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thiner thiner definition


  Overview  of  adj  thin 
  The  adj  thin  has  8  senses  (first  6  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (17)  thin  --  (of  relatively  small  extent  from  one  surface  to  the  opposite  or  in  cross  section;  "thin  wire";  "a  thin  chiffon  blouse";  "a  thin  book";  "a  thin  layer  of  paint") 
  2.  (15)  thin,  lean  --  (lacking  excess  flesh;  "you  can't  be  too  rich  or  too  thin";  "Yon  Cassius  has  a  lean  and  hungry  look"-Shakespeare) 
  3.  (7)  slender,  thin  --  (very  narrow;  "a  thin  line  across  the  page") 
  4.  (2)  flimsy,  slight,  tenuous,  thin  --  (having  little  substance  or  significance;  "a  flimsy  excuse";  "slight  evidence";  "a  tenuous  argument";  "a  thin  plot") 
  5.  (2)  sparse,  thin  --  (not  dense;  "a  thin  beard";  "trees  were  sparse") 
  6.  (1)  thin  --  (relatively  thin  in  consistency  or  low  in  density;  not  viscous;  "air  is  thin  at  high  altitudes";  "a  thin  soup";  "skimmed  milk  is  much  thinner  than  whole  milk";  "thin  oil") 
  7.  thin  --  ((of  sound)  lacking  resonance  or  volume;  "a  thin  feeble  cry") 
  8.  thin  --  (lacking  spirit  or  sincere  effort;  "a  thin  smile") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  thin 
  8  senses  of  thin 
  Sense  1 
  thin  (vs.  thick) 
  thick  (vs.  thin) 
  =>  deep 
  =>  deep-chested 
  =>  fat 
  =>  four-ply 
  =>  heavy 
  =>  quilted 
  =>  three-ply 
  =>  two-ply 
  =>  thickened 
  Sense  2 
  thin  (vs.  fat),  lean 
  fat  (vs.  thin) 
  =>  abdominous,  paunchy,  potbellied 
  =>  blubber,  blubbery 
  =>  buxom,  chubby,  embonpoint,  plump,  zaftig,  zoftig 
  =>  compact,  heavyset,  stocky,  thick,  thickset 
  =>  corpulent,  obese,  weighty,  rotund 
  =>  double-chinned,  jowly,  loose-jowled 
  =>  dumpy,  podgy,  pudgy,  tubby 
  =>  fattish 
  =>  fleshy,  heavy,  overweight 
  =>  gross,  porcine 
  =>  portly,  stout 
  Sense  3 
  slender,  thin 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  narrow)  ->  wide,  broad 
  Sense  4 
  flimsy,  slight,  tenuous,  thin 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  weak)  ->  strong 
  Sense  5 
  sparse,  thin 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  distributed)  ->  concentrated 
  Sense  6 
  thin  (vs.  thick) 
  thick  (vs.  thin) 
  =>  clogged,  clotted 
  =>  creamy,  cream(postnominal),  soupy 
  =>  dense,  heavy,  impenetrable 
  =>  gelatinous,  gelatinlike,  jellylike 
  =>  heavy 
  =>  ropy,  ropey,  stringy,  thready 
  =>  syrupy,  viscous 
  =>  thickened 
  =>  coagulable 
  =>  coagulate,  coagulated,  curdled,  grumous,  grumose 
  Sense  7 
  thin  (vs.  full) 
  full  (vs.  thin) 
  =>  booming,  stentorian 
  =>  grumbling,  rumbling 
  =>  plangent 
  =>  rich 
  =>  orotund,  rotund,  round,  pear-shaped 
  =>  sounding 
  =>  heavy,  sonorous 
  Sense  8 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  spiritless)  ->  spirited 
  Similarity  of  adj  thin 
  8  senses  of  thin 
  Sense  1 
  thin  (vs.  thick) 
  =>  bladed 
  =>  capillary,  hairlike 
