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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Viperine  \Vi"per*ine\  (?;  277),  a.  [L.  viperinus:  cf  F. 
  Of  or  pertaining  to  a  viper  or  vipers;  resembling  a  viper. 
  {Viperine  snake}.  (Zo["o]l.) 
  a  Any  venomous  snake  of  the  family  {Viperid[ae]}. 
  b  A  harmless  snake  resembling  a  viper  in  form  or  color, 
  esp.  {Tropidonotus  viperinus},  a  small  European  species 
  which  resembles  the  viper  in  color.