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setting setting definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  set 
  10  of  24  senses  of  set 
  Sense  1 
  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  =>  docket 
  =>  cock 
  =>  postpose 
  =>  prepose 
  =>  replace,  put  back 
  =>  intersperse 
  =>  pile 
  =>  arrange,  set  up 
  =>  superimpose,  superpose,  lay  over 
  =>  superpose 
  =>  park 
  =>  ensconce,  settle 
  =>  trench 
  =>  pigeonhole 
  =>  shelve 
  =>  jar 
  =>  repose 
  =>  stick,  put  forward 
  =>  sign 
  =>  middle 
  =>  parallelize 
  =>  butt 
  =>  recess 
  =>  reposition 
  =>  throw 
  =>  tee,  tee  up 
  =>  rack  up 
  =>  coffin 
  =>  bed 
  =>  appose 
  =>  set  down  put  down  place  down 
  =>  sow,  sough,  seed 
  =>  misplace 
  =>  juxtapose 
  =>  pitch 
  =>  set  down 
  =>  bottle 
  =>  bucket 
  =>  barrel 
  =>  ground 
  =>  pillow,  rest 
  =>  misplace,  mislay,  lose 
  =>  upend 
  =>  seat,  sit  sit  down 
  =>  lay,  put  down  repose 
  =>  stand  stand  up  place  upright 
  =>  plant,  set 
  =>  install,  instal,  put  in  set  up 
  =>  situate,  fix,  posit,  deposit 
  =>  ladle 
  =>  poise 
  =>  lean 
  =>  clap 
  =>  rest 
  =>  perch 
  =>  load 
  =>  cram 
  =>  set 
  =>  siphon 
  =>  position 
  =>  glycerolize 
  =>  space 
  =>  marshal 
  =>  settle,  settle  down 
  =>  throw 
  Sense  2 
  determine,  set 
  =>  identify,  place 
  =>  date 
  =>  value 
  =>  format 
  =>  charge 
  =>  initialize 
  =>  detect 
  =>  tax,  assess 
  =>  price 
  Sense  3 
  specify,  set  determine,  fix 
  =>  quantify 
  =>  name 
  =>  reset 
  =>  define 
  Sense  5 
  =>  pitch 
  =>  pitch 
  =>  keynote 
  Sense  7 
  prepare,  set  up  ready,  gear  up  set 
  =>  socialize,  socialise 
  =>  cram 
  =>  precondition 
  =>  fix 
  =>  mount 
  =>  set  up  lay  out  set 
  =>  winterize 
  =>  summerize 
  =>  prime 
  =>  cultivate,  crop,  work 
  =>  brace,  poise 
  Sense  8 
  =>  reset 
  =>  advance,  set  ahead 
  Sense  11 
  arrange,  set 
  =>  prearrange 
  =>  put 
  =>  transpose 
  =>  tabularize,  tabularise,  tabulate 
  Sense  12 
  plant,  set 
  =>  root 
  =>  puddle 
  =>  checkrow 
  =>  dibble 
  =>  afforest,  forest 
  =>  replant 
  Sense  22 
  adjust  set 
  =>  proportion 
  =>  modulate 
  =>  temper 
  =>  tune,  tune  up 
  =>  calibrate,  graduate,  fine-tune 
  =>  tune,  tune  up 
  =>  zero,  zero  in 
  =>  zero 
  =>  readjust,  reset 
  =>  attune 
  =>  time 
  =>  set 
  =>  regulate,  modulate 
  =>  focus,  sharpen 
  =>  synchronize,  synchronise,  sync 
  =>  pressurize,  pressurise 
  =>  depressurize,  depressurise,  decompress 
  =>  match,  fit 
  =>  plumb 
  =>  align,  coordinate 
  =>  harmonize,  harmonise,  reconcile 
  =>  linearize,  linearise 
  =>  justify 
  =>  citify 
  Sense  24 
  dress,  arrange,  set  do  coif,  coiffe,  coiffure 
  =>  bob 
  =>  wave 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  set 
  10  of  24  senses  of  set 
  Sense  1 
  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  =>  docket 
  =>  cock 
  =>  postpose 
  =>  prepose 
  =>  replace,  put  back 
  =>  hang  up 
  =>  intersperse 
  =>  interleave 
  =>  pile 
  =>  arrange,  set  up 
  =>  regularize,  regularise 
  =>  even  even  out 
  =>  order 
  =>  order 
  =>  tidy,  tidy  up  clean  up  neaten,  straighten,  straighten  out  square  away 
  =>  make  make  up 
  =>  houseclean,  clean  house,  clean 
  =>  spring-clean 
  =>  route 
  =>  systematize,  systematise,  systemize,  systemise 
