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ent definition
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Grep of noun ent abandonment abasement abashment abatement abducent abetment abolishment abortifacient abridgement abridgment abscondment absorbent absorption coefficient abstinent abutment academic department academic requirement accent accident accompaniment accomplishment accouchement account statement accouterment accoutrement accruement achievement acknowledgement acknowledgment acquirement acquisition agreement activating agent active agent actor's agent acute accent adherent adjournment adjustment admonishment adolescent adoptive parent adornment adsorbent advancement advent advertisement advertising department advertizement advice and consent advisement affluent age of consent agent aggrandisement aggrandizement agreement agricultural agent agriculture department ailment air current alignment aliment alinement alkalating agent allegement allotment allurement alluvial sediment almond crescent alpha-adrenergic blocking agent alternating current alupent amazement amendment ament amercement amusement anaesthetic agent anesthetic agent animal pigment anionic detergent announcement annulment anointment antarctic continent antecedent anthropology department anti-war movement antianxiety agent antiflatulent antifungal agent antimycotic agent antipsychotic agent antispasmodic agent antiviral agent apartment aperient apparent movement appeasement appointment apportionment arabian nights' entertainment arbitrament arbitrement architectural ornament argent argument armament arpent arraignment arrangement arrested development art department art movement art student articles of agreement artistic movement ascendent ascent assent assessment assignment assortment assuagement astonishment astringent ataractic agent atonement atrovent attachment attainment auxiliary equipment averment backpacking tent badminton equipment bafflement bailment ballottement banishment bank statement baseball equipment basement battlement beating-reed instrument bedevilment befoulment befuddlement beguilement bell tent belligerent bemusement bent bereavement bestowment beta-adrenergic blocking agent betterment bewilderment bewitchment bilateral descent bill of indictment biology department birthday present biserial correlation coefficient blanching agent blandishment blank endorsement bleaching agent blessed event blocking agent bombardment book agent booking agent bowed stringed instrument bowel movement bowling equipment boxing equipment breach of trust with fraudulent intent brent brown bent brownian movement building department burial garment business agent business department business establishment cantonment canvas tent capital punishment case agreement casement catchment cationic detergent causal agent cautious statement cement cent cerebrovascular accident cerement chance event chastisement chemical agent chemical element chemistry department christmas present circus tent civil rights movement claim agent cleaning implement cleansing agent client closure by compartment co-respondent coefficient cognitive content cognovit judgement cognovit judgment collective agreement college student commandment commencement comment commerce department commercial document commercial instrument commitment common stock equivalent communication equipment compartment complement compliment component comportment concealment condiment conferment confession of judgement confession of judgment confinement consent consignment constituent containment content contentment continent contingent control experiment convalescent convent copyright infringement corespondent corporal punishment correlation coefficient correspondent cotangent cottage tent counterbombardment countercurrent county agent creeping bent crescent cricket equipment croquet equipment crosscurrent cruel and unusual punishment cultural movement curettement current curtailment customer agent cutting implement database management day of atonement day of judgement day of judgment dealignment debarment debasement debridement debt instrument decadent decampment decedent decipherment decrement defacement default judgement default judgment defense department deferment deferred payment defilement defrayment delinquent demulcent denouement denouncement dent department department of housing and urban development department of local government department of the federal government dependent deployment deponent deportment derailment derangement derivative instrument descendent descent despoilment detachment detent detergent determent deterrent dethronement detriment development devilment devolvement differential coefficient diluent dining compartment dipole moment direct current disability payment disablement disagreement disappointment disarmament disarrangement disbandment disbarment disbursement discernment disconcertment discontent discontentment discouragement disembarkment disembarrassment disembowelment disenchantment disenfranchisement disengagement disentanglement disestablishment disfigurement disfranchisement disgorgement disgruntlement disheartenment dishwasher detergent dishwashing detergent disillusionment disinterment disinvestment dislodgement dislodgment dismantlement dismemberment disownment disparagement displacement dissent dissident dissolvent dissolving agent distillment distribution agreement diving event divorcement divulgement document dog bent double-blind experiment double-reed instrument double agent down payment drafting instrument drag coefficient dramatic event drying agent duplex apartment duty assignment easement economic rent economics department ecumenical movement editorial department education department effacement