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icer definition
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Grep of noun icer air force officer army officer artificer chief executive officer chief operating officer chief petty officer church officer cicer commanding officer commissioned military officer commissioned naval officer commissioned officer deicer desk officer dicer disinfestation officer executive officer field-grade officer field officer financial officer flag officer general officer genus cicer hearing officer intelligence officer juicer law officer line officer medical officer military officer naval officer noncommissioned officer noticer officer peace officer petty officer police officer presiding officer probation officer prosecuting officer ricer sacrificer ship's officer slicer splicer staff officer supply officer voicer warrant officer Overview of adj ic The adj ic has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. ninety-nine, 99, ic -- (being nine more than ninety) Antonyms of adj ic 1 sense of ic Sense 1 ninety-nine, 99, ic INDIRECT (VIA cardinal) -> ordinal Similarity of adj ic 1 sense of ic Sense 1 ninety-nine, 99, ic => cardinal (vs. ordinal) Attributes of adj ic Familiarity of adj ic ic used as an adjective is very rare (polysemy count = 1) Grep of adj ic abasic abatic abiogenetic aboulic absolutistic abulic academic acanthotic acapnic acapnotic acatalectic acentric acerbic acetic acetonic acetylenic acetylic acherontic achlorhydric achondritic achondroplastic achromatic achromatinic achromic acidic acidimetric acidophilic acidotic aciduric acinic acoustic acrobatic acrocentric acrogenic acromegalic acronymic acrophobic actinic actinometric actinomorphic actinomycotic activistic acyclic adiabatic adrenergic adrenocorticotrophic adrenocorticotropic adventuristic adynamic aeolotropic aerobic aerobiotic aerodynamic aerolytic aeromechanic aeronautic aerophilatelic aerophilic aesthetic aetiologic agamic agamogenetic agnatic agnostic agonistic agoraphobic agranulocytic agraphic agrestic agrobiologic agrologic agronomic agrypnotic albinic albinistic albinotic albitic albuminuric alchemic alchemistic alcoholic aldehydic aldermanic aleuronic alexic algebraic algolagnic algometric algophobic algorithmic aliphatic alkahestic alkalic alkalotic alkylic allantoic allegoric allelic allelomorphic allergenic allergic allochronic allographic allometric allomorphic allopathic allopatric allophonic allotropic allylic alopecic alphabetic alphameric alphanumeric altaic altruistic amaurotic amblyopic amebic amenorrheic amenorrhoeic amerindic ametabolic ametropic amharic aminic amitotic ammonitic amnesic amnestic amnic amnionic amniotic amoebic amoristic amphibiotic amphiprotic amphitheatric amphoric amphoteric amylolytic anabatic anabiotic anabolic anachronic anachronistic anaclitic anacoluthic anaemic anaerobic anaerobiotic anaesthetic anaglyphic anaglyptic anagogic anagrammatic analeptic analgesic analgetic analphabetic analytic anamnestic anamorphic anapaestic anapestic anaphasic anaphoric anaphylactic anaplastic anarchic anarchistic anastigmatic anastomotic anatomic anchoritic androgenetic androgenic anecdotic anechoic anemic anemographic anemometric anencephalic anesthetic anestric aneurismatic aneurysmatic angelic angiocarpic anglo-catholic anglophilic anglophobic anicteric animalistic animatistic animistic anionic aniseikonic anisogametic anisogamic anisometric anisometropic anisotropic ankylotic annalistic anodic anomic anorectic anorexic anorexigenic anorthic anorthitic anosmatic anosmic anoxemic anoxic antagonistic antarctic anthelminthic anthelmintic anthracitic anthropic anthropocentric anthropogenetic anthropogenic anthropometric anthropomorphic anti-semitic antiadrenergic antibiotic antic anticholinergic anticlimactic anticyclonic antidromic antiferromagnetic antigenic antimagnetic antimicrobic antimonic antineoplastic antipathetic antiphlogistic antipyretic antiseptic antistrophic antithetic antitoxic antitypic anuretic anuric anxiolytic aoristic aortic apathetic aperiodic aphaeretic aphakic aphanitic aphasic apheretic aphetic aphonic aphoristic aphotic aplanatic aplitic apneic apnoeic apocalyptic apochromatic apodeictic apodictic apogametic apogamic apologetic apomictic aponeurotic apopemptic apoplectic aposiopetic