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  6  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Muriatic  \Mu`ri*at"ic\,  a.  [L.  muriaticus  pickled,  from  muria 
  brine:  cf  F.  muriatique.]  (Chem.) 
  Of  pertaining  to  or  obtained  from  sea  salt,  or  from 
  chlorine,  one  of  the  constituents  of  sea  salt;  hydrochloric. 
  {Muriatic  acid},  hydrochloric  acid,  {HCl};  --  formerly  called 
  also  {marine  acid},  and  {spirit  of  salt}.  See 
  {hydrochloric},  and  the  Note  under  {Muriate}. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Ion  \I"on\,  n. 
  1.  One  of  the  electrified  particles  into  which  according  to 
  the  electrolytic  dissociation  theory,  the  molecules  of 
  electrolytes  are  divided  by  water  and  other  solvents.  An 
  ion  consists  of  one  or  more  atoms  and  carries  a  unit 
  charge  of  electricity,  3.4  x  10^{-10}  electrostatic  units, 
  or  a  multiple  of  this  Those  which  are  positively 
  electrified  (hydrogen  and  the  metals)  are  called 
  {cations};  negative  ions  (hydroxyl  and  acidic  atoms  or 
  groups)  are  called  {anions}. 
  Note:  Thus  hydrochloric  acid  ({HCl})  dissociates,  in  aqueous 
  solution,  into  the  hydrogen  ion,  H^{+},  and  the 
  chlorine  ion,  Cl^{-};  ferric  nitrate,  {Fe(NO3)3}, 
  yields  the  ferric  ion,  Fe^{+++},  and  nitrate  ions, 
  NO3^{-},  NO3^{-},  NO3^{-}.  When  a  solution  containing 
  ions  is  made  part  of  an  electric  circuit,  the  cations 
  move  toward  the  cathode,  the  anions  toward  the  anode. 
  This  movement  is  called  migration,  and  the  velocity  of 
  it  differs  for  different  kinds  of  ions.  If  the 
  electromotive  force  is  sufficient,  electrolysis  ensues: 
  cations  give  up  their  charge  at  the  cathode  and 
  separate  in  metallic  form  or  decompose  water,  forming 
  hydrogen  and  alkali;  similarly,  at  the  anode  the 
  element  of  the  anion  separates,  or  the  metal  of  the 
  anode  is  dissolved,  or  decomposition  occurs. 
  2.  One  of  the  small  electrified  particles  into  which  the 
  molecules  of  a  gas  are  broken  up  under  the  action  of  the 
  electric  current,  of  ultraviolet  and  certain  other  rays, 
  and  of  high  temperatures.  To  the  properties  and  behavior 
  of  ions  the  phenomena  of  the  electric  discharge  through 
  rarefied  gases  and  many  other  important  effects  are 
  ascribed.  At  low  pressures  the  negative  ions  appear  to  be 
  electrons;  the  positive  ions,  atoms  minus  an  electron.  At 
  ordinary  pressures  each  ion  seems  to  include  also  a  number 
  of  attached  molecules.  Ions  may  be  formed  in  a  gas  in 
  various  ways. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Type  \Type\,  n.  [F.  type  cf  It  tipo,  from  L.  typus  a  figure, 
  image,  a  form  type  character,  Gr  ?  the  mark  of  a  blow, 
  impression,  form  of  character,  model,  from  the  root  of  ?  to 
  beat  strike;  cf  Skr.  tup  to  hurt.] 
  1.  The  mark  or  impression  of  something  stamp;  impressed 
  sign;  emblem. 
  The  faith  they  have  in  tennis,  and  tall  stockings, 
  Short  blistered  breeches,  and  those  types  of  travel. 
  2.  Form  or  character  impressed;  style;  semblance. 
  Thy  father  bears  the  type  of  king  of  Naples.  --Shak. 
  3.  A  figure  or  representation  of  something  to  come  a  token; 
  a  sign;  a  symbol;  --  correlative  to  antitype. 
  A  type  is  no  longer  a  type  when  the  thing  typified 
  comes  to  be  actually  exhibited.  --South. 
  4.  That  which  possesses  or  exemplifies  characteristic 
  qualities;  the  representative.  Specifically: 
  a  (Biol.)  A  general  form  or  structure  common  to  a  number 
  of  individuals;  hence  the  ideal  representation  of  a 
  species,  genus,  or  other  group  combining  the 
  essential  characteristics;  an  animal  or  plant 
  possessing  or  exemplifying  the  essential 
  characteristics  of  a  species,  genus,  or  other  group 
  Also  a  group  or  division  of  animals  having  a  certain 
  typical  or  characteristic  structure  of  body  maintained 
  within  the  group 
  Since  the  time  of  Cuvier  and  Baer  .  .  .  the 
  whole  animal  kingdom  has  been  universally  held 
  to  be  divisible  into  a  small  number  of  main 
  divisions  or  types.  --Haeckel. 
  b  (Fine  Arts)  The  original  object,  or  class  of  objects, 
  scene,  face,  or  conception,  which  becomes  the  subject 
  of  a  copy;  esp.,  the  design  on  the  face  of  a  medal  or 
  a  coin. 
  c  (Chem.)  A  simple  compound,  used  as  a  mode  or  pattern 
  to  which  other  compounds  are  conveniently  regarded  as 
  being  related,  and  from  which  they  may  be  actually  or 
  theoretically  derived. 
