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ears definition
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Grep of noun ears arrears baby's tears baby tears deer's-ears earshot elegant cat's ears gears jew's-ears job's tears mule's ears pig's ears pruning shears rabbit ears shears tears thinning shears white-rayed mule's ears years Grep of noun ear academic year alaskan brown bear alimentary tract smear all clear alligator pear alpine mouse-ear american black bear anchovy pear anomalistic year ant bear arctic mouse-ear asiatic black bear astronomical year avocado pear balsam pear bartlett pear beachwear bear bear's ear bevel gear bissextile year black bear bronchoscopic smear brown bear bugbear calendar year cape fear cat's-ear cat bear cauliflower ear cervical smear chafing gear charles goodyear christian year church year cinnamon bear civil year clear common year coon bear cudbear cytologic smear cytosmear dear deer's-ear differential gear dog-ear duodenal smear ear ear-nose-and-throat doctor ear-shell ear canal ear doctor ear fungus ear hole ear lobe ear specialist ear trumpet earache eardrop eardrum eared grebe eared seal earflap earful earhart earl earl marshal earl of leicester earl of warwick earl russell earl warren earlap earldom earleaved umbrella tree earless lizard earless seal earliness earlobe early-morning hour early bird early childhood early coral root early days early morel early purple orchid early spider orchid early wake-robin early warning radar early warning system early winter cress earmark earmuff earned run earner earnest earnest money earnestness earning per share earnings earnings report earphone earpiece earreach earring earshot earth earth's crust earth's surface earth-ball earth-closet earth-god earth-goddess earth-nut pea earth-received time earth almond earth color earth mother earth science earth tremor earth wax earthball earthenware earthenware jar earthing earthling earthly concern earthman earthnut earthnut pea earthquake earthstar earthtongue earthwork earthworm earwax earwig edward lear elasticity of shear elephant's ear elephant ear epicyclic gear equinoctial year esophageal smear eveningwear external ear fear field mouse-ear financial year first gear fiscal year fishing gear footgear footwear forbear forebear formalwear foul-weather gear gastric smear gear goodyear great bear great year grizzly bear handwear headgear high gear holy year honey bear ice bear inner ear intercalary year internal ear jew's-ear jewish new year kangaroo bear king's spear king lear knitwear koala bear kodiak bear landing gear leap year lear leisure wear light year lion's-ear little bear long underwear low gear lower respiratory tract smear lunar year middle-ear deafness middle ear mouse-ear chickweed mouse-ear cress mouse-ear hawkweed mouse ear native bear native pear neckwear new year nightwear off year oral smear outer ear outerwear panda bear pap smear papanicolaou smear paraduodenal smear pear pinion and ring gear planet gear planetary gear platonic year polar bear prickly pear rear reduction gear river pear sabbatical year schmear school year sea-ear seckel pear second gear shear shmear sidereal year skunk bear sloth bear smear solar year spear sportswear spur gear sputum smear stable gear steering gear sun gear syrian bear tear teddy bear third gear time of year trochlear tropical year underwear vaginal smear vestibule of the ear wash-and-wear wear wear and tear wheatear woody pear woolly bear worm gear year yesteryear Overview of noun ear The noun ear has 5 senses (first 4 from tagged texts) 1. (36) ear -- (the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium) 2. (7) ear -- (good hearing; "he had a keen ear"; "a good ear for pitch") 3. (6) auricle, pinna, ear -- (the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear) 4. (1) ear -- (attention to what is said "he tried to get her ear") 5. ear, spike, capitulum -- (fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn) Grep of adj ears earsplitting in arrears wet behind the ears Overview of noun ear The noun ear has 5 senses (first 4 from tagged texts) 1. (36) ear -- (the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium) 2. (7) ear -- (good hearing; "he had a keen ear"; "a good ear for pitch") 3. (6) auricle, pinna, ear -- (the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear) 4. (1) ear -- (attention to what is said "he tried to get her ear") 5. ear, spike, capitulum -- (fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn)
ears definition