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wrong wrong definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  wrong 
  1  sense  of  wrong 
  Sense  1 
  =>  aggrieve 
  =>  sandbag 
  =>  victimize,  victimise 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  wrong 
  1  sense  of  wrong 
  Sense  1 
  =>  aggrieve 
  =>  sandbag 
  =>  victimize,  victimise 
  =>  cheat,  beat  rip  off  chisel 
  =>  gazump 
  =>  cozen 
  =>  overcharge,  soak,  surcharge,  gazump,  fleece,  plume,  pluck,  rob,  hook 
  =>  extort,  rack,  gouge,  wring 
  =>  bleed 
  =>  swindle,  rook,  goldbrick,  nobble,  diddle,  bunco,  defraud,  scam,  mulct,  gyp,  con 
  =>  short-change,  short 
  =>  bilk 
  =>  whipsaw 
  =>  welsh 
  =>  juggle,  beguile,  hoodwink 
  =>  deceive,  lead  on  delude,  cozen 
  =>  betray,  sell 
  =>  double  cross 
  =>  cheat,  chisel 
  =>  job 
  =>  shark 
  =>  rig,  set  up 
  =>  cozen 
  =>  crib 
  =>  fudge,  manipulate,  fake,  falsify,  cook,  wangle,  misrepresent 
  =>  juggle 
  =>  shill 
  =>  trick,  fob,  fox,  pull  a  fast  one  on  play  a  trick  on 
  =>  snooker 
  =>  fool,  gull,  befool 
  =>  cheat  on  cheat,  cuckold,  betray,  wander 
  =>  twotime 
  =>  play  around  fool  around 
  =>  hoax,  pull  someone's  leg,  play  a  joke  on 
  =>  ensnare,  entrap,  frame,  set  up 
  =>  humbug 
  Entailment  of  verb  wrong 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  wrong 
  1  sense  of  wrong 
  Sense  1 
  =>  treat,  handle,  do  by 
  Familiarity  of  verb  wrong 
  wrong  used  as  a  verb  is  very  rare  (polysemy  count  =  1) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  wrong 
  Sense  1 
  =>  treat,  handle,  do  by 
  Grep  of  noun  wrong 
  civil  wrong 
  sense  of  right  and  wrong 
  wrong  'un 
  Overview  of  noun  wrong 
  The  noun  wrong  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (3)  wrong  wrongfulness  --  (that  which  is  contrary  to  the  principles  of  justice  or  law;  "he  feels  that  you  are  in  the  wrong") 
  2.  (2)  wrong  legal  injury,  damage  --  (a  legal  injury  is  any  damage  resulting  from  a  violation  of  a  legal  right) 
  Overview  of  verb  wrong 
  The  verb  wrong  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  wrong  --  (treat  unjustly;  do  wrong  to) 
  Overview  of  adj  wrong 
  The  adj  wrong  has  10  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (15)  incorrect,  wrong  --  (not  correct;  not  in  conformity  with  fact  or  truth;  "an  incorrect  calculation";  "the  report  in  the  paper  is  wrong";  "your  information  is  wrong";  "the  clock  showed  the  wrong  time";  "found  themselves  on  the  wrong  road";  "based  on  the  wrong  assumptions") 
  2.  (12)  wrong  --  (contrary  to  conscience  or  morality  or  law;  "it  is  wrong  for  the  rich  to  take  advantage  of  the  poor";  "cheating  is  wrong";  "it  is  wrong  to  lie") 
  3.  (9)  unsuitable,  improper,  wrong  --  (not  appropriate  for  a  purpose  or  occasion;  "unsuitable  attire  for  the  office";  "said  all  the  wrong  things") 
  4.  (5)  amiss,  awry,  haywire,  out  of  order  the  matter,  wrong  --  (not  functioning  properly;  "something  is  amiss";  "has  gone  completely  haywire";  "the  telephone  is  out  of  order";  "what's  the  matter  with  your  vacuum  cleaner?";  "something  is  wrong  with  the  engine") 
  5.  (2)  untrue,  wrong  --  (not  according  with  the  facts;  "unfortunately  the  statement  was  simply  untrue";  "the  facts  as  reported  were  wrong") 
