browse words by letter
nds |
Grep of noun nds aaland islands ace of diamonds admiralty islands aegadean islands aland islands aleutian islands amends american virgin islands aran islands austral islands bad lands badlands bahama islands balearic islands beam-ends bends bounds british virgin islands canary islands cape verde islands capital of the netherlands caroline islands cayman islands cervical glands coffee grounds comoro islands egadi islands ellice islands escrow funds faeroe islands falkland islands faroe islands fiji islands friendly islands funds galapagos islands gambier islands gilbert and ellice islands gilbert islands greater sunda islands grounds hands hare and hounds hawaiian islands hebridean islands highlands hollands investment funds japanese islands john addington symonds john rowlands kingdom of the netherlands ladrone islands laying on of hands leeward islands lesser sunda islands madeira islands maldive islands mariana islands marquesas islands marshall islands matching funds medicaid funds meeting of minds midway islands mother-of-thousands netherlands odds and ends orkney islands out of-bounds palau islands philippine islands religious society of friends republic of the marshall islands ryukyu islands sands sandwich islands shetland islands society islands society of friends solomon islands south sea islands spice islands stands sunda islands swaddling bands symonds the netherlands tubuai islands united states virgin islands viands virgin islands visayan islands western islands windward islands Grep of noun nd aaron copland absorption band addend admiralty island adrenal gland aegean island afghan hound alicyclic compound aliphatic compound almond american foxhound amerind ampere-second ampersand analysand anchorage ground anglesea island anglesey island anionic compound anterior pituitary gland anti-tnf compound antitrade wind apocrine gland apothecaries' pound arcsecond arm band armband arthurian legend attosecond auckland augend ayn rand baby grand back end backband backbend background backhand bacon rind baffin island bahrain island bahrein island bail bond band bandstand bank of england barbra joan streisand barbra streisand barrier island bartholin's gland baseball diamond basset hound basutoland battle of jutland battle of wake island battleground bearer bond becket bend bedground behind bells of ireland bellyband bend best friend big band big hand binary compound bind bits per second bitter almond bitter end black-and-tan coonhound black diamond black hand black horehound blend blighty wound blind blind bend blond bloodhound boarhound bond bookend borderland bottom round bottomland bound boyfriend brake band brand brass band breaking wind breeding ground bridge hand brigand british pound broken wind bulbourethral gland burial ground burial mound burying ground butcher cumberland butt end cabstand campground camping ground cannibal mound capital of finland capital of iceland capital of ireland capital of maryland capital of new zealand capital of northern ireland capital of poland capital of rhode island capital of swaziland capital of switzerland capital of thailand caribbean island carrick bend cash in hand catalina island central vein of suprarenal gland change of mind charles maurice de talleyrand chateaubriand cheese rind chelate compound chemical bond chemical compound chinook wind church of england church of ireland cigar band cleveland closed-end fund cloud-cuckoo-land coastland command common eland common ground common horehound common land compound concert band concert grand coney island contraband convertible bond coonhound coordinate bond coordination compound copland corporate bond cortland coupon bond covalent bond covered stand cowhand cowper's gland crosswind crown land cruet-stand cultivated land cumberland cummerbund custer's last stand cycle per second cycles/second cypriot pound dachshund daily round dame joan sutherland dance band dative bond dead end dead hand debenture bond deckhand deerhound demand demavend deutschland diamond digestive gland din land disneyland dividend dixieland dockhand dog pound double bind dreamland dry land duct gland ductless gland duke of cumberland dwarf flowering almond dwarf russian almond e. a. von willebrand earth almond east midland east wind eccrine gland edwin herbert land egyptian pound eland elastic band elder hand eldest hand electrostatic bond electrovalent bond elkhound ellis island end endocrine gland endowment fund england english foxhound equalizing dividend erik adolf von willebrand errand ex-husband exboyfriend exocrine gland extra dividend ezra loomis pound ezra pound fag end fairground fairyland farmhand farmland fatherland femtosecond fetid horehound fieldhand fiend find finland firebrand fisherman's bend fishpond flesh wound florida smoothhound flowering almond fool's errand foot-pound foreground forehand foreland found four-in-hand foxhound frame of mind francis everett townsend francis ferdinand francois maurice marie mitterand francois mitterand francois rene chateaubriand franz ferdinand frederic william maitland frequency band friend frond front end fund gable end galveston island gand gangland garand garland gazelle hound gentle wind george sand gerund giant eland gigacycle per second gill-over-the-ground girlfriend glad hand gland go-around godsend gond gondwanaland gourmand government bond grand grand island grandstand grassland grave mound grazing land green gland greenland greensand greyhound grind gronland ground ground almond grover cleveland guadalupe island gulf of finland gulf of thailand hairpin bend hallstand hand handstand hatband hatteras island hawaii island hawser bend headband headland headstand headwind heathland hedge fund hellhound helping hand high command high ground high wind highland hildebrand hind hind end hinterland hired hand hole in the ground holland holy land homebound homeland honey gland horehound horsepond hound hour hand house husband humankind hundred thousand hunting ground husband hydrogen bond ibizan hound iceland index fund inkstand inorganic compound international monetary fund iodocompound ionic bond ireland irish pound irish wolfhound island italian greyhound james bond jazz band jenny lind jnd joan sutherland johann