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  1  definition  found 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
  The  {Unix}  {system  call}  which  establishes  a  mapping  between  a 
  range  of  addresses  in  a  user  process's  address  space  and  a 
  portion  of  some  "memory  object"  (typically  a  file,  one  of  the 
  special  devices"  /dev/mem  or  /dev/kmem  or  some 
  {memory-mapped}  peripheral).  This  allows  the  process  to 
  access  a  file  at  random  byte  offsets  without  using  the  seek 
  {system  call}  or  to  access  physical  addresses  or  {kernel}'s 
  {virtual  address}  space.  It  can  also  be  used  as  an 
  alternative  to  writing  a  {device  driver}  since  it  is  usually 
  simpler  to  code  and  faster  to  use 