  6.  wrong  --  (based  on  or  acting  or  judging  in  error;  "it  is  wrong  to  think  that  way") 
  7.  wrong  --  (not  in  accord  with  established  usage  or  procedure;  "the  wrong  medicine";  "the  wrong  way  to  shuck  clams") 
  8.  inappropriate,  incorrect,  wrong  --  (not  conforming  with  accepted  standards  of  propriety  or  taste;  undesirable;  "incorrect  behavior";  "she  was  seen  in  all  the  wrong  places";  "He  thought  it  was  wrong  for  her  to  go  out  to  work") 
  9.  wrong  --  (used  of  the  side  of  cloth  or  clothing  intended  to  face  inward;  "socks  worn  wrong  side  out") 
  10.  ill-timed,  ill  timed,  unseasonable,  untimely,  wrong  --  (badly  timed;  "an  ill-timed  intervention";  "you  think  my  intrusion  unseasonable";  "an  untimely  remark";  "it  was  the  wrong  moment  for  a  joke") 
  Overview  of  adv  wrong 
  The  adv  wrong  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  incorrectly,  wrongly,  wrong  --  (in  an  incorrect  manner;  "she  guessed  wrong") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  wrong 
  10  senses  of  wrong 
  Sense  1 
  incorrect  (vs.  correct),  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  correct  (vs.  incorrect),  right  (vs.  wrong) 
  =>  accurate,  exact,  precise 
  =>  letter-perfect,  word-perfect 
  =>  straight 
  Sense  2 
  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  right  (vs.  wrong) 
  =>  ethical,  honorable,  honourable,  moral 
  Sense  3 
  unsuitable,  improper,  wrong 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  inappropriate)  ->  appropriate 
  Sense  4 
  amiss(prenominal),  awry(prenominal),  haywire,  out  of  order(prenominal),  the  matter(prenominal),  wrong(prenominal) 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  malfunctioning)  ->  functioning 
  Sense  5 
  untrue,  wrong 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  false)  ->  true 
  Sense  6 
  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  right  (vs.  wrong),  correct 
  =>  right-minded 
  Sense  7 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  improper)  ->  proper 
  Sense  8 
  inappropriate,  incorrect,  wrong 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  improper)  ->  proper 
  Sense  9 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  inside)  ->  outside 
  Sense  10 
  ill-timed(postnominal),  ill  timed(prenominal),  unseasonable,  untimely,  wrong 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  inopportune)  ->  opportune 
  Similarity  of  adj  wrong 
  10  senses  of  wrong 
  Sense  1 
  incorrect  (vs.  correct),  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  =>  erroneous,  inaccurate 
  =>  fallacious 
  =>  false,  mistaken 
  Also  See->  false#1;  improper#1;  inaccurate#1 
  Sense  2 
  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  =>  condemnable,  criminal,  deplorable,  reprehensible 
  =>  base,  dishonorable,  dishonourable,  immoral,  unethical 
  =>  mis 
  =>  misguided,  mistaken 
  Also  See->  evil#1,  wicked#4;  improper#1;  unethical#1;  unjust#2;  wicked#1 
  Sense  3 
  unsuitable,  improper,  wrong 
  =>  inappropriate  (vs.  appropriate) 
  Sense  4 
  amiss(prenominal),  awry(prenominal),  haywire,  out  of  order(prenominal),  the  matter(prenominal),  wrong(prenominal) 
  =>  malfunctioning  (vs.  functioning),  nonfunctional 
  Sense  5 
  untrue,  wrong 
  =>  false  (vs.  true) 
  Sense  6 
  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  =>  wrongheaded 