apostolic apostrophic apothegmatic apotropaic apractic apraxic aquaphobic aquatic arabic aramaic archaeologic archaeozoic archaic archaistic archangelic archeologic archeozoic archipelagic architectonic arctic argentic aristocratic arithmetic aromatic arrhythmic arteriosclerotic arthralgic arthritic arthromeric arthrosporic artistic ascetic ascitic ascosporic aseptic asiatic asphaltic aspheric astatic asthenic asthmatic astigmatic astrocytic astronautic astronomic asymmetric asymptomatic asymptotic asyndetic asynergic atactic ataractic ataraxic atavistic ataxic ateleiotic atheistic atheromatic atherosclerotic athletic atlantic atmospheric atomic atomistic atonalistic atonic atoxic atrophic attic audiometric augitic auric austenitic autarchic autarkic authentic autistic autobiographic autocatalytic autochthonic autocratic autodidactic autoerotic autogenetic autogenic autographic autolytic automatic autonomic autophytic autoplastic autoradiographic autosemantic autotelic autotomic autotrophic autotypic auxetic auxinic avifaunistic avionic avitaminotic axenic axiomatic azoic azonic azotemic azotic bacchantic bacchic bacteremic bacteriologic bacteriolytic bacteriophagic bacteriostatic balletic ballistic balsamic baltic banausic baptistic barbaric bardic baric barographic barometric barytic basaltic basic basophilic bathetic batholithic batholitic bathymetric bauxitic beatific behavioristic behaviouristic belemnitic belletristic benefic benthic benthonic bentonitic benzoic benzylic bibliographic bibliophilic bibliopolic bibliotic bicentric bicyclic bigeneric bilaterally symmetric bimetallic bimetallistic bimorphemic biocatalytic bioclimatic biogenetic biogenic biogeographic biographic biologic biologistic bionic bionomic biosynthetic biosystematic biotic biotitic biotypic biquadratic bismuthic bistroic blastematic blastemic blastocoelic blastodermatic blastodermic blastogenetic blastomeric blastomycotic blastoporic blastospheric bolographic bolometric bolshevistic bombastic boracic boric boronic botanic boustrophedonic brachycephalic brachycranic brachydactylic brahminic bregmatic britannic bromic bromidic bronchitic bronchoscopic bryophytic bubonic bucolic buddhistic bulimic bureaucratic butyric cabalistic cachectic cacodaemonic cacodemonic cacodylic cacogenic cacophonic cadaveric caffeinic calcic calcific calcitic calendric calisthenic calligraphic caloric calorific calorimetric calvinistic camphoric cannibalic cannibalistic canonic capitalistic carbocyclic carbonic carbonylic carboxylic carcinogenic cardiographic cardiologic carposporic cartographic casuistic catabolic catachrestic cataclysmic catalatic catalectic cataleptic catalytic cataphoretic cataplastic catapultic catastrophic catatonic catechetic catechistic categorematic categoric cathartic cathectic cathodic catholic cationic catoptric caustic celtic cenobitic cenogenetic centralistic centric centromeric centrosomic centrosymmetric cephalic ceramic ceric chaotic characteristic charismatic chauvinistic chemic chemotherapeutic cherubic chiasmatic chiasmic chic chiliastic chimeric chiromantic chivalric choleraic choleric cholinergic chondritic choragic choreographic choric chorionic chromatic chromatinic chromatographic chronic chthonic chylific cinematic civic classic classicistic claustrophobic climactic climatic clitoric clonic coenobitic collectivistic colonic colorimetric cometic comic communistic concentric conceptualistic concretistic congeneric conic conspecific constructive-metabolic copacetic copasetic copesetic copesettic coptic cortico-hypothalamic coseismic cosmetic cosmic cosmogonic cosmologic craniometric cross-linguistic cryogenic cryptanalytic cryptic cryptobiotic cryptogamic cryptographic cubic cubistic cupric cyanogenetic cyanogenic cybernetic cyclic cyclonic cyclothymic cylindric cyrillic cystic cytoarchitectonic cytogenetic cytologic cytoplasmic cytotoxic czaristic dactylic decasyllabic decreasing monotonic deictic deific deistic delphic demagogic democratic demographic demonic demosthenic demotic dendritic dermatologic dermic despotic destructive-metabolic deterministic deuteranopic diabatic diabetic diabolic diachronic diacritic diagnostic diagrammatic dialectic diamagnetic diametric dianoetic diaphoretic diarrheic diarrhetic diarrhoeic diarrhoetic diastolic diatomic