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eas definition
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Grep of noun eas aeneas antheropeas boreas bufo boreas ease easel easement easiness easing east east-sider east african cedar east anglia east by north east by south east chadic east china sea east german east germanic east germanic language east germany east india kino east india rosewood east indian fig tree east indian rosebay east indian rosewood east indies east malaysia east midland east northeast east pakistan east river east saint louis east side east southeast east sussex east tocharian east wind easter easter bunny easter cactus easter card easter daisy easter day easter egg easter lily easter lily vine easter sunday easterly eastern catholicism eastern chimpanzee eastern chinquapin eastern chipmunk eastern church eastern coral snake eastern cottontail eastern cottonwood eastern cricket frog eastern dasyure eastern fence lizard eastern flowering dogwood eastern fox squirrel eastern gray squirrel eastern ground snake eastern hemisphere eastern hemlock eastern hop hornbeam eastern indigo snake eastern kingbird eastern lowland gorilla eastern malayo-polynesian eastern meadowlark eastern narrow-mouthed toad eastern orthodox church eastern pasque flower eastern pipistrel eastern poison oak eastern red-backed salamander eastern red cedar eastern roman empire eastern samoa eastern silvery aster eastern sioux eastern spruce eastern standard time eastern time eastern turki eastern white pine eastern woodrat easterner eastertide eastman easy chair easy going easy mark easy money easygoingness fibrocystic disease of the pancreas freedom of the seas genus antheropeas law of areas law of equal areas lycaena hypophlaeas pancreas papaver rhoeas seven seas Grep of noun ea abies balsamea acacia xanthophloea achillea acne rosacea acorea actaea aculea adriatic sea aegean sea afternoon tea albuginea alcea alcea rosea alcyonacea aletris aurea alpine azalea alpine hulsea althaea althea althea rosea amanita caesarea amenorrhea amenorrhoea amphicarpaea anaphalis margaritacea andaman sea andreaea anglesea antheraea anthropoidea aperea aphidoidea apnea apoidea aquilegia scopulorum calcarea arabian sea arachis hypogaea aral sea aranea ardea area armillariella mellea arteria choroidea arteria laryngea arteria meningea arteria metacarpea arteria metatarsea arteria poplitea articulatio radiocarpea articulatio spheroidea articulatio trochoidea arundinaria gigantea asparagus pea asphodeline lutea association area asteroidea attalea auditory area australian pea austrian winter pea azalea baccharis viminea bacillary white diarrhea bacillary white diarrhoea baltic sea baptisia lactea barbarea barents sea battle of plataea battle of the bismarck sea battle of the coral sea battle of the philippine sea beach flea beach pea beaufort sea beef tea begonia cocchinea belemnoidea bering sea betula leutea bismarck sea bitter pea black-eyed pea black pea black sea black tea blattodea blennioidea bloomeria crocea blue mountain tea blue pea boehmeria nivea bomarea bougainvillaea bougainvillea bowiea brassica juncea brassica oleracea broad-leaved everlasting pea broadcast area broca's area brodiaea brodmann's area brugmansia arborea brugmansia sanguinea bush pea butea butterfly pea cacalia lutea caesalpinia ferrea cajan pea caley pea calidris ferruginea calnada pea calvatia gigantea cambric tea camomile tea camping area canine chorea capital of guinea capital of north korea capital of papua new guinea capital of south korea capparis arborea carduelis flammea cargo area caribbean sea carnegiea carnegiea gigantea caspian sea castanea castilleja sulphurea cat flea catchment area catjang pea cebuella pygmaea celosia argentea centaurea cetacea chaeronea chamaea chaparral pea chickpea chigoe flea chorea circaea cladrastis kentukea cladrastis lutea class asteroidea class crinoidea class crustacea class echinoidea class hirudinea class holothuroidea class larvacea class ophiuroidea class thaliacea claviceps purpurea cleistes rosea climbing hydrangea clitoria turnatea clupea clusia rosea coccoidea cochlea coffea columnea colutea common flat pea common pea congou tea coral pea coral sea coreopsis gigantea cornea cornus sanguinea cortical area cowpea crassostrea crataegus coccinea crimea crinoidea crustacea crystal tea cup of tea cupressus goveniana pigmaea cupressus pigmaea cyathea cydippea cydippidea cypraea cytherea dalea danaea darling pea datura