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tor |
Grep of noun tor abbreviator abdicator abductor abettor abnegator abominator absorption factor absorption indicator abstractor academic administrator accelerator accelerator factor accentor acceptor accommodator accumulator ace inhibitor acid-base indicator activator actor actuator adaptor adductor adjudicator adjustor administrator adulator adulterator advocator aerator aerogenerator african monitor aggravator aggregator agitator alienator alleviator alligator alliterator allocator alpha-adrenergic receptor alpha-adrenoceptor alpha receptor alternator american alligator amputator ancestor angiogenesis inhibitor angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor animator annihilator annotator annunciator anti-torque rotor antiberiberi factor anticipator antihaemophilic factor antihemophilic factor antihemorrhagic factor antiophthalmic factor antipernicious anemia factor applicator appreciator appropriator arbitrator archidiskidon imperator arrogator art director art editor articulator asphyxiator aspirator assassinator asseverator assimilator astor astrogator atomic reactor attenuator attestator attestor attractor auditor authenticator aviator baby doctor ballast resistor baroreceptor benefactor beta-adrenergic receptor beta-adrenoceptor beta receptor bettor boa constrictor boiling water reactor brain doctor breeder reactor bronchodilator business editor business sector butterfly collector bypass capacitor calculator calosoma scrutator camera operator cantor capacitor captor carburetor carburettor cardiac monitor cartridge ejector cartridge extractor castor causal factor caveat emptor cavity resonator celebrator celestial equator chain reactor character actor charge-exchange accelerator chemical reactor chemoreceptor chest protector chinese alligator chiropractor christmas factor cine projector city editor claims adjustor clotting factor coadjutor coagulation factor coagulator cockcroft-walton accelerator cockcroft and walton accelerator coconspirator cofactor cognitive factor coin collector collaborator collector collimator coluber constrictor commentator common denominator common factor communicator commutator company operator competitor compositor conciliator conductor congenator connector conscientious objector conservator conspirator constrictor constrictor constrictor constructor contractor contributor convector conversion factor convertor cooperator coordinator copy editor corporate investor cottrell precipitator country doctor cox-2 inhibitor creator creditor crystal detector crystal oscillator cultivator cunctator curator cygnus buccinator debtor decisive factor decorator defalcator defecator defector defense contractor defibrillator deflator deflector defoliator demodulator demonstrator denominator depilator depositor depreciator dermacentor detector determining factor detonator detractor dictator diesel motor differentiator dilator director disambiguator discriminator display adaptor disseminator distributor doctor drill instructor duplicator ear-nose-and-throat doctor ear doctor editor educator effector ejaculator ejector elector electric motor electric refrigerator electrical distributor electrolytic capacitor electron accelerator electronic fetal monitor electronic foetal monitor electronic transistor electrostatic generator elevator elevator operator eliminator emancipator emptor emulator enteroceptor enumerator eoraptor epilator equator equivalent-binary-digit factor equivocator eradicator escalator estimator evaluator excavator excogitator executive director executor exhibitor existential operator expectorator exterminator exteroceptor extractor eye doctor fabricator facilitator factor family doctor fast reactor fetal monitor fetor film director film projector fish doctor flight indicator flight simulator flux applicator foetal monitor foetor food elevator foot doctor fornicator freight elevator fudge factor fuel indicator full radiator funeral director fusion reactor garbage collector gas-cooled reactor generator genitor genus alligator genus castor genus dermacentor genus eoraptor genus myocastor genus nestor genus stentor genus utahraptor genus velociraptor gerardus mercator gladiator grand inquisitor grantor great attractor greatest common factor growth hormone-releasing factor growth regulator guarantor hageman factor ham actor hand calculator heart monitor hector herb doctor heritor hesitator heterodyne oscillator highest common factor horse doctor house decorator hypothalamic releasing factor identity operator ignitor illustrator imitator impersonator impostor incinerator incubator indicator induction accelerator inductor infiltrator inflator inhalator inheritor inhibitor initiator innovator inoculator inquisitor inspector instigator instillator instructor insulator integrator interceptor interior decorator interlocutor intermediator interoceptor interrogator intrinsic factor invalidator inventor investigator investor invigilator invigorator janitor john jacob astor junction transistor jupiter fulminator lachrymator lacrimator laminator lanius excubitor lapidator laudator lead-acid accumulator leading indicator lector legislator liberator lie detector lightning conductor linear accelerator linear operator linkage editor lipitor liquid metal reactor liquidator litigator load factor local oscillator locator lubricator machinator