efficiency apartment effluent eighteenth amendment electric current electric dipole moment electronic equipment electronic instrument element elimination tournament elopement embalmment embankment embarkment embarrassment embellishment embezzlement embitterment embodiment embossment embroilment emollient emolument emplacement employment employment agent employment agreement empowerment enactment encampment encasement enchantment encirclement encompassment encouragement encroachment endearment endorsement endowment energy department enfeeblement enforcement enfranchisement engagement english department engorgement engrossment enhancement enjambement enjambment enjoinment enjoyment enlargement enlightenment enlistment ennoblement enragement enrichment enrollment enrolment enslavement ent man entablature entail entailment entandrophragma entandrophragma cylindricum entanglement entelea entellus entente entente cordiale enteric-coated aspirin enteric bacteria enteric fever enterics entering enteritis enterobacteria enterobacteriaceae enterobiasis enterobius enterobius vermicularis enteroceptor enterokinase enterolith enterolithiasis enterolobium enterolobium cyclocarpa enteron enteropathy enteroptosis enterostenosis enterostomy enterotomy enterotoxemia enterovirus enterprise enterprise zone enterpriser enterprisingness entertainer entertainment entertainment center entertainment deduction entertainment industry enthalpy enthrallment enthronement enthronisation enthronization enthusiasm enthusiast enticement entire entire leaf entireness entirety entitlement entity entoblast entoderm entoloma entoloma aprile entoloma lividum entoloma sinuatum entolomataceae entombment entomion entomologist entomology entomophobia entomophthora entomophthoraceae entomophthorales entomostraca entoparasite entopic pregnancy entoproct entoprocta entourage entozoa entozoan entozoon entr'acte entrails entrance entrance exam entrance examination entrance fee entrance hall entrance money entrancement entranceway entrant entrapment entreaty entree entrenching tool entrenchment entrepot entrepreneur entropy entry entry word entryway entsi entsy envelopment environment equatorial current equipment equivalent escapement escarpment espionage agent establishment estate agent estrangement event ex-president excitement excrement executive department executive vice president expedient experiment exponent extension agent extent falciform ligament false imprisonment false statement famishment fatal accident fbi agent federal agent federal department federal government feeling of movement female parent feminist movement ferment fertile crescent fetal movement field event field tent fifth amendment fifty percent figment filament final judgment final payment financial statement fire department firmament first amendment first moment first rudiment fitment fixing agent flower arrangement fly in the ointment fly tent foetal movement foreign agent form of government foster-parent foundation garment fourteenth amendment fragment fraud in the inducement free-reed instrument free agent freedom from cruel and unusual punishment freight agent frontier settlement fulfillment fulfilment full complement full employment full treatment fundament game equipment garden current garment gay liberation movement gender agreement general agent general agreement genetic endowment gent gentlemen's agreement ghent glove compartment godparent golf equipment government government agent government department grad student gradient graduate student grammatical constituent grandparent grave accent gravity gradient great grandparent ground rent gun emplacement happy event harassment hearing impairment heat content heating element heir apparent hereditament historical document historical present history department holy sacrament hood ornament house agent houses of parliament housing and urban development housing development humboldt current hutment hydraulic cement hypoglycaemic agent hypoglycemic agent identity element ill-treatment immediate constituent immediate payment immunizing agent immurement impairment impalement impeachment impediment impingement implement impoundment impoverishment impressment imprisonment improvement incasement incident incitement income statement incompetent increment incumbent indent independent indian agent indictment inducement industrial management inevitable accident informed consent infotainment infringement ingredient inhuman treatment innocent inpatient inquiry agent insect repellent insolvent installment instalment instillment instilment instrument instrument of punishment insulin shock treatment insurance agent insurgent integument intellectual nourishment intelligence agent intelligence quotient intent interior department interment internal revenue agent international bank for reconstruction and development internment intrenchment investment involvement japan current john singer sargent judgement judgment jument justice department juvenile delinquent kent kuroshio current labor agreement labor department labor movement lament land agent land development land of enchantment language requirement last judgement last judgment latent content laundry detergent law agent law enforcement law of independent assortment law student lean-to tent legal document legal instrument lent letter of intent letters patent licensing agreement ligament line management line of descent lineament linguistics department liniment liquid detergent literary agent literary argument living arrangement local department local government lodgement lodgment logic element logical argument logistic assessment loment lorenzo the magnificent luggage compartment magnetic dipole moment magnetic moment maladjustment malcontent male parent malignment