  =>  chiffon 
  =>  compressed,  flat 
  =>  depressed 
  =>  diaphanous,  filmy,  gauzy,  gossamer,  see-through,  sheer,  transparent,  vaporous,  cobwebby 
  =>  filamentous,  filiform,  filamentlike,  threadlike,  thready 
  =>  fine 
  =>  flimsy,  light 
  =>  hyperfine 
  =>  papery 
  =>  sleazy 
  =>  slender 
  =>  tenuous 
  =>  wafer-thin 
  =>  ribbonlike,  ribbony 
  Also  See->  narrow#1;  thin#2,  lean#1 
  Sense  2 
  thin  (vs.  fat),  lean 
  =>  anorexic,  anorectic 
  =>  bony,  cadaverous,  emaciated,  gaunt,  haggard,  pinched,  skeletal,  wasted 
  =>  deep-eyed,  hollow-eyed,  sunken-eyed 
  =>  gangling,  gangly,  lanky 
  =>  lank,  spindly 
  =>  rawboned 
  =>  reedy,  reedlike 
  =>  twiggy,  twiglike 
  =>  scarecrowish 
  =>  scraggy,  scrawny,  skinny,  underweight,  weedy 
  =>  shriveled,  shrivelled,  shrunken,  withered,  wizen,  wizened 
  =>  slender,  slight,  slim 
  =>  slender-waisted,  slim-waisted,  wasp-waisted 
  =>  spare,  trim 
  =>  spindle-legged,  spindle-shanked 
  =>  stringy,  wiry 
  =>  wisplike,  wispy 
  =>  shriveled,  shrivelled,  shrunken,  withered,  wizen,  wizened 
  Also  See->  ectomorphic#1;  thin#1 
  Sense  3 
  slender,  thin 
  =>  narrow  (vs.  wide) 
  Sense  4 
  flimsy,  slight,  tenuous,  thin 
  =>  weak  (vs.  strong) 
  Sense  5 
  sparse,  thin 
  =>  distributed  (vs.  concentrated) 
  Sense  6 
  thin  (vs.  thick) 
  =>  tenuous 
  =>  rare  rarefied,  rarified 
  Sense  7 
  thin  (vs.  full) 
  =>  pale 
  Sense  8 
  =>  spiritless  (vs.  spirited) 
  Attributes  of  adj  thin 
  3  of  8  senses  of  thin 
  Sense  1 
  thin  (vs.  thick) 
  =>  thickness 
  Sense  2 
  thin  (vs.  fat),  lean 
  =>  body  weight 
  Sense  6 
  thin  (vs.  thick) 
  =>  thickness 
  =>  consistency,  consistence,  body 
  Familiarity  of  adj  thin 
  thin  used  as  an  adjective  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  8) 
  Grep  of  adj  thin 
  Overview  of  adj  thin 
  The  adj  thin  has  8  senses  (first  6  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (17)  thin  --  (of  relatively  small  extent  from  one  surface  to  the  opposite  or  in  cross  section;  "thin  wire";  "a  thin  chiffon  blouse";  "a  thin  book";  "a  thin  layer  of  paint") 
  2.  (15)  thin,  lean  --  (lacking  excess  flesh;  "you  can't  be  too  rich  or  too  thin";  "Yon  Cassius  has  a  lean  and  hungry  look"-Shakespeare) 
  3.  (7)  slender,  thin  --  (very  narrow;  "a  thin  line  across  the  page") 
  4.  (2)  flimsy,  slight,  tenuous,  thin  --  (having  little  substance  or  significance;  "a  flimsy  excuse";  "slight  evidence";  "a  tenuous  argument";  "a  thin  plot") 
  5.  (2)  sparse,  thin  --  (not  dense;  "a  thin  beard";  "trees  were  sparse") 
  6.  (1)  thin  --  (relatively  thin  in  consistency  or  low  in  density;  not  viscous;  "air  is  thin  at  high  altitudes";  "a  thin  soup";  "skimmed  milk  is  much  thinner  than  whole  milk";  "thin  oil") 
  7.  thin  --  ((of  sound)  lacking  resonance  or  volume;  "a  thin  feeble  cry") 
  8.  thin  --  (lacking  spirit  or  sincere  effort;  "a  thin  smile") 

thiner definition