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attacks definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  attack 
  4  of  6  senses  of  attack 
  Sense  1 
  attack,  assail 
  =>  submarine 
  =>  pepper,  pelt 
  =>  strike,  hit 
  =>  counterattack,  counterstrike 
  =>  gas 
  =>  storm,  surprise 
  =>  blitz 
  =>  invade,  occupy 
  =>  besiege,  beleaguer,  surround,  hem  in  circumvent 
  =>  bombard,  bomb 
  =>  cannonade 
  =>  torpedo 
  =>  raid,  bust 
  Sense  2 
  attack,  round,  assail,  lash  out  snipe,  assault 
  =>  abuse,  clapperclaw,  blackguard,  shout 
  =>  claw 
  =>  rip 
  =>  whang 
  =>  barrage 
  =>  blister,  whip 
  =>  rubbish 
  Sense  3 
  attack,  aggress 
  =>  check 
  =>  fork 
  =>  pin 
  =>  tackle 
  Sense  4 
  assail,  assault,  set  on  attack 
  =>  bait 
  =>  sic,  set 
  =>  bulldog 
  =>  rush 
  =>  savage 
  =>  reassail 
  =>  jump 
  =>  beset,  set  upon 
  =>  rape,  ravish,  violate,  dishonor,  dishonour,  outrage 
  =>  desecrate,  profane,  outrage,  violate 
  =>  molest 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  attack 
  4  of  6  senses  of  attack 
  Sense  1 
  attack,  assail 
  =>  submarine 
  =>  pepper,  pelt 
  =>  strike,  hit 
  =>  slice 
  =>  chop 
  =>  stroke 
  =>  retaliate,  strike  back 
  =>  counterattack,  counterstrike 
  =>  gas 
  =>  teargas 
  =>  storm,  surprise 
  =>  blitz 
  =>  invade,  occupy 
  =>  infest,  overrun 
  =>  besiege,  beleaguer,  surround,  hem  in  circumvent 
  =>  blockade,  seal  off 
  =>  ebb 
  =>  bombard,  bomb 
  =>  bomb  out 
  =>  dive-bomb 
  =>  glide-bomb 
  =>  skip-bomb 
  =>  atom-bomb,  nuke 
  =>  hydrogen-bomb 
  =>  pattern-bomb 
  =>  nuke,  atomize,  atomise,  zap 
  =>  letter-bomb 
  =>  firebomb 
  =>  blast,  strafe,  shell 
  =>  crump 
  =>  cannonade 
  =>  torpedo 
  =>  raid,  bust 
  Sense  2 
  attack,  round,  assail,  lash  out  snipe,  assault 
  =>  abuse,  clapperclaw,  blackguard,  shout 
  =>  slang 
  =>  vilify,  revile,  vituperate,  rail 
  =>  curse 
  =>  claw 
  =>  rip 
  =>  whang 
  =>  barrage 
  =>  blister,  whip 
  =>  rubbish 
  Sense  3 
  attack,  aggress 
  =>  check 
  =>  fork 
  =>  pin 
  =>  tackle 
  Sense  4 
  assail,  assault,  set  on  attack 
  =>  bait 
  =>  sic,  set 
  =>  bulldog 
  =>  rush 
  =>  charge,  bear  down 
  =>  savage 
  =>  reassail 
  =>  jump 
  =>  beset,  set  upon 
  =>  rape,  ravish,  violate,  dishonor,  dishonour,  outrage 
  =>  gang-rape 
  =>  desecrate,  profane,  outrage,  violate 
  =>  molest 
  Entailment  of  verb  attack 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  attack 
  6  senses  of  attack 
  Sense  1 
  attack,  assail 
  =>  fight,  struggle 
  Sense  2 
  attack,  round,  assail,  lash  out  snipe,  assault 
  =>  criticize,  criticise,  pick  apart 
  Sense  3 
  attack,  aggress 
  =>  act  move 
  Sense  4 
  assail,  assault,  set  on  attack 
  Sense  5 
  =>  begin,  get  start  out  start  set  about  set  out  commence 
  Sense  6 
  =>  affect 
  Familiarity  of  verb  attack 
  attack  used  as  a  verb  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  6) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  attack 
  Sense  1 
  attack,  assail 
  =>  fight,  struggle 
  Sense  3 
  attack,  aggress 
  =>  act  move 
  Sense  2 
  attack,  round,  assail,  lash  out  snipe,  assault 
  =>  criticize,  criticise,  pick  apart 
  Sense  4 
  assail,  assault,  set  on  attack 
  Sense  5 
  =>  begin,  get  start  out  start  set  about  set  out  commence 
  Sense  6 
  =>  affect 
  Grep  of  noun  attack 
  air  attack 
  angle  of  attack 
  anxiety  attack 
  asthma  attack 
  attack  aircraft 
  attack  aircraft  carrier 
  attack  dog 
  attack  submarine 
  banzai  attack 
  diversionary  attack 
  ground  attack 
  heart  attack 
  panic  attack 
  plan  of  attack 
  surprise  attack 
  transient  ischemic  attack 
  warning  of  attack 
  Overview  of  noun  attack 
  The  noun  attack  has  8  senses  (first  8  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (419)  attack,  onslaught,  onset,  onrush  --  (an  offensive  against  and  enemy  (using  weapons);  "the  attack  began  at  dawn") 
  2.  (177)  attack  --  (a  sudden  occurrence  of  an  uncontrollable  condition;  "an  attack  of  diarrhea") 
  3.  (141)  fire,  attack,  flak,  flack,  blast  --  (intense  adverse  criticism;  "Clinton  directed  his  fire  at  the  Republican  Party";  "the  government  has  come  under  attack";  "don't  give  me  any  flak") 
  4.  (107)  attack,  attempt  --  (the  act  of  attacking;  "attacks  on  women  increased  last  year";  "they  made  an  attempt  on  his  life") 