arborea datura sanguinea dead sea delairea democratic people's republic of korea dense-leaved elodea dermochelys coriacea desert pea diarrhea diarrhoea diethylmalonylurea digitalis lutea digitalis purpurea dilatory plea dining area dionaea dioscorea disaster area dog flea drainage area dwarf hulsea dysmenorrhea dyspnea dyspnoea ea eacles eacles imperialis eadweard muybridge eadwig eager eager beaver eagerness eagle eagle ray eagle scout eaglet eagre eames eames chair eamon de valera ear ear-nose-and-throat doctor ear-shell ear canal ear doctor ear fungus ear hole ear lobe ear specialist ear trumpet earache eardrop eardrum eared grebe eared seal earflap earful earhart earl earl marshal earl of leicester earl of warwick earl russell earl warren earlap earldom earleaved umbrella tree earless lizard earless seal earliness earlobe early-morning hour early bird early childhood early coral root early days early morel early purple orchid early spider orchid early wake-robin early warning radar early warning system early winter cress earmark earmuff earned run earner earnest earnest money earnestness earning per share earnings earnings report earphone earpiece earreach earring earshot earth earth's crust earth's surface earth-ball earth-closet earth-god earth-goddess earth-nut pea earth-received time earth almond earth color earth mother earth science earth tremor earth wax earthball earthenware earthenware jar earthing earthling earthly concern earthman earthnut earthnut pea earthquake earthstar earthtongue earthwork earthworm earwax earwig ease easel easement easiness easing east east-sider east african cedar east anglia east by north east by south east chadic east china sea east german east germanic east germanic language east germany east india kino east india rosewood east indian fig tree east indian rosebay east indian rosewood east indies east malaysia east midland east northeast east pakistan east river east saint louis east side east southeast east sussex east tocharian east wind easter easter bunny easter cactus easter card easter daisy easter day easter egg easter lily easter lily vine easter sunday easterly eastern catholicism eastern chimpanzee eastern chinquapin eastern chipmunk eastern church eastern coral snake eastern cottontail eastern cottonwood eastern cricket frog eastern dasyure eastern fence lizard eastern flowering dogwood eastern fox squirrel eastern gray squirrel eastern ground snake eastern hemisphere eastern hemlock eastern hop hornbeam eastern indigo snake eastern kingbird eastern lowland gorilla eastern malayo-polynesian eastern meadowlark eastern narrow-mouthed toad eastern orthodox church eastern pasque flower eastern pipistrel eastern poison oak eastern red-backed salamander eastern red cedar eastern roman empire eastern samoa eastern silvery aster eastern sioux eastern spruce eastern standard time eastern time eastern turki eastern white pine eastern woodrat easterner eastertide eastman easy chair easy going easy mark easy money easygoingness eatable eatage eater eating eating apple eating away eating disorder eating house eating place eats eau claire eau de cologne eau de cologne mint eau de javelle eau de toilette eau de vie eaves eavesdropper echidnophaga gallinacea echinacea echinochloa frumentacea echinoidea edible-pod pea edible-podded pea egretta caerulea egyptian pea elegant brodiaea elodea embiodea emilia coccinea emilia flammea english breakfast tea entelea epigaea epipactis gigantea equatorial guinea erica arborea erica carnea erica cinerea eritrea eucalyptus coriacea euphausiacea eupnea eupnoea euproctis chrysorrhoea euproctis phaeorrhoea euterpe oleracea euxine sea everlasting pea excitable area exhibition area fagus purpurea fagus sylvatica atropunicea fagus sylvatica purpurea fall-blooming hydrangea false azalea family hydnoracea family papilionacea family tecophilaeacea farming area fenestra of the cochlea ficus aurea ficus deltoidea field pea flame pea flat pea flea force per unit area formica sanguinea fovea french guinea frontal area fuchsia coccinea gaea galatea garden pea gastrophryne olivacea genlisea gentiana lutea genus achillea genus actaea genus alcea genus althaea genus amphicarpaea genus andreaea genus antheraea genus aranea genus ardea genus attalea genus barbarea genus bomarea genus bougainvillaea genus bougainvillea genus bowiea genus brodiaea genus butea genus carnegiea genus castanea genus centaurea genus chamaea genus circaea genus clupea genus coffea genus