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  7  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Air  \Air\  ([^a]r),  v.  t.  [imp.  &  p.  p.  {Aired}  ([^a]rd);  p.  pr 
  &  vb  n.  {Airing}.]  [See  {Air},  n.,  and  cf  {A[eum]rate}.] 
  1.  To  expose  to  the  air  for  the  purpose  of  cooling, 
  refreshing,  or  purifying;  to  ventilate;  as  to  air  a  room 
  It  were  good  wisdom  .  .  .  that  the  jail  were  aired. 
  Were  you  but  riding  forth  to  air  yourself  --Shak. 
  2.  To  expose  for  the  sake  of  public  notice;  to  display 
  ostentatiously;  as  to  air  one's  opinion. 
  Airing  a  snowy  hand  and  signet  gem.  --Tennyson. 
  3.  To  expose  to  heat,  for  the  purpose  of  expelling  dampness, 
  or  of  warming;  as  to  air  linen;  to  air  liquors. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Air  \Air\  ([^a]r),  n.  [OE.  air,  eir,  F.  air,  L.  a["e]r,  fr  Gr 
  'ah`r,  air,  mist,  for  'a[digamma]hr,  fr  root  'a[digamma]  to 
  blow,  breathe,  probably  akin  to  E.  wind.  In  sense  10  the 
  French  has  taking  a  meaning  fr  It  aria  atmosphere,  air,  fr 
  the  same  Latin  word  and  in  senses  11,  12,  13  the  French 
  meaning  is  either  fr  L.  aria,  or  due  to  confusion  with  F. 
  aire,  in  an  older  sense  of  origin,  descent.  Cf  {A["e]ry}, 
  {Debonair},  {Malaria},  {Wind}.] 
  1.  The  fluid  which  we  breathe,  and  which  surrounds  the  earth; 
  the  atmosphere.  It  is  invisible,  inodorous,  insipid, 
  transparent,  compressible,  elastic,  and  ponderable. 
  Note:  By  the  ancient  philosophers,  air  was  regarded  as  an 
  element;  but  modern  science  has  shown  that  it  is 
  essentially  a  mixture  of  oxygen  and  nitrogen,  with  a 
  small  amount  of  carbon  dioxide,  the  average  proportions 
  being  by  volume:  oxygen,  20.96  per  cent.;  nitrogen, 
  79.00  per  cent.;  carbon  dioxide,  0.04  per  cent.  These 
  proportions  are  subject  to  a  very  slight  variability. 
  Air  also  always  contains  some  vapor  of  water. 
  2.  Symbolically:  Something  unsubstantial,  light,  or  volatile. 
  ``Charm  ache  with  air.''  --Shak. 
  He  was  still  all  air  and  fire.  [Air  and  fire  being 
  the  finer  and  quicker  elements  as  opposed  to  earth  and 
  water.]  --Macaulay 
  3.  A  particular  state  of  the  atmosphere,  as  respects  heat, 
  cold,  moisture,  etc.,  or  as  affecting  the  sensations;  as 
  a  smoky  air,  a  damp  air,  the  morning  air,  etc 
  4.  Any  a["e]riform  body;  a  gas;  as  oxygen  was  formerly 
  called  vital  air.  [Obs.] 
  5.  Air  in  motion;  a  light  breeze;  a  gentle  wind. 
  Let  vernal  airs  through  trembling  osiers  play. 
  6.  Odoriferous  or  contaminated  air. 
  7.  That  which  surrounds  and  influences. 
  The  keen,  the  wholesome  air  of  poverty. 
  8.  Utterance  abroad;  publicity;  vent. 
  You  gave  it  air  before  me  --Dryden. 
  9.  Intelligence;  information.  [Obs.]  --Bacon. 
  10.  (Mus.) 
  a  A  musical  idea,  or  motive,  rhythmically  developed  in 
  consecutive  single  tones,  so  as  to  form  a  symmetrical 
  and  balanced  whole,  which  may  be  sung  by  a  single 
  voice  to  the  stanzas  of  a  hymn  or  song,  or  even  to 
  plain  prose,  or  played  upon  an  instrument;  a  melody; 
  a  tune;  an  aria. 
  b  In  harmonized  chorals,  psalmody,  part  songs,  etc., 
  the  part  which  bears  the  tune  or  melody  --  in  modern 
  harmony  usually  the  upper  part  --  is  sometimes  called 
  the  air. 
  11.  The  peculiar  look  appearance,  and  bearing  of  a  person; 
  mien;  demeanor;  as  the  air  of  a  youth;  a  heavy  air;  a 
  lofty  air.  ``His  very  air.''  --Shak. 
  12.  Peculiar  appearance;  apparent  character;  semblance; 
  manner;  style. 
  It  was  communicated  with  the  air  of  a  secret. 
