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visions visions definition


  Grep  of  noun  visions 
  Grep  of  noun  vision 
  achromatic  vision 
  administrative  division 
  advertising  division 
  benthic  division 
  binocular  vision 
  cable  television 
  cell  division 
  cellular  division 
  central  vision 
  chromatic  vision 
  closed-circuit  television 
  color  television 
  color  vision 
  color  vision  deficiency 
  colour  television 
  colour  vision  deficiency 
  daylight  vision 
  distance  vision 
  double  vision 
  field-sequential  color  television 
  form  division 
  foveal  vision 
  high-definition  television 
  line  of  vision 
  long  division 
  monochromatic  vision 
  monocular  vision 
  near  vision 
  night  vision 
  peripheral  vision 
  phase  of  cell  division 
  photopic  vision 
  porcupine  provision 
  reduction  division 
  sales  division 
  scotopic  vision 
  short  division 
  stereoscopic  vision 
  territorial  division 
  tunnel  vision 
  twilight  vision 
  vision  defect 
  word  division 
  Overview  of  noun  vision 
  The  noun  vision  has  5  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (13)  vision  --  (a  vivid  mental  image;  "he  had  a  vision  of  his  own  death") 
  2.  (8)  sight,  vision,  visual  sense  visual  modality  --  (the  ability  to  see  the  faculty  of  vision) 
  3.  (7)  vision,  visual  sensation  --  (the  perceptual  experience  of  seeing;  "the  runners  emerged  from  the  trees  into  his  clear  vision";  "he  had  a  visual  sensation  of  intense  light") 
  4.  (2)  imagination,  imaginativeness,  vision  --  (the  power  of  imagination;  "popular  imagination  created  a  world  of  demons") 
  5.  (1)  vision  --  (a  religious  or  mystical  experience  of  a  supernatural  appearance;  "he  had  a  vision  of  the  Virgin  Mary") 
  Overview  of  noun  vision 
  The  noun  vision  has  5  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (13)  vision  --  (a  vivid  mental  image;  "he  had  a  vision  of  his  own  death") 
  2.  (8)  sight,  vision,  visual  sense  visual  modality  --  (the  ability  to  see  the  faculty  of  vision) 
  3.  (7)  vision,  visual  sensation  --  (the  perceptual  experience  of  seeing;  "the  runners  emerged  from  the  trees  into  his  clear  vision";  "he  had  a  visual  sensation  of  intense  light") 
  4.  (2)  imagination,  imaginativeness,  vision  --  (the  power  of  imagination;  "popular  imagination  created  a  world  of  demons") 
  5.  (1)  vision  --  (a  religious  or  mystical  experience  of  a  supernatural  appearance;  "he  had  a  vision  of  the  Virgin  Mary") 

visions definition