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magi magi definition


  Grep  of  noun  magi 
  magic  bullet 
  magic  eye 
  magic  lantern 
  magic  marker 
  magic  number 
  magic  realism 
  magic  spell 
  magic  square 
  magic  trick 
  magical  ability 
  magical  power 
  magicicada  septendecim 
  maginot  line 
  Grep  of  noun  magus 
  Overview  of  noun  magi 
  The  noun  magi  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  Wise  Men,  Magi  --  ((New  Testament)  the  sages  who  visited  Jesus  and  Mary  and  Joseph  shortly  after  Jesus  was  born;  according  to  the  Gospel  of  Matthew  they  were  guided  by  a  star  and  brought  gifts  of  gold  and  frankincense  and  myrrh;  because  there  were  three  gifts  it  is  usually  assumed  that  there  were  three  of  them) 
  Overview  of  noun  magus 
  The  noun  magus  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  magus  --  (a  magician  or  sorcerer  of  ancient  times) 
  2.  magus  --  (a  member  of  the  Zoroastrian  priesthood  of  the  ancient  Persians) 
  Grep  of  adj  magi 
  Overview  of  noun  magi 
  The  noun  magi  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  Wise  Men,  Magi  --  ((New  Testament)  the  sages  who  visited  Jesus  and  Mary  and  Joseph  shortly  after  Jesus  was  born;  according  to  the  Gospel  of  Matthew  they  were  guided  by  a  star  and  brought  gifts  of  gold  and  frankincense  and  myrrh;  because  there  were  three  gifts  it  is  usually  assumed  that  there  were  three  of  them) 
  Overview  of  noun  magus 
  The  noun  magus  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  magus  --  (a  magician  or  sorcerer  of  ancient  times) 
  2.  magus  --  (a  member  of  the  Zoroastrian  priesthood  of  the  ancient  Persians) 

magi definition