  12.  pl  An  artificial  or  affected  manner;  show  of  pride  or 
  vanity;  haughtiness;  as  it  is  said  of  a  person,  he  puts 
  on  airs.  --Thackeray. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  adj  :  relating  to  or  characteristic  of  or  occurring  in  the  air; 
  "air  war";  "air  safety";  "air  travel"  [syn:  {air(a)}] 
  [ant:  {land(a)},  {sea(a)}] 
  n  1:  a  mixture  of  gases  (especially  oxygen)  required  for 
  breathing;  the  stuff  that  the  wind  consists  of 
  2:  travel  via  aircraft;  "air  travel  involves  too  much  waiting 
  in  airports";  "if  you've  time  to  spare  go  by  air"  [syn:  {air 
  travel},  {aviation}] 
  3:  the  region  above  the  ground;  "her  hand  stopped  in  mid  air"; 
  "the  hanged  man  danced  on  air" 
  4:  medium  for  radio  and  television  broadcasting;  "the  program 
  was  on  the  air  from  9  til  midnight";  "the  president  used 
  the  airwaves  to  take  his  message  to  the  people"  [syn:  {airwave}] 
  5:  a  distinctive  manner;  "an  air  of  mystery" 
  6:  a  slight  wind  (usually  refreshing);  "the  breeze  was  cooled 
  by  the  lake"  [syn:  {breeze},  {zephyr},  {gentle  wind}] 
  7:  a  distinctive  but  intangible  quality  surrounding  a  person  or 
  thing:  "an  atmosphere  of  defeat  pervaded  the  candidate's 
  headquarters";  "the  place  had  an  aura  of  romance"  [syn:  {aura}, 
  8:  where  the  air  is  unconfined;  "he  wanted  to  get  out  in  the 
  air  a  little";  "the  concert  was  held  in  the  open  air"; 
  "camping  in  the  open"  [syn:  {outdoors},  {out-of-doors},  {open 
  air},  {open}] 
  9:  medium  for  spoken  communication;  "he  gave  air  to  his 
  10:  nowhere  to  be  found  in  a  giant  void;  "it  vanished  into  thin 
  11:  a  succession  of  notes  forming  a  distinctive  sequence;  "she 
  was  humming  an  air  from  Beethoven"  [syn:  {tune},  {melody}, 
  {strain},  {melodic  line},  {line},  {melodic  phrase}] 
  12:  (archaic)  once  thought  to  be  one  of  four  elements  composing 
  the  universe 
  13:  an  short  excursion  (a  walk  or  ride)  in  the  open  air;  "after 
  lunch  he  took  the  air";  "he  took  the  dogs  for  an  airing" 
  [syn:  {airing}] 
  v  1:  expose  to  fresh  air,  as  of  old  clothing  [syn:  {air  out}] 
  2:  be  broadcast;  "This  show  will  air  Saturdays  at  2  P.M." 
  3:  broadcast  over  the  airwaves,  as  in  radio  or  television;  "We 
  cannot  air  this  X-rated  song"  [syn:  {send},  {broadcast},  {beam}, 
  4:  make  public;  "She  aired  her  opinions  on  welfare"  [syn:  {publicize}, 
  {publicise},  {bare}] 
  5:  expose  to  warm  or  heated  air,  so  as  to  dry;  "Air  linen" 
  6:  expose  to  cool  or  cold  air  so  as  to  cool  or  freshen;  "air 
  the  old  winter  clothes";  "air  out  the  smoke-filled  rooms" 
  [syn:  {vent},  {ventilate},  {air  out}] 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
    A  future  {infrared}  standard  from  {IrDA}.  AIR  will 
  provide  in-room  multipoint  to  multipoint  connectivity  AIR 
  supports  a  data  rate  of  4  Mbps  at  a  distance  of  4  metres,  and 
  250  Kbps  at  up  to  8  metres.  It  is  designed  for  cordless 
  connections  to  multiple  peripherals  and  meeting  room 
  collaboration  applications. 
  See  also  {IrDA  Data}  and  {IrDA  Control} 
  From  Easton's  1897  Bible  Dictionary  [easton]: 
  the  atmosphere,  as  opposed  to  the  higher  regions  of  the  sky  (1 
  Thess.  4:17;  Rev.  9:2;  16:17).  This  word  occurs  once  as  the 
  rendering  of  the  Hebrew  _ruah_  (Job  41:16);  elsewhere  it  is  the 
  rendering  of  _shamaiyim_,  usually  translated  "heavens." 
  The  expression  "to  speak  into  the  air"  (1  Cor.  14:9)  is  a 
  proverb  denoting  to  speak  in  vain,  as  to  "beat  the  air"  (1  Cor. 
  9:26)  denotes  to  labour  in  vain. 
  From  V.E.R.A.  --  Virtual  Entity  of  Relevant  Acronyms  13  March  2001  [vera]: 
  Automatic  Image  Refinement  (Canon),  "A.I.R." 
  From  THE  DEVIL'S  DICTIONARY  ((C)1911  Released  April  15  1993)  [devils]: 
  AIR,  n.  A  nutritious  substance  supplied  by  a  bountiful  Providence  for 
  the  fattening  of  the  poor. 

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