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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Easton's  1897  Bible  Dictionary  [easton]: 
  coolness;  fragrance,  a  town  in  Reuben,  in  the  territory  of  Moab, 
  on  the  east  of  Jordan  (Josh.  13:19);  called  also  Shebam  and 
  Shibmah  (Num.  32:3,  38).  It  was  famous  for  its  vines  (Isa.  16:9; 
  Jer.  48:32).  It  has  been  identified  with  the  ruin  of  Sumieh 
  where  there  are  rock-cut  wine-presses.  This  fact  explains  the 
  words  of  the  prophets  referred  to  above.  It  was  about  5  miles 
  east  of  Heshbon. 
  From  Hitchcock's  Bible  Names  Dictionary  (late  1800's)  [hitchcock]: 
  Sibmah,  conversion;  captivity