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sion |
Grep of noun sion abocclusion abrasion abscission academic session accession achromatic vision adhesion administrative division admission advertising division affusion aggression agitated depression allusion ambiversion american revised version american standard version anaclitic depression animadversion apprehension arithmetic progression ascension aspersion atomic energy commission atomic explosion authorized version automatic transmission aversion avulsion bakke decision beach erosion benthic division binocular vision blood transfusion bull session cable television cell division cellular division cellular inclusion central vision ceremonial occasion cession chromatic vision chronological succession circumcision clinical depression closed-circuit television closed session coefficient of expansion cohesion cold fusion collision colloidal suspension collusion color television color vision colour television combat mission commission compassion comprehension compression compulsion concession concision conclusion concussion condescension confession confusion contract of adhesion contusion conversion convulsion coronary occlusion corrasion corrosion countersubversion cross-division curvilinear regression data conversion daylight vision decision declension decompression delusion depression derision dermabrasion diffusion digression dimension diplomatic mission discussion disillusion dismission dispassion dispersion dispossession dissension dissuasion distance vision distension diversion division douay-rheims version douay version double vision dysthymic depression ecological succession economic and social council commission economics profession ecosoc commission edith giovanna gassion effusion egression election commission electromagnetic intrusion elision elusion emersion emission emulsion endogenous depression erosion essential hypertension evasion eversion exchange transfusion excision exclusion excursion executive session exogenous depression expansion explosion exponential expression expression expulsion extension extroversion extrusion facial expression fairness commission field-sequential color television field emission final decision fission foregone conclusion foreign mission form division fourth dimension foveal vision fusion geometric progression great depression group discussion harmonic progression health profession heat of fusion high-definition television hyperextension hypertension hypotension idiomatic expression illusion image compression immediate apprehension immersion immunosuppression implosion imprecision impression impulsion incision inclusion incomprehension incursion indecision indirect expression infrared emission infusion intension intercession interfacial surface tension interfacial tension intermission interspersion interstate commerce commission intromission introversion intrusion invasion inversion involutional depression jam session jet propulsion judicial decision king james version learned profession legal profession lesion leyte invasion line of succession line of vision linear regression long division malignant hypertension malocclusion manic depression mansion manumission material possession matrix inversion medical profession mental confusion military commission military mission misapprehension mission monochromatic vision monocular vision multiple regression nasion natural depression near vision nerve compression neurotic depression night vision nihilistic delusion nocturnal emission nonaggression nuclear explosion nuclear fission nuclear fusion nuclear propulsion nuclear regulatory commission obsession occasion occlusion omission oppression optical fusion optical illusion orthostatic hypotension panel discussion passion pension percussion perfusion peripheral vision permission persuasion pervasion perversion phase of cell division photoelectric emission photoemission photographic emulsion photopic vision planning commission plosion population commission porcupine provision portal hypertension possession postural hypotension practice session precession precision preclusion prehension prepossession pretension pretermission prevision price of admission procession profession profusion progression prolusion propulsion protrusion provision psychotic depression radio emission rap session reaction propulsion reactive depression readmission recession recission rectilinear regression recursion rediffusion reduction division regression remission repercussion repossession reprehension repression repulsion rescission resuspension retarded depression retrogression retroversion retrovision reversion revised standard version revised version revision revulsion rheims-douay version right ascension rocket propulsion sales division scansion scission scotopic vision search and destroy mission search and rescue mission search mission secession seclusion secondary emission secondary hypertension securities and exchange commission self-expression self-possession sense impression session sexual perversion short division simple regression sion skull session social development commission social occasion soil erosion somatic delusion special session spinal fusion split decision standard transmission statistical commission stereoscopic vision suasion subdivision submersion submission subversion succession succussion suffusion supersession supervision suppression surface tension surgical incision suspension symphysion taking possession tax evasion telephone extension television tension territorial division the depression the great depression thermal emission thermionic emission third dimension torsion transferred possession transfusion transgression transmission tunnel vision twilight vision unipolar depression university extension version vision wage concession war of the austrian succession war of the spanish succession white-coat hypertension word division zoning commission Overview of noun sion The noun sion has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. Zion, Sion -- (originally a stronghold captured by David (the 2nd king of the Israelites); above it was built a temple and later the name extended to the whole hill; finally it became a synonym for the city of Jerusalem; "the inhabitants of Jerusalem are personified as `the daughter of Zion'") 2. Israel, State of Israel, Yisrael, Zion, Sion -- (Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine) 3. Utopia, Zion, Sion -- (an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal) Grep of adj sion high-tension in commission in remission in suspension low-tension out of commission Overview of noun sion The noun sion has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. Zion, Sion -- (originally a stronghold captured by David (the 2nd king of the Israelites); above it was built a temple and later the name extended to the whole hill; finally it became a synonym for the city of Jerusalem; "the inhabitants of Jerusalem are personified as `the daughter of Zion'") 2. Israel, State of Israel, Yisrael, Zion, Sion -- (Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine) 3. Utopia, Zion, Sion -- (an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal)
sion definition