diatonic dicarboxylic dichromatic didactic dietetic dimorphic diplomatic dislogistic disyllabic dithyrambic dizygotic dogmatic dolichocephalic dolichocranic dolomitic domestic doric dramatic dramaturgic drastic dualistic dyadic dynamic dynastic dysgenic dyslectic dyslexic dyslogistic dyspeptic dysphemistic dysphoric dysplastic dyspneic dyspnoeic eccentric ecclesiastic echoic eclectic ecologic econometric economic ecstatic ectodermic ectomorphic ectopic ecumenic egocentric egoistic egotistic eidetic elastic electric electrocardiographic electroencephalographic electrolytic electromagnetic electron microscopic electronic electrophoretic electrostatic elliptic emblematic embolic embryonic embryotic emmetropic empathetic empathic emphatic empiric enatic encomiastic encyclopaedic encyclopedic endemic endermatic endermic endocentric endodontic endoergic endogamic endogenetic endogenic endomorphic endoparasitic endoscopic endothermic endozoic energetic enigmatic enolic enteric enthusiastic entomologic entozoic enzymatic eolithic eolotropic eosinophilic epic epicyclic epidemic epidemiologic epidermic epigastric epigrammatic epileptic epilithic epimorphic epiphytic epiphytotic episodic epistemic epizoic epizootic eponymic eremitic ergonomic ergotic ergotropic erotic erratic esoteric esthetic estrogenic ethnic ethnocentric ethnographic ethnologic etiologic eucaryotic eucharistic eudaemonic eudemonic eugenic eukaryotic eulogistic euphemistic euphonic euphoric eupneic eupnoeic eurasiatic eurocentric europocentric evangelistic exegetic exhibitionistic exocentric exodontic exoergic exogamic exogenetic exogenic exoteric exothermic exotic expressionistic extragalactic extralinguistic extrinsic fanatic fantastic fascistic fatalistic ferric ferromagnetic feudalistic fiber-optic fiberoptic fibre-optic fibreoptic fibrocalcific forensic formalistic formic formulaic frantic frenetic frigorific fundamentalistic futuristic gaelic galactic gallic galvanic gastric gastronomic genealogic generic genetic genic genotypic geocentric geodesic geodetic geographic geologic geometric geomorphologic geophytic geriatric germanic gigantic glycogenic gnomic gnostic gonadotrophic gonadotropic gothic graecophilic grammatic granitic granulocytic graphic gravimetric gymnastic gynandromorphic gynecologic gyroscopic haematic haematogenetic haematopoietic haematotic haemic haemolytic haemophilic haemopoietic haemorrhagic hallucinogenic haploidic haptic harmonic hebephrenic hebraic hectic hedonic hedonistic heliocentric hellenic hellenistic helminthic hematic hematogenetic hematologic hematopoietic hematotic hemic hemimetabolic hemimetamorphic hemiparasitic hemispheric hemolytic hemophilic hemopoietic hemorrhagic hemostatic hepatic hepatotoxic heraldic hermaphroditic hermetic hermitic heroic heterocyclic heterologic heterometabolic heterothermic heterotrophic heuristic hidrotic hierarchic hieratic hieroglyphic hippocratic hispanic histologic historic histrionic holistic holographic holometabolic holophytic holozoic homeopathic homeostatic homeothermic homeric homiletic homocentric homochromatic homocyclic homoerotic homoiothermic homologic homophobic homophonic homothermic honorific horrific humanistic hyaloplasmic hydraulic hydric hydrocephalic hydrodynamic hydroelectric hydrographic hydrokinetic hydrometric hydropathic hydrophilic hydrophobic hydrophytic hydroponic hydrostatic hygienic hygrophytic hygroscopic hyperbolic hypercatalectic hyperemic hypermetropic hyperopic hypertonic hypnagogic hypnogogic hypnotic hypodermic hypoglycaemic hypoglycemic hypothalamic hypothermic hypothetic hypotonic hypovolaemic hypovolemic hysteric iambic iatrogenic ic ice-clogged ice-cold ice-free icebound iced icelandic icelandic-speaking ichorous icky iconic iconoclastic icosahedral ictal icterogenic ictic icy idealistic ideographic ideologic idiographic idiomatic idiopathic idiosyncratic idiotic idyllic imbecilic immunologic imperialistic impolitic impressionistic inaesthetic inartistic inauthentic increasing monotonic individualistic indo-germanic inelastic infrasonic inharmonic inorganic intergalactic internationalistic interscholastic interspecific intradermic intralinguistic intraspecific intrinsic ionic irenic iridic iritic ironic ischaemic ischemic isentropic islamic isocyclic isogonic isolationistic isomeric