  5.  (56)  attack  --  (an  offensive  move  in  a  sport  or  game;  "they  won  the  game  with  a  10-hit  attack  in  the  9th  inning") 
  6.  (17)  attack  --  (the  onset  of  a  corrosive  or  destructive  process  (as  by  a  chemical  agent);  "the  film  was  sensitive  to  attack  by  acids";  "open  to  attack  by  the  elements") 
  7.  (6)  approach,  attack,  plan  of  attack  --  (ideas  or  actions  intended  to  deal  with  a  problem  or  situation;  "his  approach  to  every  problem  is  to  draw  up  a  list  of  pros  and  cons";  "an  attack  on  inflation";  "his  plan  of  attack  was  misguided") 
  8.  (2)  attack,  tone-beginning  --  (a  decisive  manner  of  beginning  a  musical  tone  or  phrase) 
  Overview  of  verb  attack 
  The  verb  attack  has  6  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (22)  attack,  assail  --  (launch  an  attack  or  assault  on  begin  hostilities  with  as  in  warfare;  "Hitler  attacked  Poland  on  September  1,  1939  and  started  World  War  II";  "Serbian  forces  assailed  Bosnian  towns  all  week") 
  2.  (9)  attack,  round,  assail,  lash  out  snipe,  assault  --  (attack  verbally,  in  speech  or  writing;  "The  editors  of  the  left-leaning  paper  attacked  the  new  House  Speaker") 
  3.  (8)  attack,  aggress  --  (take  the  initiative  and  go  on  the  offensive:  "The  Serbs  attacked  the  village  at  night";  "The  visiting  team  started  to  attack") 
  4.  (4)  assail,  assault,  set  on  attack  --  (attack  someone  physically  or  emotionally;  "The  mugger  assaulted  the  woman";  "Nightmares  assailed  him  regularly") 
  5.  (1)  attack  --  (set  to  work  upon  turn  one's  energies  vigorously  to  a  task;  "I  attacked  the  problem  as  soon  as  I  got  out  of  bed") 
  6.  attack  --  (begin  to  injure;  "The  cancer  cells  are  attacking  his  liver";  "Rust  is  attacking  the  metal") 
  Overview  of  noun  attack 
  The  noun  attack  has  8  senses  (first  8  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (419)  attack,  onslaught,  onset,  onrush  --  (an  offensive  against  and  enemy  (using  weapons);  "the  attack  began  at  dawn") 
  2.  (177)  attack  --  (a  sudden  occurrence  of  an  uncontrollable  condition;  "an  attack  of  diarrhea") 
  3.  (141)  fire,  attack,  flak,  flack,  blast  --  (intense  adverse  criticism;  "Clinton  directed  his  fire  at  the  Republican  Party";  "the  government  has  come  under  attack";  "don't  give  me  any  flak") 
  4.  (107)  attack,  attempt  --  (the  act  of  attacking;  "attacks  on  women  increased  last  year";  "they  made  an  attempt  on  his  life") 
  5.  (56)  attack  --  (an  offensive  move  in  a  sport  or  game;  "they  won  the  game  with  a  10-hit  attack  in  the  9th  inning") 
  6.  (17)  attack  --  (the  onset  of  a  corrosive  or  destructive  process  (as  by  a  chemical  agent);  "the  film  was  sensitive  to  attack  by  acids";  "open  to  attack  by  the  elements") 
  7.  (6)  approach,  attack,  plan  of  attack  --  (ideas  or  actions  intended  to  deal  with  a  problem  or  situation;  "his  approach  to  every  problem  is  to  draw  up  a  list  of  pros  and  cons";  "an  attack  on  inflation";  "his  plan  of  attack  was  misguided") 
  8.  (2)  attack,  tone-beginning  --  (a  decisive  manner  of  beginning  a  musical  tone  or  phrase) 
  Overview  of  verb  attack 
  The  verb  attack  has  6  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (22)  attack,  assail  --  (launch  an  attack  or  assault  on  begin  hostilities  with  as  in  warfare;  "Hitler  attacked  Poland  on  September  1,  1939  and  started  World  War  II";  "Serbian  forces  assailed  Bosnian  towns  all  week") 
  2.  (9)  attack,  round,  assail,  lash  out  snipe,  assault  --  (attack  verbally,  in  speech  or  writing;  "The  editors  of  the  left-leaning  paper  attacked  the  new  House  Speaker") 
  3.  (8)  attack,  aggress  --  (take  the  initiative  and  go  on  the  offensive:  "The  Serbs  attacked  the  village  at  night";  "The  visiting  team  started  to  attack") 
  4.  (4)  assail,  assault,  set  on  attack  --  (attack  someone  physically  or  emotionally;  "The  mugger  assaulted  the  woman";  "Nightmares  assailed  him  regularly") 
  5.  (1)  attack  --  (set  to  work  upon  turn  one's  energies  vigorously  to  a  task;  "I  attacked  the  problem  as  soon  as  I  got  out  of  bed") 
  6.  attack  --  (begin  to  injure;  "The  cancer  cells  are  attacking  his  liver";  "Rust  is  attacking  the  metal") 

attacks definition