ludwig uhland john lackland john marquand john philip marquand jordan almond judy garland jug band julian bond junk bond jutland jylland kahoolawe island kauai island keeshond kilocycle per second kind king of england kingdom of swaziland kingdom of thailand kodiak island lachrymal gland lacrimal gland lady friend lagend lakeland lanai island land lapland lappland law of the land leap second lease-lend lebanese pound left hand legend lemon rind letter bond leyte island ligand light second lind little hand loanblend lone hand long island long island sound longhand loose end lost-and-found lotus land lotusland lower bound lowland lund lymph gland mahound mainland maitland male reproductive gland mammary gland mandibular gland manila tamarind mankind marchland marineland marquand marshland maryland mastermind maui island maund megacycle per second meibomian gland mend merry-go-round metallic bond microsecond midland military band mill-hand million floating point operations per second million instructions per second millisecond millpond mind minuend minute hand mitterand molokai island monetary fund moorland motherland mound mourning band muishond multiplicand municipal bond music stand mutual fund nabothian gland nanosecond native land nauru island nd ndebele ndjamena neckband nerve end never-never land new england new ireland new netherland new zealand newfoundland newsstand next friend nihau island no-man's-land no man's land noncallable bond north wind northern ireland northland northumberland northwest wind norwegian elkhound note of hand nyasaland oahu island oakland oil gland old hand one-night stand one thousand one thousand thousand open-end fund operand orange rind ordinand organic compound osmund otter hound otterhound parade ground parathyroid gland parcel of land parlor grand parlour grand parotid gland pastureland peace of mind pen-friend pension fund peptide bond performance bond peroxide blond peter's gland picnic ground picosecond piece of ground piece of land pineal gland pitcher's mound pituitary gland playground pleasant island pleasure ground plosive speech sound plot of ground plott hound poker hand poland pond portland post-obit bond posterior pituitary gland pound prebend preen gland presence of mind president cleveland prevailing wind prince edward island promised land prostate gland proving ground puget sound quarter round quaternary ammonium compound queen of england queensland quicksand ranch hand rand rangeland raw wound rear end rebound refund registered bond remand reprimand republic of finland republic of iceland republic of poland reserve fund retirement fund revenue bond reverend reviewing stand revolving fund rheinland rhineland rhode island riband ribband richmond right hand rind rock band rock hind rock island roller blind round round hand royal osmund rubber band running hand russian almond russian wolfhound rutland safety island salivary gland samarcand samarkand sand sao tiago island saraband sausage hound savings bond schoolfriend scotland scottish deerhound scrag end screen background scrubland sebaceous gland second second-in-command second hand second wind section hand secured bond seeland self-command sheet bend shetland shorthand silk gland single-reed woodwind sinking fund sjaelland sleeping around sleight of hand sleuthhound slough of despond slush fund smoothhound snake muishond solar wind solid ground sound south bend south wind southland spackling compound spanish tamarind speech sound split end split second stagehand staghound stamping ground stand state of mind staten island steel band stephen grover cleveland sticky end stinking horehound stipend stock dividend strand streisand striped muishond subconscious mind sublingual gland sublingual salivary gland submandibular gland submandibular salivary gland submaxillary gland submaxillary salivary gland subtrahend sudanese pound sudoriferous gland sunblind suprarenal gland surety bond surround sutherland swaziland sweat gland sweatband sweep-second sweep hand sweet almond switzerland syrian pound system command tableland tag end tail end tailwind talleyrand tamarind tarsal gland taxistand tear gland teeing ground ten thousand thailand theater in the round thousand thymus gland thyroid gland tight end tilled land timberland time out of mind top round townsend trade wind traffic island treasury bond trend troy pound trust fund turn around turnaround turnround two-handed backhand uhland ultrasound unconscious mind underground united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland united nations children's fund united nations international children's emergency fund unsecured bond upland upper bound upper hand uropygial gland utility bond utility revenue bond vagabond vancouver island vascular strand venetian blind very reverend vestibular gland viand vicomte de chateaubriand victoria land vocal band voiced sound volund von willebrand vowel sound waistband wake island walker foxhound walker hound wand wash-hand stand washstand wasteland watchband water horehound watt second wayland wedding band weekend west end west midland west wind wetland whip-round whip hand whirlwind white horehound wieland wild tamarind willebrand wind window blind witness stand witwatersrand wolfhound womankind wonderland woodland woodwind wound wraparound wrist band wristband year-end zealand zend zero-coupon bond zero coupon bond zetland Overview of noun nd The noun nd has 2 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. neodymium, Nd atomic number 60 -- (a yellow trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group occurs in monazite and bastnasite in association with cerium and lanthanum and praseodymium) 2. North Dakota, Peace Garden State, ND -- (a state of north central United States bordering on Canada) Grep of adj nds in-bounds in bonds in their right minds out-of-bounds Overview of noun nd The noun nd has 2 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. neodymium, Nd atomic number 60 -- (a yellow trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group occurs in monazite and bastnasite in association with cerium and lanthanum and praseodymium) 2. North Dakota, Peace Garden State, ND -- (a state of north central United States bordering on Canada)
nds definition