isometric isomorphic isosmotic isotonic isotopic isotropic italic jacobinic jesuitic jingoistic journalistic judaic juridic juristic kaleidoscopic katabatic katabolic katharobic kinaesthetic kinesthetic kinetic koranic kyphotic laconic lactic lactogenic laic lentic leptorrhinic lethargic lexicographic lexicostatistic liberalistic limbic linguistic lipophilic lipotropic lithic lithographic lithomantic lithophytic logarithmic logistic lordotic lotic lunatic lymphatic lymphocytic lyric lysogenic macaronic macrencephalic macrobiotic macrocephalic macrocosmic macroscopic magic magnetic majestic malefic manic mantic masochistic masonic mass-spectrometric mass spectroscopic materialistic maternalistic matriarchic matricentric mechanic mechanistic megakaryocytic megalithic megaloblastic megalomanic megascopic meiotic melancholic melodic melodramatic mephitic mercuric meritocratic mesenteric mesic mesmeric mesoblastic mesolithic mesomorphic mesonic mesophytic messianic metabolic metacentric metallic metallurgic metameric metamorphic metaphoric metastatic meteoric meteoritic meteorologic metonymic metric miasmic microbic microcephalic microcosmic microelectronic micrometeoric micrometeoritic microscopic mid-atlantic middle atlantic militaristic mimetic mimic miotic misanthropic misogynic mithraic mithraistic mnemonic mnemotechnic modernistic monarchic monastic monistic monocarboxylic monocarpic monochromatic monochromic monoclinic monodic monogynic monolithic monometallic monomorphemic monophonic monopolistic monosyllabic monotheistic monotonic monotypic monozygotic moralistic morbific morganatic moronic morphemic morphologic morphophonemic mosaic mutagenic myalgic myelic myelinic myopathic myopic myotic myotonic myrmecophytic mysophobic mystic mythic mythologic nanocephalic napoleonic narcissistic narcoleptic narcotic nationalistic nativistic natriuretic naturalistic naturistic necromantic necrotic neoclassic neoclassicistic neolithic neoplastic nephritic nephrotoxic neritic neuralgic neurasthenic neuroanatomic neurogenic neurologic neuronic neuropsychiatric neurotic neurotoxic nihilistic nilotic nitric noetic nomadic nominalistic nomothetic non-automatic nonalcoholic noncaloric nonconcentric noncyclic nonechoic nonenzymatic nonharmonic nonhierarchic nonionic nonlinguistic nonmagnetic nonmechanistic nonmetallic nonmetamorphic nonmonotonic nonnomadic nonparametric nonparasitic nonperiodic nonphilosophic nonphotosynthetic nonpublic nonrhythmic nonspecific nonsyllabic nonsymbiotic nonsynthetic nontelescopic nontoxic nonvocalic nordic nostalgic numeric obstetric oceanic octosyllabic oecumenic ohmic oleophilic oleophobic oligarchic olympic oncologic oneiric onomatopoeic onomatopoetic ontogenetic operatic ophthalmic opportunistic opthalmic optic optimistic organic organicistic organismic orgiastic orphic orthodontic orthographic orthopaedic orthopedic orthoptic orthostatic osmotic otic ototoxic overenthusiastic pachydermic pacific pacifistic paederastic paediatric palaeolithic paleolithic palingenetic pan-hellenic panchromatic pancreatic pandemic panegyric panhellenic panoptic panoramic pantheistic pantropic papistic parabolic paradigmatic paradisaic paralytic paramagnetic parametric paraplegic parasitic parasympathetic parasympathomimetic parenthetic parthenogenetic particularistic paternalistic pathetic pathogenic pathologic patriarchic patricentric patriotic patristic patronymic pectic pedagogic pedantic pederastic pediatric pelagic pelvic pentasyllabic pentatonic peptic periodic periodontic peripatetic periphrastic pessimistic phagocytic phallic phantasmagoric pharaonic pharisaic pharmaceutic pharmacologic phenotypic philanthropic philatelic philharmonic philhellenic philosophic phlegmatic phobic phonemic phonetic phonic phonogramic phonologic phosphoric photic photoelectric photogenic photographic photosynthetic photovoltaic phreatic phrenetic phrenic phyletic phylogenetic physiologic physiotherapeutic phytophagic pianistic pictographic pietistic piezoelectric plagiaristic plagioclastic planktonic planographic plastic platonic platonistic platyrrhinic pleochroic pleomorphic pleonastic plethoric plumbic pluralistic plutocratic plutonic pneumatic pneumogastric pneumonic poetic poikilothermic pointilistic polarographic polemic politic polyatomic polychromatic