malnourishment maltreatment management marriage settlement mathematical statement mathematics department maturement measurement measuring instrument medical instrument medical student medicament medicare payment member of parliament mental measurement mercantile establishment mercurial ointment merger agreement merriment metallic element metrazol shock treatment michelson-morey experiment micronutrient mill agent milliequivalent misalignment misgovernment mismanagement misplacement misstatement mistreatment moment monument mountain tent movement multiple correlation coefficient municipal government murder indictment music department musical accompaniment musical arrangement musical instrument narcotics agent national monument natural endowment natural event naval equipment navigational instrument navy department negotiable instrument nerve entrapment neuroleptic agent neuromuscular blocking agent new testament news event newsagent newspaper advertisement non-engagement non-involvement non-ionic detergent nonaccomplishment nonachievement nonalignment nonalinement nondevelopment nonevent nonpayment nonrapid eye movement north equatorial current nourishment number agreement nutrient nutriment obtainment occident ocean current oddment ofactory impairment off-line equipment official document ointment old testament one percent operating statement opponent optical instrument order of payment orient ornament orpiment orthodontic treatment out-of-court settlement outer garment outpatient overachievement overgarment overpayment overrefinement overstatement oxford movement oxidizing agent pack tent parchment parent parliament parliamentary agent parts department passing comment patent patent infringement patient pavement payment pearson product-moment correlation coefficient pediment penitent percent percussion instrument percussive instrument periodic event permanent person agreement personal judgement personal judgment personnel department peruvian current phi coefficient philosophy department photographic equipment photopigment physics department picture element pigment pilot experiment pitch accent placement plant department plasma thromboplastin antecedent police department political dissident political movement pop tent portent portland cement post office department postponement power of appointment preachment prearrangement precedent predicament preferment prejudgement prejudgment prepayment present present moment presentiment presentment president press agent principle of liquid displacement procurement product-moment correlation coefficient product development profit-and-loss statement pronouncement propellent property settlement proponent protective embankment protective garment psychological moment psychology department psychomotor development psychosexual development psychotropic agent public easement punishment pup tent purchase agreement purchasing agent purchasing department puzzlement pyramidal tent queen regent quotient rack rent radiotherapy equipment raiment rank-difference correlation coefficient rank-order correlation coefficient rapid eye movement rapprochement rare-earth element rate of payment ravishment raw talent reading assignment readjustment reagent real estate agent reallotment reapportionment rearmament rearrangement reassessment reassignment recipient recommencement recording equipment recruitment recurrent event redeployment redevelopment reducing agent reenforcement referent refinement reform movement refreshment regent regiment regression coefficient regular payment reimbursement reinforcement reinstatement religious movement relinquishment remitment renouncement rent repayment repellent replacement replenishment requirement rescue equipment resentment resettlement reshipment resident resolvent respiratory quotient respondent restatement retinal detachment retirement retrenchment revenue enhancement revetement revetment revilement rhode island bent ribbon development rigil kent rip current road agent robotics equipment rocket propellent rodent rubber cement rubefacient rudiment sacrament saint vincent sales agreement sales department sales event salient sargent scale of measurement scent school assignment school superintendent scientific instrument sea serpent sealed instrument sealskin tent seasonal adjustment secernment second advent second moment secondment secret agent secretary of housing and urban development secretary of state for the home department sediment segment self-abasement self-aggrandisement self-aggrandizement self-effacement self-fulfillment self-government self-improvement self-punishment self-torment selling agent senior vice president sense of movement sensing element sentiment serpent service department settlement severance agreement sexual harassment shark repellent shelter tent shipment shipping agent shock treatment sibley tent silent treatment single-reed instrument single supplement smoking compartment social event social movement sociology department solacement solent solitary confinement solvating agent solvent sorbent sound judgement sound judgment south equatorial current spatial arrangement special agent special assessment specious argument sports equipment sports implement st vincent standard of measurement state department state government statement station agent stepparent stop payment stringed instrument student studio apartment subcontinent succulent summary judgement summary judgment summary treatment superintendent supplement support payment surface-active agent surgical instrument surveying instrument surveyor's instrument sustainment swimming event system of measurement tacit consent talent talent agent tangent tapotement tashkent taskent tax assessment tegument telecommunication equipment television equipment