  =>  codify 
  =>  collate,  collect 
  =>  disentangle,  unsnarl,  straighten  out 
  =>  tease,  tease  apart,  loosen 
  =>  ravel,  unravel,  ravel  out 
  =>  straighten 
  =>  rearrange 
  =>  recode 
  =>  reshuffle 
  =>  serialize,  serialise 
  =>  alphabetize,  alphabetise 
  =>  organize,  organise,  coordinate 
  =>  categorize,  categorise 
  =>  structure 
  =>  restructure,  reconstitute 
  =>  interlock,  mesh 
  =>  stratify 
  =>  interstratify 
  =>  string,  thread,  draw 
  =>  bead 
  =>  wire 
  =>  marshal 
  =>  string 
  =>  string  out  spread  out 
  =>  tuck 
  =>  preen,  plume 
  =>  concord 
  =>  cascade 
  =>  settle 
  =>  pyramid 
  =>  corral 
  =>  catenate,  catenulate 
  =>  dress,  decorate 
  =>  range,  array,  lay  out  set  out 
  =>  compart 
  =>  pack,  bundle,  wad,  compact 
  =>  puddle 
  =>  stack,  pile,  heap 
  =>  rick 
  =>  cord 
  =>  stack,  stagger,  distribute 
  =>  drape 
  =>  drape 
  =>  set 
  =>  line  up 
  =>  superimpose,  superpose,  lay  over 
  =>  develop 
  =>  superpose 
  =>  park 
  =>  ensconce,  settle 
  =>  trench 
  =>  pigeonhole 
  =>  shelve 
  =>  jar 
  =>  repose 
  =>  stick,  put  forward 
  =>  sign 
  =>  middle 
  =>  parallelize 
  =>  butt 
  =>  recess 
  =>  reposition 
  =>  reduce 
  =>  throw 
  =>  tee,  tee  up 
  =>  rack  up 
  =>  coffin 
  =>  bed 
  =>  appose 
  =>  set  down  put  down  place  down 
  =>  plank,  flump,  plonk,  plop,  plunk,  plump  down  plunk  down  plump 
  =>  sow,  sough,  seed 
  =>  broadcast 
  =>  inseminate,  sow,  sow  in 
  =>  scatter 
  =>  misplace 
  =>  juxtapose 
  =>  pitch 
  =>  set  down 
  =>  bottle 
  =>  bucket 
  =>  barrel 
  =>  ground 
  =>  pillow,  rest 
  =>  misplace,  mislay,  lose 
  =>  upend 
  =>  seat,  sit  sit  down 
  =>  reseat 
  =>  lay,  put  down  repose 
  =>  rail 
  =>  lay 
  =>  spawn 
  =>  spat 
  =>  blow 
  =>  bury,  entomb,  inter,  lay  to  rest 
  =>  rebury 
  =>  stand  stand  up  place  upright 
  =>  plant,  set 
  =>  root 
  =>  puddle 
  =>  checkrow 
  =>  dibble 
  =>  afforest,  forest 
  =>  re-afforest 
  =>  reforest 
  =>  replant 
  =>  install,  instal,  put  in  set  up 
  =>  retrofit 
  =>  reinstall 
  =>  post  put  up 
  =>  situate,  fix,  posit,  deposit 
  =>  bury 
  =>  ladle 
  =>  poise 
  =>  lean 
  =>  clap 
  =>  rest 
  =>  perch 
  =>  load 
  =>  cram 
  =>  set 
  =>  siphon 
  =>  position 
  =>  deploy 
  =>  play 
  =>  cover 
  =>  aim  take  train,  take  aim  direct 
  =>  target,  aim  place  direct,  point 
  =>  address 
  =>  range  in  home  in  zero  in 
  =>  hold 
  =>  turn 
  =>  swing 
  =>  charge,  level,  point 
  =>  level 
  =>  square 
  =>  square  up  jog,  even  up 
  =>  dress,  line  up 
  =>  orient 
  =>  glycerolize 
  =>  space 
  =>  marshal 
  =>  settle,  settle  down 
  =>  throw 
  Sense  2 
  determine,  set 
  =>  identify,  place 
  =>  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart 
  =>  know 
  =>  discriminate,  know  apart 
  =>  subtilize 
  =>  label 
  =>  label 
  =>  sex 
  =>  individualize,  individualise 
  =>  contrast 
  =>  severalize 
  =>  contradistinguish 
  =>  dissociate 
  =>  demarcate 
  =>  discriminate,  separate,  single  out 
  =>  isolate,  insulate 
  =>  ghettoize,  ghettoise 
  =>  cloister 
  =>  seclude,  sequester,  sequestrate,  withdraw 
  =>  quarantine 
  =>  maroon 
  =>  segregate 
  =>  redline 
  =>  disadvantage,  disfavor,  disfavour 
  =>  handicap,  hinder,  hamper 
  =>  prejudice 
  =>  stratify 
  =>  date 
  =>  chronologize,  chronologise 
  =>  predate,  antedate,  foredate 