  Note:  The  fundamental  types  used  to  express  the  simplest  and 
  most  essential  chemical  relations  are  hydrochloric 
  acid,  {HCl};  water,  {H2O};  ammonia,  {NH3};  and  methane, 
  5.  (Typog.) 
  a  A  raised  letter,  figure,  accent,  or  other  character, 
  cast  in  metal  or  cut  in  wood,  used  in  printing. 
  b  Such  letters  or  characters,  in  general,  or  the  whole 
  quantity  of  them  used  in  printing,  spoken  of 
  collectively;  any  number  or  mass  of  such  letters  or 
  characters,  however  disposed. 
  Note:  Type  are  mostly  made  by  casting  type  metal  in  a  mold, 
  though  some  of  the  larger  sizes  are  made  from  maple, 
  mahogany,  or  boxwood.  In  the  cut,  a  is  the  body;  b,  the 
  face,  or  part  from  which  the  impression  is  taken  c, 
  the  shoulder,  or  top  of  the  body;  d,  the  nick 
  (sometimes  two  or  more  are  made),  designed  to  assist 
  the  compositor  in  distinguishing  the  bottom  of  the  face 
  from  the  top  e,  the  groove  made  in  the  process  of 
  finishing,  --  each  type  as  cast  having  attached  to  the 
  bottom  of  the  body  a  jet,  or  small  piece  of  metal 
  (formed  by  the  surplus  metal  poured  into  the  mold), 
  which  when  broken  off  leaves  a  roughness  that 
  requires  to  be  removed.  The  fine  lines  at  the  top  and 
  bottom  of  a  letter  are  technically  called  ceriphs,  and 
  when  part  of  the  face  projects  over  the  body,  as  in  the 
  letter  f,  the  projection  is  called  a  kern.  The  type 
  which  compose  an  ordinary  book  font  consist  of  Roman 
  CAPITALS,  small  capitals,  and  lower-case  letters,  and 
  Italic  CAPITALS  and  lower-case  letters,  with 
  accompanying  figures,  points,  and  reference  marks,  -- 
  in  all  about  two  hundred  characters.  Including  the 
  various  modern  styles  of  fancy  type  some  three  or  four 
  hundred  varieties  of  face  are  made  Besides  the 
  ordinary  Roman  and  Italic,  some  of  the  most  important 
  of  the  varieties  are  --  Old  English.  Black  Letter.  Old 
  Style.  French  Elzevir.  Boldface.  Antique.  Clarendon. 
  Gothic.  Typewriter.  Script.  The  smallest  body  in  common 
  use  is  diamond;  then  follow  in  order  of  size,  pearl, 
  agate,  nonpareil,  minion,  brevier,  bourgeois  (or 
  two-line  diamond),  long  primer  (or  two-line  pearl), 
  small  pica  (or  two-line  agate),  pica  (or  two-line 
  nonpareil),  English  (or  two-line  minion),  Columbian  (or 
  two-line  brevier),  great  primer  (two-line  bourgeois), 
  paragon  (or  two-line  long  primer),  double  small  pica 
  (or  two-line  small  pica),  double  pica  (or  two-line 
  pica),  double  English  (or  two-line  English),  double 
  great  primer  (or  two-line  great  primer),  double  paragon 
  (or  two-line  paragon),  canon  (or  two-line  double  pica). 
  Above  this  the  sizes  are  called  five-line  pica, 
  six-line  pica,  seven-line  pica,  and  so  on  being  made 
  mostly  of  wood.  The  following  alphabets  show  the 
  different  sizes  up  to  great  primer.  Brilliant  .  . 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Hydrochloric  \Hy`dro*chlo"ric\,  a.  [Hydro-,  2  +  chloric:  cf  F. 
  hydrochlorique.]  (Chem.) 
  Pertaining  to  or  compounded  of  chlorine  and  hydrogen  gas; 
  as  hydrochloric  acid;  chlorhydric. 
  {Hydrochloric  acid}  (Chem.),  hydrogen  chloride;  a  colorless, 
  corrosive  gas,  {HCl},  of  pungent,  suffocating  odor.  It  is 
  made  in  great  quantities  in  the  soda  process,  by  the 
  action  of  sulphuric  acid  on  common  salt.  It  has  a  great 
  affinity  for  water,  and  the  commercial  article  is  a  strong 
  solution  of  the  gas  in  water.  It  is  a  typical  acid,  and  is 
  an  indispensable  agent  in  commercial  and  general  chemical 
  work  Called  also  {muriatic,  &  chlorhydric,  acid}. 
  From  V.E.R.A.  --  Virtual  Entity  of  Relevant  Acronyms  13  March  2001  [vera]: 
  Hardware  Compatibility  List  (MS,  Windows) 
  From  V.E.R.A.  --  Virtual  Entity  of  Relevant  Acronyms  13  March  2001  [vera]: 
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