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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Insecta  \In*sec"ta\,  n.  pl  [NL.  See  {Insect}.] 
  1.  (Zo["o]l.)  One  of  the  classes  of  Arthropoda,  including 
  those  that  have  one  pair  of  antenn[ae],  three  pairs  of 
  mouth  organs,  and  breathe  air  by  means  of  trache[ae], 
  opening  by  spiracles  along  the  sides  of  the  body.  In  this 
  sense  it  includes  the  Hexapoda,  or  six-legged  insects  and 
  the  Myriapoda,  with  numerous  legs.  See  {Insect},  n. 
  2.  (Zo["o]l.)  In  a  more  restricted  sense  the  Hexapoda  alone. 
  See  {Hexapoda}. 
  3.  (Zo["o]l.)  In  the  most  general  sense  the  Hexapoda, 
  Myriapoda,  and  Arachnoidea,  combined. 
  Note:  The  typical  Insecta,  or  hexapod  insects,  are  divided 
  into  several  orders  viz.:  {Hymenoptera},  as  the  bees 
  and  ants;  {Diptera},  as  the  common  flies  and  gnats; 
  {Aphaniptera},  or  fleas;  {Lepidoptera},  or  moths  and 
  butterflies;  {Neuroptera},  as  the  ant-lions  and 
  hellgamite;  {Coleoptera},  or  beetles;  {Hemiptera},  as 
  bugs,  lice,  aphids;  {Orthoptera},  as  grasshoppers  and 
  cockroaches;  {Pseudoneuroptera},  as  the  dragon  flies 
  and  termites;  {Euplexoptera},  or  earwings;  {Thysanura}, 
  as  the  springtails,  podura,  and  lepisma.  See  these 
  words  in  the  Vocabulary. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Aphaniptera  \Aph`a*nip"te*ra\,  n.  pl  [NL.,  fr  Gr  ?  invisible 
  ('a  priv.  +  ?  to  appear)  +  ?  a  wing.]  (Zo["o]l.) 
  A  group  of  wingless  insects,  of  which  the  flea  in  the  type 
  See  {Flea}.