polychromic polymeric polymorphemic polymorphic polyphonic polysemantic polysyllabic polysynthetic polytheistic pornographic porphyritic positivistic postganglionic pragmatic prehistoric presbyopic presymptomatic priapic prismatic probabilistic problematic procaryotic prodromic prognathic prognostic prokaryotic prolific propaedeutic propagandistic prophetic prophylactic prosaic prosodic prostatic prosthetic prosthodontic protanopic proteolytic proterozoic protogeometric prototypic protozoic pseudohermaphroditic pseudoscientific psychedelic psychiatric psychic psychoanalytic psychogenic psychokinetic psycholinguistic psychometric psychoneurotic psychopathic psychopathologic psychosomatic psychotherapeutic psychotic psychotropic ptolemaic pubic public pugilistic pulmonic punic puritanic pyaemic pycnotic pyemic pyknic pyknotic pyloric pyogenic pyrectic pyretic pyroelectric pyrogallic pyrogenic pyrolignic pyrolytic pyrotechnic pyrrhic quadraphonic quadrasonic quadratic quadriphonic quixotic rabbinic rachitic radiographic radiophonic radiotelephonic rationalistic realistic relativistic revivalistic rhapsodic rheologic rheumatic rhombic rhythmic ritualistic roentgenographic romaic roman catholic romantic romanticistic runic rustic sadistic sadomasochistic salvific sapphic saprobic saprophytic saprozoic sarcastic sarcolemmic sardonic satanic satiric satyric scalic scenic schematic schismatic schizophrenic scholastic sciatic scientific sclerotic scorbutic seismic seismologic semantic semiaquatic semiautomatic semiotic semipublic semisynthetic semitic semitropic sensationalistic septic septicemic seraphic seriocomic serologic shamanistic shintoistic sibyllic simplistic sinitic slavic slavonic socialistic sociobiologic socioeconomic sociolinguistic sociopathic socratic solomonic somatic somnific sonic sophistic soporific spasmodic spastic specialistic specific spectrographic spectrometric spectroscopic spermatic spheric spic spiritualistic splanchnic splenetic splenic spondaic sporadic static stearic stenographic stenotic stereophonic stereoscopic stereotypic stigmatic stochastic stoic stoichiometric stomachic strategic streptococcic stylistic styptic subaquatic subarctic subatomic suboceanic subsonic subtropic succinic sudorific sulfuric sulphuric supernaturalistic superpatriotic supersonic surrealistic sybaritic sycophantic syllabic syllogistic symbiotic symbolic symmetric sympathetic sympathomimetic sympatric symphonic symptomatic synaesthetic synaptic syncategorematic synchronic syncretic syncretistic syndetic synecdochic synergetic synergistic synesthetic synoptic synsemantic syntactic syntagmatic synthetic syphilitic systematic systemic talismanic tannic tantric tartaric tautologic taxonomic tectonic telegnostic telegraphic telepathic telephonic telescopic telluric telocentric tenebrific teratogenic terrific tetrametric teutonic thalassic thallophytic theistic thematic theocratic theoretic therapeutic thermic thermionic thermodynamic thermoelectric thermogravimetric thermohydrometric thermometric thermoplastic thermostatic thoracic thyrotoxic titanic tonic topographic totalistic totemic toxic toxicologic traditionalistic tragic tragicomic transatlantic transdermic transoceanic transonic transuranic transvestic traumatic tribadistic trichromatic triclinic trigonometric triskaidekaphobic tritanopic trochaic trophic trophoblastic trophotropic tropic tsaristic tympanic typic typographic tyrannic ultramicroscopic ultranationalistic ultrasonic unaesthetic unapologetic unartistic unauthentic uncharacteristic undemocratic undiplomatic undogmatic undomestic undramatic undynamic uneconomic unemphatic unenergetic unenthusiastic unergetic unhygienic universalistic unmelodic unneurotic unpacific unpatriotic unproblematic unprophetic unrealistic unrhythmic unromantic unsarcastic unscientific unspecific unsyllabic unsymbolic unsymmetric unsympathetic unsystematic unthematic uremic uric vaporific vatic vedic vibrionic viscoelastic viscometric viscosimetric vitriolic vocalic volcanic voltaic volumetric voyeuristic xenophobic xeric xerographic xerophytic yogic yogistic zoic zygomatic zygomorphic zygotic zymolytic zymotic Overview of adj ic The adj ic has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. ninety-nine, 99, ic -- (being nine more than ninety)
icer definition