temperament temperature gradient temporal arrangement temporary expedient ten percent tenement tent term of enlistment test equipment testament tetrachoric correlation coefficient the solent theatrical agent thermionic current three-day event threshold element thrombolytic agent ticket agent tidal current time-delay measuring instrument token payment toll agent tonic accent torment torrent tournament trace element track event trade union movement traducement transfer agent transfer payment transient transit instrument transshipment transuranic element travel agent treasury department treatment trident troop movement true statement twentieth amendment twenty-five percent twenty percent two-man tent u.s. government umbrella tent underachievement undercover agent undercurrent underdevelopment undergarment underlayment undernourishment underpayment understatement unearned increment unemployment unenlightenment unfavorable judgment unguent unilateral descent unit of measurement united states government universal agent universal solvent university student value judgement value judgment value statement varment velvet bent vent vestment viatical settlement viaticus settlement vice-regent vice president vicegerent video equipment visual impairment vol-au-vent walk-up apartment wall tent war department washington monument water development weapons emplacement wedding present weldment wetting agent wind instrument wisent women's liberation movement wonderment woodwind instrument word accent working agreement worriment writing assignment writing implement written agreement written assignment written document youth movement zinc ointment zionist movement Grep of adj ent abducent abhorrent abient abortifacient absent absorbefacient absorbent abstinent acaulescent accumbent acidulent acquiescent adducent adherent adient adjacent adolescent adsorbent advertent afferent affluent albescent alcalescent alcohol-dependent alkalescent ambient ambivalent ancient antecedent aperient apparent appetent arborescent ardent argent ascendent assentient assurgent astringent avirulent belligerent beneficent benevolent bent besprent bioluminescent birefringent bivalent cadent calefacient calorifacient candent candescent canescent caulescent chemiluminescent clement coexistent cogent coherent coincident comburent competent complacent component concurrent confident confluent congruent consentient consequent consistent constituent content continent contingent convalescent convenient convergent corpulent correspondent corticoafferent corticoefferent cost-efficient covalent crapulent crescent current decadent decent decumbent deferent deficient dehiscent delinquent deliquescent demulcent dependent descendent despondent detergent deterrent different diffident diligent discontent disobedient dissentient dissident divalent divergent ebullient efferent effervescent efficient efflorescent effluent effulgent eloquent emergent eminent emollient entangled enteral enteric entering enterprising entertained entertaining enthralled enthralling enthusiastic enticing entire entitled ento entomologic entomological entomophilous entozoan entozoic entranced entrancing entrenched entrepreneurial equipotent equivalent esurient evanescent ever-present evident excellent excrescent exigent existent expedient feculent fervent flatulent flocculent fluent fluorescent fraudulent frequent fulgent grandiloquent heaven-sent hell-bent idempotent ignescent immanent imminent impatient impellent impenitent impermanent impertinent impotent improvident imprudent impudent in agreement in disagreement inadvertent incandescent incident incipient inclement incoherent incompetent incongruent inconsequent inconsistent incontinent inconvenient incumbent indecent indehiscent independent indifferent indigent indolent indulgent inefficient inexpedient influent infrequent inherent innocent insentient insistent insolent insolvent insufficient insurgent intelligent intent interdependent intermittent intransigent iridescent irreverent lambent latent lenient liquescent lucent luculent luminescent magnificent magniloquent malcontent maleficent malevolent monovalent mucopurulent multipotent multivalent munificent mutafacient nascent negligent nescient nilpotent nocent noctilucent nonabsorbent nonadjacent nonadsorbent nonastringent nonbelligerent nonconvergent noncurrent noneffervescent nonequivalent nonexistent nonindulgent nonpurulent nonresident nonresilient nonturbulent nonviolent nutrient obedient obsolescent omnipotent omnipresent omniscient opalescent opponent opulent orient overconfident parturient patent patient pearlescent pendent penitent pent pentavalent percipient permanent persistent pertinent pestilent phosphorescent plangent polyvalent potent precedent preeminent preexistent prepubescent prescient present prevalent prevenient procumbent proficient prominent propellent provident prudent prurient puberulent pubescent pungent purulent putrefacient putrescent quiescent radiolucent recent recumbent recurrent redolent refulgent regent reminiscent remittent renascent rent repellent resident resilient resplendent respondent resurgent reticent reverent salient sapient scandent self-confident self-consistent self-evident self-indulgent self-referent self-sufficient semipermanent semitransparent senescent sent sentient sequent silent solvent somnolent sorbefacient spent spur-of-the-moment strident stringent subjacent subsequent subservient succulent sufficient suffrutescent superincumbent superjacent syntactically independent tetravalent transcendent transient translucent transparent trivalent truculent tumescent turbulent unapparent unbent unconfident underspent unintelligent univalent unsent unspent urgent vehement violent virulent water-repellent
ent definition