  =>  postdate 
  =>  misdate 
  =>  value 
  =>  overvalue,  overestimate 
  =>  undervalue,  underestimate 
  =>  float 
  =>  format 
  =>  charge 
  =>  initialize 
  =>  detect 
  =>  tax,  assess 
  =>  price 
  =>  mark  up 
  =>  rig,  manipulate 
  =>  overprice 
  =>  underquote 
  Sense  3 
  specify,  set  determine,  fix 
  =>  quantify 
  =>  name 
  =>  reset 
  =>  define 
  =>  redefine 
  Sense  5 
  =>  pitch 
  =>  pitch 
  =>  keynote 
  Sense  7 
  prepare,  set  up  ready,  gear  up  set 
  =>  socialize,  socialise 
  =>  cram 
  =>  precondition 
  =>  fix 
  =>  mount 
  =>  set  up  lay  out  set 
  =>  winterize 
  =>  summerize 
  =>  prime 
  =>  cultivate,  crop,  work 
  =>  overcrop,  overcultivate 
  =>  brace,  poise 
  =>  steel,  nerve 
  Sense  8 
  =>  reset 
  =>  advance,  set  ahead 
  Sense  11 
  arrange,  set 
  =>  prearrange 
  =>  put 
  =>  transpose 
  =>  tabularize,  tabularise,  tabulate 
  Sense  12 
  plant,  set 
  =>  root 
  =>  puddle 
  =>  checkrow 
  =>  dibble 
  =>  afforest,  forest 
  =>  re-afforest 
  =>  reforest 
  =>  replant 
  Sense  22 
  adjust  set 
  =>  proportion 
  =>  scale  down 
  =>  scale  up 
  =>  modulate 
  =>  temper 
  =>  tune,  tune  up 
  =>  calibrate,  graduate,  fine-tune 
  =>  tune,  tune  up 
  =>  fine-tune,  tweak 
  =>  service 
  =>  tune  in 
  =>  zero,  zero  in 
  =>  zero 
  =>  readjust,  reset 
  =>  attune 
  =>  time 
  =>  set 
  =>  reset 
  =>  advance,  set  ahead 
  =>  regulate,  modulate 
  =>  focus,  sharpen 
  =>  refocus 
  =>  pin  down  narrow  down 
  =>  synchronize,  synchronise,  sync 
  =>  phase 
  =>  pressurize,  pressurise 
  =>  depressurize,  depressurise,  decompress 
  =>  puncture 
  =>  match,  fit 
  =>  balance,  equilibrate,  equilibrize 
  =>  complement 
  =>  compensate,  counterbalance,  even  out  even  off  even  up 
  =>  carry 
  =>  cover 
  =>  cancel,  offset,  set  off 
  =>  counteract,  countervail,  neutralize,  counterbalance 
  =>  override 
  =>  offset,  countervail 
  =>  plumb 
  =>  align,  coordinate 
  =>  harmonize,  harmonise,  reconcile 
  =>  key 
  =>  linearize,  linearise 
  =>  justify 
  =>  citify 
  Sense  24 
  dress,  arrange,  set  do  coif,  coiffe,  coiffure 
  =>  bob 
  =>  wave 
  =>  marcel 
  =>  perm 
  Entailment  of  verb  set 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  set 
  24  senses  of  set 
  Sense  1 
  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  =>  move  displace 
  Also  See->  set  down#6;  set  back#3;  set  up#11;  set  up#7;  set  down#5;  set  up#2;  set  up#3;  set  up#5;  set  out#2 
  Sense  2 
  determine,  set 
  Sense  3 
  specify,  set  determine,  fix 
  =>  choose  take  select,  pick  out 
  Sense  4 
  set  mark 
  =>  lay  down  establish,  make 
  Sense  5 
  =>  change,  alter 
  Also  See->  set  off#5;  set  up#4;  set  off#1;  set  apart#1;  set  aside#1;  set  off#7 
  Sense  6 
  =>  arrange,  set  up 
  Sense  7 
  prepare,  set  up  ready,  gear  up  set 
  =>  change,  alter 
  Sense  8 
  =>  adjust  set 
  Also  See->  set  ahead#1 
  Sense  9 
  set  localize,  localise,  place 
  =>  stage,  present 
  Sense  10 
  set  go  down  go  under 
  =>  descend,  fall,  go  down  come  down 
  Sense  11 
  arrange,  set 
  =>  compose,  write 
  Sense  12 
  plant,  set 
  =>  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  Sense  13 
  =>  originate,  initiate,  start 
  Sense  14 
  jell,  set  congeal 
  =>  solidify 
  Sense  15 
  =>  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  Sense  16 
  set  countersink 
