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communicateed definition
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Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb communicate 3 of 7 senses of communicate Sense 1 communicate, pass on pass, put across => plant, implant => send a message => relay => get across put over => request, bespeak, call for quest => carry => render, deliver, return => reveal, display, show Sense 2 communicate, intercommunicate => grimace, make a face, pull a face => fingerspell => aphorize => riddle => project => reach, get through get hold of contact => commune => ask inquire, enquire => telecommunicate => inform => joke, jest => greet => address, turn to => nod => convey, impart => sign => talk, speak, utter, mouth, verbalize => talk, speak => speak, talk => gesticulate, gesture, motion => telepathize => write => radio => write => network => sign, signal, signalize => semaphore => whistle => give throw => give pay => give render => carry, convey, express => issue => come across come over => share => get Sense 3 convey, transmit, communicate => communicate, pass on pass, put across Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb communicate 3 of 7 senses of communicate Sense 1 communicate, pass on pass, put across => plant, implant => send a message => relay => get across put over => request, bespeak, call for quest => order => reorder => place => call => wish => commission => ask => request => order tell enjoin, say => direct => stet => instruct => charge => charge => command, require, compel => charge, saddle, burden => overburden => bear down => overwhelm, deluge, flood out => adjure => requisition => forbid, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, veto, disallow => ban => bar, debar, exclude => enjoin => outlaw, criminalize, criminalise, illegalize, illegalise => ban, censor => call send for => summon, summons, cite => vouch => vouch in => demand => beep => recall => call in => lift => muster => hail => summon => page => buzz => convoke, convene => beckon => call up mobilize, mobilise, rally => warn => call => invite, bid => tempt, allure => challenge => provoke, stimulate => entice, lure, tempt => seduce => call => stool => lead on => tweedle => decoy => bait => jog => incite, instigate, set off stir up => raise => agitate, foment, stir up => rumpus => counterchallenge => question, oppugn, call into question => suspect, distrust, doubt => impeach => impugn => defy, dare => brazen => call out => remit, remand, send back => appeal => sue, litigate, process => expedite => litigate => propose, offer, pop the question => encore => petition => demand => want => ask require, expect => call => clamor, clamour => dun => ask => appeal => plead => beg, implore, pray => crave => supplicate => importune, insist => besiege => bid, beseech, entreat, adjure, press, conjure => call on turn => apply => put in submit => solicit, beg, tap => quest => canvass, canvas => lobby, buttonhole => reserve => book up => challenge => excuse, beg off => demand => claim => demand, exact => command => call call in => counterclaim => demand => invite, call for => invite, ask in => call in => desire => beg => scrounge, cadge => panhandle => claim, lay claim, arrogate => pretend => requisition => arrogate, ascribe, assign => invite, ask over ask round => call => ask out invite out take out => reserve, hold book => carry => render, deliver, return => reveal, display, show Sense 2 communicate, intercommunicate => grimace, make a face, pull a face => squint, squinch, cross one's eyes => wince => smile => dimple => grin => beam => smirk, simper => sneer => frown, glower, lower => scowl => screw up => pout, mop, mow => fingerspell => aphorize => riddle => project => reach, get through get hold of contact => raise => commune => pray => ask inquire, enquire => pry => consult, confer with => telecommunicate => call telephone, call up phone, ring => call in => telex => cable, telegraph, wire => fax, telefax, facsimile => e-mail, email, netmail => call => inform => wise up => teach, learn, instruct => train, develop, prepare, educate => retrain => drill => housebreak => toilet-train => indoctrinate => revolutionize, revolutionise, inspire, infect => brainwash => drill => hammer in drill in ram down beat in => inculcate, instill, infuse => din => catechize, catechise => reinforce, reward => spoonfeed => tutor => unteach => unteach => ground => lecture, talk => preach, prophesy => evangelize, evangelise => coach, train => enlighten, edify => condition => instruct, apprise, apprize => direct => point the way => brief => acquaint => warn => inform => tell evidence => fill in => update => misinform, mislead => lie => romance => perjure => fib => cover up => cover for => equivocate, tergiversate, prevaricate, palter => overstate, exaggerate, overdraw, hyperbolize, magnify, amplify => overemphasize, overemphasise, overstress => boast, tout, swash, shoot a line brag, gas, blow, bluster, vaunt, gasconade => puff => gloat, triumph, crow => preen, pride, congratulate => embroider, pad, lard, embellish, aggrandize, aggrandise, blow up dramatize, dramatise => glorify => deceive, betray, lead astray => pose, impersonate, personate => masquerade => bamboozle, snow, hoodwink, pull the wool over someone's eyes, lead by the nose, play false => gull, dupe, slang, befool, cod, fool, put on take in put one over put one across => pull the leg of kid => understate, minimize, minimise => trivialize, trivialise => denounce, tell on betray, give away rat, grass, peach, shit, shop, snitch, stag => tip off sell out => undeceive => warn => forewarn, previse => caution, admonish, monish => threaten => offer => alarm, alert => wake => advise, notify, give notice, send word apprise, apprize => familiarize, familiarise, acquaint => get into => prompt, remind, cue => volunteer => introduce, present, acquaint => reacquaint => reintroduce, re-introduce => present => introduce, bring out => regret => fear => indicate, point, show => finger => signalize, point out call attention => reflect => redound => indicate => read, register, show record => say => show => attest => surcharge => strike => call => indicate, suggest => nark => explain, explicate => interpret => deconstruct => reinterpret, re-explain => commentate => misinterpret => gloss, comment => commentate => account for => naturalize => clarify, clear up elucidate => elaborate, expatiate, exposit, enlarge, flesh out expand, expound, dilate => detail => set forth, expound, exposit => describe, depict, draw => represent => delineate => sketch, outline, adumbrate => block out => premise => exemplify, illustrate, instance => specify, particularize, specialize => spell out => disambiguate => comment => secondguess => diskjockey, DJ => tell => digress, stray, divagate, wander => bespeak, betoken, indicate, point, signal => bode, portend, auspicate, prognosticate, omen, presage, betoken, foreshadow, augur, foretell, prefigure, forecast, predict => threaten => prophesy, foreshow => mark => blaze => dimension => signpost => signalize, distinguish => singularize => buoy => disclose, let on bring out reveal, discover, expose, declare, divulge, impart, break, give away let out => blackwash => muckrake => blow => out => come out of the closet, out come out => spring => betray, bewray => confide => unbosom, relieve => leak => talk, tattle, blab, peach, babble, sing, babble out blab out => talk => publicize, publicise, air, bare => bulletin => publish, bring out put out issue, release => circulate, circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass around => sow, sough => popularize, popularise, vulgarize, vulgarise => carry, run => air, send broadcast, beam, transmit => satellite => sportscast => telecast, televise => colorcast => rerun, rebroadcast => repeat, reiterate, ingeminate, iterate, restate, retell => ditto => harp, dwell => translate, interpret, render => retranslate => mistranslate => gloss => latinize, Latinize => paraphrase, rephrase, reword => sum up summarize, summarise, resume => abstract => precis => docket => recapitulate, recap => retrograde, rehash => quote, cite => misquote => propagandize, propagandise => announce, annunciate, harbinger, foretell, herald => impart, leave give pass on => tell narrate, recount, spin, recite => relate => yarn => rhapsodize, rhapsodise => narrate => report, describe, account => report => report, cover => announce, denote => denounce => meld => report => check in sign in => check out => clock out punch out clock off => report => cry, blazon out => trump, trump out => blare out blat out => call out => count off => advertise, publicize, advertize, publicise => headline => ballyhoo => post => placard, bill => sound => disabuse => remonstrate, point out => testify, bear witness, prove, evidence, show => attest, certify, manifest, demonstrate, evidence => authenticate => prove => reflect => reflect => notarize => adduce, abduce, cite => joke, jest => gag, quip => horse around arse around fool around fool => pun => greet => compliment => address, turn to => ask => question, query => wonder, inquire, enquire => request => seek => interpellate => examine => quiz, test => cross examine, cross question => catechize, catechise => pump => check out sound out feel out => debrief => interrogate, question => address, call => nod => convey, impart => thank, give thanks => acknowledge, recognize, recognise => appreciate => hint, suggest => intimate, adumbrate, insinuate => clue in => allude, touch, advert => say => look => flash => breathe => express, show evince => sneer => imply, connote => burst out => rip out => suggest, evoke, paint a picture => smack, reek => incriminate, imply, inculpate => imply => presuppose => suggest, intimate => make out => connote, predicate => give => exude => vent, ventilate, give vent => formulate, word phrase, articulate => ask => lexicalize => dogmatize => formularize, formularise => frame, redact, cast, put couch => stress, emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accent, accentuate => background, play down => wave off => soft-pedal => bring out set off => pick up => foreground, highlight, spotlight, play up => raise => re-emphasise, re-emphasize => bear down => point up => drive home, ram home, press home => underscore, underline, emphasize, emphasise => menace => beam => smile => mean intend => symbolize, symbolise, stand for represent => embody, be personify => body, personify => exemplify, represent, typify => typify, epitomize, epitomise => denote, refer => twist, twist around pervert, convolute, sophisticate => euphemize => hark back return, come back recall => recur, go back => name identify => enumerate, itemize, itemise => list, name => number, list => announce => apply => slur => express, state => vote => vote => vote => signify => spell, import => aim => drive, get aim => sign => talk, speak, utter, mouth, verbalize => read => dictate => call => vocalize, phonate => troll => begin => lip off shoot one's mouth off => shout => yell, scream => holler, holler out => thunder, roar => bawl, bellow => whisper => speak up => snap, snarl => enthuse => rhapsodize, rhapsodise => speak in tongues => swallow => whiff => talk of talk about => discuss, talk over => negociate, negotiate, talk terms => intercede, mediate, intermediate, liaise, arbitrate => treat => horse-trade => parley => palaver => dicker, bargain => haggle, higgle, chaffer, huckster => beat down bargain down => broker => powwow => debate, deliberate => consider, debate, moot, turn over deliberate => wrestle => think twice => bandy, kick around => moderate, chair, lead => advise, counsel => urge, urge on press, exhort => push bear on => nudge => bull, bull through => preach, advocate => sermonize, sermonise, preachify, moralize, moralise => dissuade, deter => talk out of => warn, discourage, admonish, monish => tip off => misadvise, misadvize, misguide => propound => consult => contraindicate => confer, confabulate, confab, consult => collogue => broach, initiate => cover, treat, handle, plow, deal address => theologize, theologise => discourse, talk about discuss => descant => talk shop => spiel => bandy about => thrash out hammer out => blaspheme => blubber, blubber out => drone, drone on => bumble, stutter, stammer, falter => rasp => blurt out blurt, blunder out ejaculate => inflect, modulate => deliver, present => speechify => generalize, generalise => chatter, piffle, palaver, prate, tittle-tattle, twaddle, clack, maunder, prattle, blab, gibber, tattle, blabber, gabble => babble, blather, smatter, blether, blither => chatter => yack, jaw, yack away rattle on yap away => open up => snivel, whine => murmur => coo => susurrate => mumble, mutter, maunder, mussitate => slur => bark => bay => rant, mouth off jabber, spout, rabbit on rave => hiss, sizz, siss, sibilate => cackle => babble => chant, intone => gulp => sing => place => troll => croon => chant, intone, intonate, cantillate => singsong => yodel, warble, descant => warble, trill, quaver => treble => hum => belt out belt => descant on => vocalize, vocalise => harmonize, harmonise => descant => minstrel => solmizate => tweedle, chirp => choir, chorus => sing => solmizate => troll => hymn => carol => madrigal => talk, speak => continue, go on carry on proceed => segue => ramble on ramble, jog => discourse => pontificate => orate => talk down => spiel => dogmatize => cheek => level => talk turkey => monologuize, soliloquize => converse, discourse => argue, contend, debate, fence => stickle => spar => quibble, niggle, pettifog, bicker, squabble, brabble => quarrel, dispute, scrap, argufy, altercate => brawl, wrangle => spat => polemize, polemicize, polemicise => fall out => oppose => contest, contend, repugn => challenge, dispute, gainsay => call => call => interview, question => interview => interview => chat, confabulate, confab, chitchat, chatter, chaffer, natter, gossip, jaw, claver, visit => shmooze, shmoose, schmooze, schmoose, jawbone => chat up flirt, dally, butterfly, coquet, coquette, romance, philander, mash => wanton => vamp => gossip => rumor, rumour, bruit => rap => speak, talk => run on => smatter => slang => gesticulate, gesture, motion => wink => stretch out put out extend, hold out stretch forth => hyperextend => shrug => clap, spat => applaud, clap, spat, acclaim => bravo => bless, sign => nod => cross oneself => bow, bow down => congee, conge => shake => beckon, wave => telepathize => write => apostrophize => encode, code, encipher, cipher, cypher, encrypt, inscribe, write in code => rewrite => decode, decrypt, decipher => transliterate, transcribe => Romanize, Latinize, Latinise, latinise => braille => transcribe => revise, revize => amend => sign, subscribe => rubricate => dot => type typewrite => backspace => double-space => triple-space => touch-type => handwrite => jot down jot => scribble, scrabble => write down set down get down put down => transcribe => dash down dash off => note, take down => write out issue, make out cut => check => write up => radio => write => network => sign, signal, signalize => wigwag => semaphore => heliograph => flag => whistle => semaphore => whistle => give throw => give pay => offer, extend => give render => dedicate => inscribe => carry, convey, express => quantify, measure => scale => meter => pace => clock, time => mistime => fathom, sound => titrate => plumb => weigh => heft => issue => come across come over => share => get Sense 3 convey, transmit, communicate => communicate, pass on pass, put across => plant, implant => send a message => relay => get across put over => request, bespeak, call for quest => order => reorder => place => call => wish => commission => ask => request => order tell enjoin, say => direct => stet => instruct => charge => charge => command, require, compel => charge, saddle, burden => overburden => bear down => overwhelm, deluge, flood out => adjure => requisition => forbid, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, veto, disallow => ban => bar, debar, exclude => enjoin => outlaw, criminalize, criminalise, illegalize, illegalise => ban, censor => call send for => summon, summons, cite => vouch => vouch in => demand => beep => recall => call in => lift => muster => hail => summon => page => buzz => convoke, convene => beckon => call up mobilize, mobilise, rally => warn => call => invite, bid => tempt, allure => challenge => provoke, stimulate => entice, lure, tempt => seduce => call => stool => lead on => tweedle => decoy => bait => jog => incite, instigate, set off stir up => raise => agitate, foment, stir up => rumpus => counterchallenge => question, oppugn, call into question => suspect, distrust, doubt => impeach => impugn => defy, dare => brazen => call out => remit, remand, send back => appeal => sue, litigate, process => expedite => litigate => propose, offer, pop the question => encore => petition => demand => want => ask require, expect => call => clamor, clamour => dun => ask => appeal => plead => beg, implore, pray => crave => supplicate => importune, insist => besiege => bid, beseech, entreat, adjure, press, conjure => call on turn => apply => put in submit => solicit, beg, tap => quest => canvass, canvas => lobby, buttonhole => reserve => book up => challenge => excuse, beg off => demand => claim => demand, exact => command => call call in => counterclaim => demand => invite, call for => invite, ask in => call in => desire => beg => scrounge, cadge => panhandle => claim, lay claim, arrogate => pretend => requisition => arrogate, ascribe, assign => invite, ask over ask round => call => ask out invite out take out => reserve, hold book => carry => render, deliver, return => reveal, display, show Entailment of verb communicate Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Frequency) of verb communicate 7 senses of communicate Sense 1 communicate, pass on pass, put across => convey, transmit, communicate Sense 2 communicate, intercommunicate => interact Sense 3 convey, transmit, communicate => transfer Sense 4 communicate => intercommunicate Sense 5 communicate => interact Sense 6 communicate => covenant Sense 7 commune, communicate => covenant Familiarity of verb communicate communicate used as a verb is common (polysemy count = 7) Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb communicate Sense 6 communicate => covenant Sense 7 commune, communicate => covenant -------------- Sense 1 communicate, pass on pass, put across => convey, transmit, communicate -------------- Sense 2 communicate, intercommunicate => interact -------------- Sense 3 convey, transmit, communicate => transfer -------------- Sense 4 communicate => intercommunicate -------------- Sense 5 communicate => interact -------------- Overview of verb communicate The verb communicate has 7 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (9) communicate, pass on pass, put across -- (transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees") 2. (8) communicate, intercommunicate -- (transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist") 3. (2) convey, transmit, communicate -- (transfer to another; "communicate a disease") 4. communicate -- (join or connect; "The rooms communicated") 5. communicate -- (be in verbal contact interchange information or ideas; "He and his sons haven't communicated for years"; Do you communicate well with your advisor?") 6. communicate -- (administer communion; in church) 7. commune, communicate -- (receive Communion, in the Catholic church) Overview of verb communicate The verb communicate has 7 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (9) communicate, pass on pass, put across -- (transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees") 2. (8) communicate, intercommunicate -- (transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist") 3. (2) convey, transmit, communicate -- (transfer to another; "communicate a disease") 4. communicate -- (join or connect; "The rooms communicated") 5. communicate -- (be in verbal contact interchange information or ideas; "He and his sons haven't communicated for years"; Do you communicate well with your advisor?") 6. communicate -- (administer communion; in church) 7. commune, communicate -- (receive Communion, in the Catholic church)
communicateed definition