vein 
  ovarian  vein 
  palatine  vein 
  pancreatic  vein 
  paraumbilical  vein 
  parotid  vein 
  pectoral  vein 
  perforating  vein 
  pericardial  vein 
  peroneal  vein 
  pharyngeal  vein 
  phrenic  vein 
  popliteal  vein 
  portal  vein 
  posterior  cardinal  vein 
  posterior  facial  vein 
  posterior  vein  of  the  left  ventricle 
  prepyloric  vein 
  pudendal  vein 
  pulmonary  vein 
  pyloric  vein 
  radial  vein 
  rectal  vein 
  renal  vein 
  retromandibular  vein 
  right  gastric  vein 
  sacral  vein 
  saphenous  vein 
  scrotal  vein 
  short  saphenous  vein 
  sigmoid  vein 
  spinal  vein 
  splenic  vein 
  sternocleidomastoid  vein 
  striate  vein 
  stylomastoid  vein 
  subclavian  vein 
  sublingual  vein 
  superficial  epigastric  vein 
  superficial  middle  cerebral  vein 
  superficial  temporal  vein 
  superior  cerebral  vein 
  superior  labial  vein 
  superior  ophthalmic  vein 
  superior  pulmonary  vein 
  superior  thalamostriate  vein 
  superior  thyroid  vein 
  supraorbital  vein 
  supratrochlear  vein 
  temporal  vein 
  testicular  vein 
  thalamostriate  vein 
  thoracic  vein 
  thoracoepigastric  vein 
  thyroid  vein 
  tibial  vein 
  tracheal  vein 
  tympanic  vein 
  ulnar  vein 
  umbilical  vein 
  uterine  vein 
  varicose  vein 
  vein  of  penis 
  vertebral  vein 
  vesical  vein 
  vestibular  vein 
  vortex  vein 
  vorticose  vein 
  Overview  of  noun  vein 
  The  noun  vein  has  5  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (8)  vein,  vena  --  (a  blood  vessel  that  carries  blood  from  the  capillaries  toward  the  heart;  all  veins  except  the  pulmonary  carry  unaerated  blood) 
  2.  (5)  vein  --  (a  distinctive  style  or  manner;  "he  continued  in  this  vein  for  several  minutes") 
  3.  vein,  nervure  --  (one  of  the  vascular  bundles  or  ribs  that  form  the  branching  framework  of  conducting  and  supporting  tissues  in  a  leaf  or  other  plant  organ) 
  4.  vein,  mineral  vein  --  (a  layer  of  ore  between  layers  of  rock) 
  5.  vein,  nervure  --  (one  of  the  horny  ribs  that  stiffen  and  support  the  wing  of  an  insect) 
  Overview  of  verb  vein 
  The  verb  vein  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  vein  --  (make  a  veinlike  pattern) 
  Grep  of  adj  vein 
  Overview  of  noun  vein 
  The  noun  vein  has  5  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (8)  vein,  vena  --  (a  blood  vessel  that  carries  blood  from  the  capillaries  toward  the  heart;  all  veins  except  the  pulmonary  carry  unaerated  blood) 
  2.  (5)  vein  --  (a  distinctive  style  or  manner;  "he  continued  in  this  vein  for  several  minutes") 
  3.  vein,  nervure  --  (one  of  the  vascular  bundles  or  ribs  that  form  the  branching  framework  of  conducting  and  supporting  tissues  in  a  leaf  or  other  plant  organ) 
  4.  vein,  mineral  vein  --  (a  layer  of  ore  between  layers  of  rock) 
  5.  vein,  nervure  --  (one  of  the  horny  ribs  that  stiffen  and  support  the  wing  of  an  insect) 
  Overview  of  verb  vein 
  The  verb  vein  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  vein  --  (make  a  veinlike  pattern) 

vein definition