  =>  bury,  sink 
  Sense  17 
  =>  hone 
  Sense  18 
  sic,  set 
  =>  assail,  assault,  set  on  attack 
  Sense  19 
  place  put  set 
  =>  estimate,  gauge,  approximate,  guess,  judge 
  Sense  20 
  rig,  set  set  up 
  =>  equip,  fit  fit  out  outfit 
  Sense  21 
  set  up  lay  out  set 
  =>  prepare,  set  up  ready,  gear  up  set 
  Sense  22 
  adjust  set 
  =>  correct,  right 
  Sense  23 
  fructify,  set 
  =>  reproduce,  procreate,  multiply 
  Sense  24 
  dress,  arrange,  set  do  coif,  coiffe,  coiffure 
  =>  groom,  neaten 
  Familiarity  of  verb  set 
  set  used  as  a  verb  is  very  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  24) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  set 
  Sense  1 
  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  =>  move  displace 
  Sense  2 
  determine,  set 
  Sense  3 
  specify,  set  determine,  fix 
  =>  choose  take  select,  pick  out 
  Sense  4 
  set  mark 
  =>  lay  down  establish,  make 
  Sense  5 
  =>  change,  alter 
  Sense  6 
  =>  arrange,  set  up 
  Sense  7 
  prepare,  set  up  ready,  gear  up  set 
  =>  change,  alter 
  Sense  8 
  =>  adjust  set 
  Sense  9 
  set  localize,  localise,  place 
  =>  stage,  present 
  Sense  10 
  set  go  down  go  under 
  =>  descend,  fall,  go  down  come  down 
  Sense  11 
  arrange,  set 
  =>  compose,  write 
  Sense  12 
  plant,  set 
  =>  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  Sense  13 
  =>  originate,  initiate,  start 
  Sense  14 
  jell,  set  congeal 
  =>  solidify 
  Sense  15 
  =>  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  Sense  16 
  set  countersink 
  =>  bury,  sink 
  Sense  17 
  =>  hone 
  Sense  18 
  sic,  set 
  =>  assail,  assault,  set  on  attack 
  Sense  19 
  place  put  set 
  =>  estimate,  gauge,  approximate,  guess,  judge 
  Sense  20 
  rig,  set  set  up 
  =>  equip,  fit  fit  out  outfit 
  Sense  21 
  set  up  lay  out  set 
  =>  prepare,  set  up  ready,  gear  up  set 
  Sense  22 
  adjust  set 
  =>  correct,  right 
  Sense  23 
  fructify,  set 
  =>  reproduce,  procreate,  multiply 
  Sense  24 
  dress,  arrange,  set  do  coif,  coiffe,  coiffure 
  =>  groom,  neaten 
  Grep  of  noun  setting 
  place  setting 
  setting  hen 
  stage  setting 
  trend  setting 
  Overview  of  noun  setting 
  The  noun  setting  has  6  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (7)  setting,  scene  --  (the  context  and  environment  in  which  something  is  set:  "the  perfect  setting  for  a  ghost  story") 
  2.  (2)  setting,  background,  scope  --  (the  state  of  the  environment  in  which  a  situation  exists;  "you  can't  do  that  in  a  university  setting") 
  3.  (1)  mise  en  scene,  stage  setting,  setting  --  (arrangement  of  scenery  and  properties  to  represent  the  place  where  a  play  or  movie  is  enacted) 
  4.  setting  --  (the  physical  position  of  something  "he  changed  the  setting  on  the  thermostat") 
  5.  place  setting,  setting  --  (a  table  service  for  one  person;  "a  place  setting  of  sterling  flatware") 
  6.  mount,  setting  --  (mounting  consisting  of  a  piece  of  metal  (as  in  a  ring  or  other  jewelry)  that  holds  a  gem  in  place  "the  diamond  was  in  a  plain  gold  mount") 
  Overview  of  verb  set 
  The  verb  set  has  24  senses  (first  14  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (30)  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay  --  (put  into  a  certain  place  or  abstract  location;  "Put  your  things  here";  "Set  the  tray  down";  "Set  the  dogs  on  the  scent  of  the  missing  children";  "Place  emphasis  on  a  certain  point") 
