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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Ecstasy  \Ec"sta*sy\,  n.;  pl  {Ecstasies}.  [F.  extase,  L. 
  ecstasis,  fr  Gr  ?,  fr  ?  to  put  out  of  place  derange;  ?  = 
  ?  out  +  ?  to  set  stand  See  {Ex-},  and  {Stand}.]  [Also 
  written  {extasy}.] 
  1.  The  state  of  being  beside  one's  self  or  rapt  out  of  one's 
  self  a  state  in  which  the  mind  is  elevated  above  the 
  reach  of  ordinary  impressions,  as  when  under  the  influence 
  of  overpowering  emotion;  an  extraordinary  elevation  of  the 
  spirit,  as  when  the  soul,  unconscious  of  sensible  objects, 
  is  supposed  to  contemplate  heavenly  mysteries. 
  Like  a  mad  prophet  in  an  ecstasy.  --Dryden. 
  This  is  the  very  ecstasy  of  love.  --Shak. 
  2.  Excessive  and  overmastering  joy  or  enthusiasm;  rapture; 
  enthusiastic  delight. 
  He  on  the  tender  grass  Would  sit  and  hearken  even 
  to  ecstasy.  --Milton. 
  3.  Violent  distraction  of  mind;  violent  emotion;  excessive 
  grief  of  anxiety;  insanity;  madness.  [Obs.] 
  That  unmatched  form  and  feature  of  blown  youth 
  Blasted  with  ecstasy.  --Shak. 
  Our  words  will  but  increase  his  ecstasy.  --Marlowe. 
  4.  (Med.)  A  state  which  consists  in  total  suspension  of 
  sensibility,  of  voluntary  motion,  and  largely  of  mental 
  power.  The  body  is  erect  and  inflexible;  the  pulsation  and 
  breathing  are  not  affected.  --Mayne. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Extasy  \Ex"ta*sy\,  n.  &  v.  t. 
  See  {Ecstasy},  n.  &  v.  t.