magnetic equator main rotor malefactor managing director managing editor mandator manipulator maniraptor masturbator mayetiola destructor mediator mentor mercator mergus serrator metal detector microwave linear accelerator migrator mine detector moderator monitor monoamine oxidase inhibitor motivator motor movie projector multiplier factor musculus buccinator music director mutilator myocastor n-type semiconductor nancy witcher astor narrator natator naucrates ductor navigator negotiator nestor newspaper editor newsstand operator newtonian reflector nickel-cadmium accumulator nickel-iron accumulator nominator nonconductor nuclear reactor numerator objector obliterator obstructor obturator oculomotor off-axis reflector operator orator orchestrator originator oscillator osculator osmoreceptor outboard motor overhead projector ovipositor oxidation-reduction indicator p-n-p transistor p-type semiconductor parabolic reflector paraboloid reflector particle accelerator pastor peculator penetrator perambulator percolator peronospora destructor perpetrator persecutor photocoagulator pictor pinicola enucleator plasminogen activator playactor pocket calculator pollinator postulator praetor pre-emptor precentor preceptor precipitator predator predicator predictor preemptor pressurized water reactor prestidigitator pretor prevaricator priest-doctor prime factor primogenitor principal investigator private instructor private investigator procrastinator proctor procurator procyon lotor progenitor prognosticator projector promulgator propagator proprietor proprioceptor prosecutor prospector protector prothrombin accelerator proton accelerator protractor pulse generator quaestor quartz oscillator radiator radio reflector radius vector random number generator raptor ratiocinator reactor realtor receptor rector redactor reflection factor reflector refrigerator refuse collector regulator releasing factor remunerator renovator rent collector research director resistor resonator respirator resuscitator retaliator retractor rh factor rhesus factor rheumatoid factor room decorator rose-colored pastor rotary actuator rotor ruminator rust inhibitor safety factor sales demonstrator sartor scale factor sculptor secretor sector security director segregator selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor selector seleucus i nicator semiconductor senator sensory receptor separator sequenator service elevator servitor sewing-machine operator simulator skin doctor slide projector snake doctor solicitor spectator speculator speed indicator spin doctor sports commentator sports editor spreading factor stable factor stage director stamp collector starter motor starting motor state senator stator stentor sternutator stertor stretch receptor subcontractor subeditor subgenus pastor subjugator suitor surge protector switchboard operator synchronous motor syncopator syndicator tabulator tail rotor tax collector telegraph operator telephone operator television monitor terminator testator text editor the great elector theater director theatre director thermal reactor thermal resistor thermistor thermonuclear reactor thermoreceptor thermoregulator throat protector thyrotropin-releasing factor ticket collector time-scale factor tissue plasminogen activator titrator toll collector tooth doctor tor toradol torah torch torch race torch singer torch song torchbearer torchlight torchwood family tore toreador toreador pant torero torino torment tormenter tormentor tornado tornado cellar tornado lantern tornillo torodal toroid toronto torpedinidae torpediniformes torpedo torpedo-boat destroyer torpedo boat torpedo tube torpidity torpidness torpor torquato tasso torque torque converter torque wrench torquemada torr torrent torreon torrey's pine torrey pine torrey tree torreya torreya californica torreya taxifolia torricelli torrid zone torridity torsion torsion balance torsk torso tort tort-feasor torte tortellini tortfeasor torticollis tortilla tortilla chip tortoise tortoise plant tortoiseshell tortoiseshell-cat tortoiseshell butterfly tortoiseshell turtle tortricid tortricid moth tortricidae tortrix tortuosity tortuousness torture torture chamber torturer torturing torus tory totalisator totalizator tractor trafficator traitor transactor transistor translator trimming capacitor tumor necrosis factor tumour necrosis factor turbogenerator turn indicator tutor tv monitor tyrosine kinase inhibitor ulan bator uniform resource locator universal resource locator urinator utahraptor vaccinator vacillator valuator van de graaff generator variable resistor vasoconstrictor vasodilator vaticinator vector velociraptor venerator ventilator vibrator victor vindicator violator viscountess astor visitor vociferator voltage regulator warrantor water-cooled reactor wind generator wiper motor witch doctor woman's doctor Overview of noun tor The noun tor has 2 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. tor -- (a prominent rock or pile of rocks on a hill) 2. tor -- (a high rocky hill) Grep of adj tor locomotor motor neuromotor psychomotor sensorimotor subordinator tormented torn toroidal torpid torrential torrid tortuous tortured torturesome torturing torturous torulose vasomotor Overview of noun tor The noun tor has 2 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. tor -- (a prominent rock or pile of rocks on a hill) 2. tor -- (a high rocky hill)
tor definition