  2.  (29)  determine,  set  --  (fix  conclusively  or  authoritatively;  "set  the  rules") 
  3.  (12)  specify,  set  determine,  fix  --  (decide  upon  as  of  variables  in  math) 
  4.  (10)  set  mark  --  (establish  as  the  highest  level  or  best  performance:  "set  a  record") 
  5.  (9)  set  --  (put  into  a  certain  state;  cause  to  be  in  a  certain  state;  "set  the  house  afire") 
  6.  (6)  set  --  (fix  in  a  border,  as  of  precious  stones) 
  7.  (5)  prepare,  set  up  ready,  gear  up  set  --  (make  ready  or  suitable  in  advance  for  a  particular  purpose  or  for  some  use  event,  etc  "Get  the  children  ready  for  school!";  "prepare  for  war") 
  8.  (5)  set  --  (set  to  a  certain  position;  "set  clocks  or  instruments") 
  9.  (3)  set  localize,  localise,  place  --  (locate;  "The  film  is  set  in  Africa") 
  10.  (2)  set  go  down  go  under  --  (disappear  beyond  the  horizon;  of  celestial  bodies  such  as  the  sun  and  the  moon) 
  11.  (2)  arrange,  set  --  (adapt  for  performance  in  a  different  way  "set  this  poem  to  music") 
  12.  (2)  plant,  set  --  (put  or  set  (seeds  or  seedlings)  into  the  ground;  "Let's  plant  flowers  in  the  garden") 
  13.  (1)  set  --  (apply  or  start  "set  fire  to  a  building") 
  14.  (1)  jell,  set  congeal  --  (become  gelatinous;  "the  liquid  jelled  after  we  added  the  enzyme") 
  15.  set  --  (put  into  a  position  that  will  restore  a  normal  state;  "set  a  broken  bone") 
  16.  set  countersink  --  (insert  (a  nail  or  screw  below  the  surface,  as  into  a  countersink)) 
  17.  set  --  (give  a  fine,  sharp  edge  to  a  knife  or  razor) 
  18.  sic,  set  --  (urge  a  dog  to  attack  someone) 
  19.  place  put  set  --  (estimate:  "We  put  the  time  of  arrival  at  8  P.M.") 
  20.  rig,  set  set  up  --  (equip  with  sails,  masts,  etc.;  of  ships) 
  21.  set  up  lay  out  set  --  (get  ready  for  a  particular  purpose  or  event;  "set  up  an  experiment";  "set  the  table";  "lay  out  the  tools  for  the  surgery") 
  22.  adjust  set  --  (alter  slightly,  esp.  to  achieve  accuracy;  regulate;  "Adjust  the  clock,  please") 
  23.  fructify,  set  --  (bear  fruit,  of  plants) 
  24.  dress,  arrange,  set  do  coif,  coiffe,  coiffure  --  (arrange  attractively;  "dress  my  hair  for  the  wedding") 
  Overview  of  adj  setting 
  The  adj  setting  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  setting  --  ((of  a  heavenly  body)  disappearing  below  the  horizon;  "the  setting  sun") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  setting 
  1  sense  of  setting 
  Sense  1 
  setting  (vs.  rising) 
  rising  (vs.  setting) 
  Similarity  of  adj  setting 
  1  sense  of  setting 
  Sense  1 
  setting  (vs.  rising) 
  Attributes  of  adj  setting 
  Familiarity  of  adj  setting 
  setting  used  as  an  adjective  is  very  rare  (polysemy  count  =  1) 
  Grep  of  adj  setting 
  Overview  of  noun  setting 
  The  noun  setting  has  6  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (7)  setting,  scene  --  (the  context  and  environment  in  which  something  is  set:  "the  perfect  setting  for  a  ghost  story") 
  2.  (2)  setting,  background,  scope  --  (the  state  of  the  environment  in  which  a  situation  exists;  "you  can't  do  that  in  a  university  setting") 