  Sense  7 
  =>  improper  (vs.  proper) 
  Sense  8 
  inappropriate,  incorrect,  wrong 
  =>  improper  (vs.  proper) 
  Sense  9 
  =>  inside  (vs.  outside) 
  Sense  10 
  ill-timed(postnominal),  ill  timed(prenominal),  unseasonable,  untimely,  wrong 
  =>  inopportune  (vs.  opportune) 
  Attributes  of  adj  wrong 
  2  of  10  senses  of  wrong 
  Sense  1 
  incorrect  (vs.  correct),  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  =>  correctness,  rightness 
  Sense  2 
  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  =>  rightness 
  Familiarity  of  adj  wrong 
  wrong  used  as  an  adjective  is  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  10) 
  Grep  of  adj  wrong 
  Overview  of  noun  wrong 
  The  noun  wrong  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (3)  wrong  wrongfulness  --  (that  which  is  contrary  to  the  principles  of  justice  or  law;  "he  feels  that  you  are  in  the  wrong") 
  2.  (2)  wrong  legal  injury,  damage  --  (a  legal  injury  is  any  damage  resulting  from  a  violation  of  a  legal  right) 
  Overview  of  verb  wrong 
  The  verb  wrong  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  wrong  --  (treat  unjustly;  do  wrong  to) 
  Overview  of  adj  wrong 
  The  adj  wrong  has  10  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (15)  incorrect,  wrong  --  (not  correct;  not  in  conformity  with  fact  or  truth;  "an  incorrect  calculation";  "the  report  in  the  paper  is  wrong";  "your  information  is  wrong";  "the  clock  showed  the  wrong  time";  "found  themselves  on  the  wrong  road";  "based  on  the  wrong  assumptions") 
  2.  (12)  wrong  --  (contrary  to  conscience  or  morality  or  law;  "it  is  wrong  for  the  rich  to  take  advantage  of  the  poor";  "cheating  is  wrong";  "it  is  wrong  to  lie") 
  3.  (9)  unsuitable,  improper,  wrong  --  (not  appropriate  for  a  purpose  or  occasion;  "unsuitable  attire  for  the  office";  "said  all  the  wrong  things") 
  4.  (5)  amiss,  awry,  haywire,  out  of  order  the  matter,  wrong  --  (not  functioning  properly;  "something  is  amiss";  "has  gone  completely  haywire";  "the  telephone  is  out  of  order";  "what's  the  matter  with  your  vacuum  cleaner?";  "something  is  wrong  with  the  engine") 
  5.  (2)  untrue,  wrong  --  (not  according  with  the  facts;  "unfortunately  the  statement  was  simply  untrue";  "the  facts  as  reported  were  wrong") 
  6.  wrong  --  (based  on  or  acting  or  judging  in  error;  "it  is  wrong  to  think  that  way") 
  7.  wrong  --  (not  in  accord  with  established  usage  or  procedure;  "the  wrong  medicine";  "the  wrong  way  to  shuck  clams") 
  8.  inappropriate,  incorrect,  wrong  --  (not  conforming  with  accepted  standards  of  propriety  or  taste;  undesirable;  "incorrect  behavior";  "she  was  seen  in  all  the  wrong  places";  "He  thought  it  was  wrong  for  her  to  go  out  to  work") 
  9.  wrong  --  (used  of  the  side  of  cloth  or  clothing  intended  to  face  inward;  "socks  worn  wrong  side  out") 
  10.  ill-timed,  ill  timed,  unseasonable,  untimely,  wrong  --  (badly  timed;  "an  ill-timed  intervention";  "you  think  my  intrusion  unseasonable";  "an  untimely  remark";  "it  was  the  wrong  moment  for  a  joke") 
  Overview  of  adv  wrong 
  The  adv  wrong  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  incorrectly,  wrongly,  wrong  --  (in  an  incorrect  manner;  "she  guessed  wrong") 

wrong definition