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yell yell definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  yell 
  1  of  2  senses  of  yell 
  Sense  1 
  shout,  shout  out  cry,  call  yell,  scream,  holler,  hollo,  squall 
  =>  hollo 
  =>  hurrah 
  =>  halloo 
  =>  whoop 
  =>  shriek,  shrill,  screech,  pipe  up  pipe 
  =>  howl,  ululate,  wail,  roar,  yawl 
  =>  squawk,  screak,  skreak,  skreigh,  screech 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  yell 
  1  of  2  senses  of  yell 
  Sense  1 
  shout,  shout  out  cry,  call  yell,  scream,  holler,  hollo,  squall 
  =>  hollo 
  =>  hurrah 
  =>  halloo 
  =>  whoop 
  =>  shriek,  shrill,  screech,  pipe  up  pipe 
  =>  yowl,  caterwaul 
  =>  howl,  ululate,  wail,  roar,  yawl 
  =>  squall,  waul,  wawl 
  =>  squawk,  screak,  skreak,  skreigh,  screech 
  Entailment  of  verb  yell 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  yell 
  2  senses  of  yell 
  Sense  1 
  shout,  shout  out  cry,  call  yell,  scream,  holler,  hollo,  squall 
  =>  utter,  emit,  let  out  let  loose 
  Sense  2 
  yell,  scream 
  =>  shout 
  Familiarity  of  verb  yell 
  yell  used  as  a  verb  is  rare  (polysemy  count  =  2) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  yell 
  Sense  1 
  shout,  shout  out  cry,  call  yell,  scream,  holler,  hollo,  squall 
  =>  utter,  emit,  let  out  let  loose 
  Sense  2 
  yell,  scream 
  =>  shout 
  Grep  of  noun  yell 
  yellow-bellied  sapsucker 
  yellow-bellied  terrapin 
  yellow-blue  color  blindness 
  yellow-blue  dichromacy 
  yellow-breasted  bunting 
  yellow-breasted  chat 
  yellow-crowned  night  heron 
  yellow-dog  contract 
  yellow-eyed  grass 
  yellow-eyed  grass  family 
  yellow-fever  mosquito 
  yellow-green  algae 
  yellow-leaf  sickle  pine 
  yellow-shafted  flicker 
  yellow-throated  marten 
  yellow  adder's  tongue 
  yellow  ageratum 
  yellow  asphodel 
  yellow  avens 
  yellow  bachelor's  button 
  yellow  bass 
  yellow  bean 
  yellow  bedstraw 
  yellow  bells 
  yellow  berry 
  yellow  bile 
  yellow  birch 
  yellow  bone  marrow 
  yellow  bristle  grass 
  yellow  bristlegrass 
  yellow  bugle 
  yellow  bunting 
  yellow  cattley  guava 
  yellow  cedar 
  yellow  chamomile 
  yellow  chestnut  oak 
  yellow  cleavers 
  yellow  clintonia 
  yellow  colicroot 
  yellow  cypress 
  yellow  delicious 
  yellow  dock 
  yellow  dwarf 
  yellow  dwarf  of  potato 
  yellow  fever 
  yellow  flag 
  yellow  foxglove 
  yellow  foxtail 
  yellow  giant  hyssop 
  yellow  globe  lily 
  yellow  goatfish 
  yellow  granadilla 
  yellow  green 
  yellow  gurnard 
  yellow  hawkweed 
  yellow  henbane 
  yellow  honeysuckle 
  yellow  horned  poppy 
  yellow  hornet 
  yellow  iris 
  yellow  ironweed 
  yellow  jacaranda 
  yellow  jack 
  yellow  jacket 
  yellow  jasmine 
  yellow  journalism 
  yellow  lady's  slipper 
  yellow  lady-slipper 
  yellow  light 
  yellow  locust 
  yellow  loosestrife 
  yellow  lupine 
  yellow  man 
  yellow  mariposa  tulip 
  yellow  marrow 
  yellow  metal 
  yellow  milkwort 
  yellow  mombin 
  yellow  mombin  tree 
  yellow  mountain  saxifrage 
  yellow  nutgrass 
  yellow  oak 
  yellow  ocher 
  yellow  ochre 
  yellow  oleander 
  yellow  pages 
  yellow  paper  daisy 
  yellow  parilla 
  yellow  pea 
  yellow  perch 
  yellow  peril 
  yellow  pimpernel 
  yellow  pine 
  yellow  pitcher  plant 
  yellow  pond  lily 
  yellow  poplar 
  yellow  race 
  yellow  river 
  yellow  rocket 
  yellow  root 
  yellow  salsify 
  yellow  sand  verbena 
  yellow  sea 
  yellow  spiny  daisy 
  yellow  spot 
  yellow  spot  fungus 
  yellow  spruce 
  yellow  squash 
  yellow  star-thistle 
  yellow  sweet  clover 
  yellow  trefoil 
  yellow  trumpet 
  yellow  turnip 
  yellow  twining  snapdragon 
  yellow  vetchling 
  yellow  warbler 
  yellow  water  flag 
  yellow  water  lily 
  yellow  watercress 
  yellow  woman 
  yellowbelly  marmot 
  yellowfin  croaker 
  yellowfin  mojarra 
  yellowfin  tuna 
  yellowish  brown 
  yellowish  green 
  yellowish  pink 
  yellowstone  national  park 
  yellowstone  river 
  yellowtail  flounder 
  yellowtail  snapper 
  yellowwood  tree 
  Overview  of  noun  yell 
  The  noun  yell  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (7)  cry,  outcry,  call  yell,  shout,  vociferation  --  (a  loud  utterance;  often  in  protest  or  opposition;  "the  speaker  was  interrupted  by  loud  cries  from  the  rear  of  the  audience") 
  2.  (4)  cry,  yell  --  (a  loud  utterance  of  emotion  (especially  when  inarticulate);  "a  cry  of  rage";  "a  yell  of  pain") 
  Overview  of  verb  yell 
  The  verb  yell  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (18)  shout,  shout  out  cry,  call  yell,  scream,  holler,  hollo,  squall  --  (utter  a  sudden  loud  cry;  "she  cried  with  pain  when  the  doctor  inserted  the  needle";  "I  yelled  to  her  from  the  window  but  she  couldn't  hear  me") 
  2.  (6)  yell,  scream  --  (utter  or  declare  in  a  very  loud  voice;  "You  don't  have  to  yell--I  can  hear  you  just  fine") 
  Grep  of  adj  yell 
  Overview  of  noun  yell 
  The  noun  yell  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (7)  cry,  outcry,  call  yell,  shout,  vociferation  --  (a  loud  utterance;  often  in  protest  or  opposition;  "the  speaker  was  interrupted  by  loud  cries  from  the  rear  of  the  audience") 
  2.  (4)  cry,  yell  --  (a  loud  utterance  of  emotion  (especially  when  inarticulate);  "a  cry  of  rage";  "a  yell  of  pain") 
  Overview  of  verb  yell 
  The  verb  yell  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (18)  shout,  shout  out  cry,  call  yell,  scream,  holler,  hollo,  squall  --  (utter  a  sudden  loud  cry;  "she  cried  with  pain  when  the  doctor  inserted  the  needle";  "I  yelled  to  her  from  the  window  but  she  couldn't  hear  me") 
  2.  (6)  yell,  scream  --  (utter  or  declare  in  a  very  loud  voice;  "You  don't  have  to  yell--I  can  hear  you  just  fine") 

yell definition