  3.  (1)  mise  en  scene,  stage  setting,  setting  --  (arrangement  of  scenery  and  properties  to  represent  the  place  where  a  play  or  movie  is  enacted) 
  4.  setting  --  (the  physical  position  of  something  "he  changed  the  setting  on  the  thermostat") 
  5.  place  setting,  setting  --  (a  table  service  for  one  person;  "a  place  setting  of  sterling  flatware") 
  6.  mount,  setting  --  (mounting  consisting  of  a  piece  of  metal  (as  in  a  ring  or  other  jewelry)  that  holds  a  gem  in  place  "the  diamond  was  in  a  plain  gold  mount") 
  Overview  of  verb  set 
  The  verb  set  has  24  senses  (first  14  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (30)  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay  --  (put  into  a  certain  place  or  abstract  location;  "Put  your  things  here";  "Set  the  tray  down";  "Set  the  dogs  on  the  scent  of  the  missing  children";  "Place  emphasis  on  a  certain  point") 
  2.  (29)  determine,  set  --  (fix  conclusively  or  authoritatively;  "set  the  rules") 
  3.  (12)  specify,  set  determine,  fix  --  (decide  upon  as  of  variables  in  math) 
  4.  (10)  set  mark  --  (establish  as  the  highest  level  or  best  performance:  "set  a  record") 
  5.  (9)  set  --  (put  into  a  certain  state;  cause  to  be  in  a  certain  state;  "set  the  house  afire") 
  6.  (6)  set  --  (fix  in  a  border,  as  of  precious  stones) 
  7.  (5)  prepare,  set  up  ready,  gear  up  set  --  (make  ready  or  suitable  in  advance  for  a  particular  purpose  or  for  some  use  event,  etc  "Get  the  children  ready  for  school!";  "prepare  for  war") 
  8.  (5)  set  --  (set  to  a  certain  position;  "set  clocks  or  instruments") 
  9.  (3)  set  localize,  localise,  place  --  (locate;  "The  film  is  set  in  Africa") 
  10.  (2)  set  go  down  go  under  --  (disappear  beyond  the  horizon;  of  celestial  bodies  such  as  the  sun  and  the  moon) 
  11.  (2)  arrange,  set  --  (adapt  for  performance  in  a  different  way  "set  this  poem  to  music") 
  12.  (2)  plant,  set  --  (put  or  set  (seeds  or  seedlings)  into  the  ground;  "Let's  plant  flowers  in  the  garden") 
  13.  (1)  set  --  (apply  or  start  "set  fire  to  a  building") 
  14.  (1)  jell,  set  congeal  --  (become  gelatinous;  "the  liquid  jelled  after  we  added  the  enzyme") 
  15.  set  --  (put  into  a  position  that  will  restore  a  normal  state;  "set  a  broken  bone") 
  16.  set  countersink  --  (insert  (a  nail  or  screw  below  the  surface,  as  into  a  countersink)) 
  17.  set  --  (give  a  fine,  sharp  edge  to  a  knife  or  razor) 
  18.  sic,  set  --  (urge  a  dog  to  attack  someone) 
  19.  place  put  set  --  (estimate:  "We  put  the  time  of  arrival  at  8  P.M.") 
  20.  rig,  set  set  up  --  (equip  with  sails,  masts,  etc.;  of  ships) 
  21.  set  up  lay  out  set  --  (get  ready  for  a  particular  purpose  or  event;  "set  up  an  experiment";  "set  the  table";  "lay  out  the  tools  for  the  surgery") 
  22.  adjust  set  --  (alter  slightly,  esp.  to  achieve  accuracy;  regulate;  "Adjust  the  clock,  please") 
  23.  fructify,  set  --  (bear  fruit,  of  plants) 
  24.  dress,  arrange,  set  do  coif,  coiffe,  coiffure  --  (arrange  attractively;  "dress  my  hair  for  the  wedding") 
  Overview  of  adj  setting 
  The  adj  setting  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  setting  --  ((of  a  heavenly  body)  disappearing  below  the  horizon;  "the  setting  sun") 

setting definition