columnea genus colutea genus crassostrea genus cyathea genus cypraea genus dalea genus danaea genus delairea genus diomedea genus dionaea genus dioscorea genus echinacea genus elodea genus entelea genus epigaea genus genlisea genus geoffroea genus gerea genus grevillea genus hakea genus haldea genus haminoea genus hevea genus hovea genus hulsea genus hydrangea genus hymenaea genus ipomoea genus laportea genus larrea genus linnaea genus mammea genus marsilea genus napaea genus nauclea genus nopalea genus nymphaea genus olea genus onoclea genus onychogalea genus ostrea genus pellaea genus persea genus phillyrea genus phthorimaea genus picea genus pilea genus platalea genus proboscidea genus protea genus psoralea genus rhea genus richea genus roystonea genus sabinea genus saussurea genus saxe-gothea genus saxegothea genus schizaea genus shorea genus sidalcea genus sloanea genus solea genus sphaeralcea genus spiraea genus spraguea genus stanhopea genus staphylea genus taxidea genus telopea genus tinea genus todea genus tolmiea genus urginea genus usnea genus ustilaginoidea genus wynnea genus xanthorroea genus zea geoffroea geographic area geographical area gerea germinal area glandular labrador tea glory pea golden pea gonorrhea gonorrhoea goober pea gorgonacea gorgoniacea grass pea gray area green pea green tea greenland sea grevillea grey area guinea gulf of guinea gum butea gymnadenia conopsea gyromitra brunnea habenaria leucophaea habenaria nivea hairy darling pea hakea haldea haminoea head sea heart pea heath pea herb tea herbal tea heuchera sanguinea hevea high sea high tea hirudinea hoary pea hoheria populnea holothuroidea hominoidea hosea hovea hulsea huntington's chorea hyaena brunnea hydnoracea hydrangea hymenaea hypermenorrhea hyperpnea hypertrophic rosacea hyphantria cunea hypopnea hyracoidea iaea ice tea iced tea idea independent state of papua new guinea indian pea insanity plea ionian sea ipomoea ipomoea coccinea ipomoea purpurea irish sea judaea judea juglans cinerea kahikatea kampuchea kea kennedia coccinea king protea korea labrador sea labrador tea land area language area laportea larrea larvacea launch area lavatera arborea lea lemuroidea lepidochelys olivacea lespedeza sericea lespedeza stipulacea leucorrhea leukorrhea ligurian sea limanda ferruginea linnaea loading area logorrhea macula lutea macular area malonylurea mammea manteodea mantinea marsh pea marsh tea marsilea mauna kea meadow pea medea medicago arborea mediterranean sea menorrhea mens rea menziesia ferruginea mesua ferrea mexican tea miscellanea misocainea morphea motor area mountain azalea mountain tea mugiloidea muroidea muscoidea mustela erminea mysidacea myxinoidea napaea napea narrow-leaved everlasting pea nauclea nausea nelumbo lutea nemertea neotoma cinerea new guinea nopalea north korea north sea norwegian sea nuphar lutea nyctanassa violacea nymphaea nymphaea caerulea olea olea europaea oligomenorrhea onoclea onychogalea ophiuroidea order belemnoidea order cetacea order cydippea order cydippidea order embiodea order euphausiacea order hyracoidea order mysidacea order phasmatodea order platyctenea order proboscidea order testacea orthochorea orthopnea oryzopsis miliacea osmunda cinnamonea ostrea oswego tea otorrhea oxalis violacea packera aurea pagophila eburnea pahautea panacea pangaea pangea papua new guinea parafovea paraguay tea parking area partridge pea passerina cyanea pea pellaea pellaea atropurpurea percoidea perennial pea persea petteria ramentacea peziza coccinea phalaris arundinacea phasmatodea phenolic urea philippine sea phillyrea pholiota aurea phoronidea phthorimaea phyllodoce caerulea phyllostachys aurea phylum nemertea picea picnic area pigeon pea pilea pincushion hakea pinus pinea piranga olivacea piriform area pityriasis rosea pityrogramma argentea plataea platalea platanthera leucophea platyctenea playing area plea plumbago europaea podocarpus ferruginea pogonia rosea poison pea polygala lutea portuguese guinea portulaca oleracea preconceived idea prenanthes purpurea primary amenorrhea primary dysmenorrhea proboscidea protea prumnopitys ferruginea pseudomonas pyocanea psoralea ptloris paradisea purple pea pyorrhea pyorrhoea pyriform area quercus coccinea quercus petraea raja erinacea red sea republic of equitorial guinea republic of guinea republic of korea residential area rest area rhea rhinorrhea richea rolando's area rosa spithamaea rosacea ross sea rough pea roystonea roystonea oleracea rural area sabinea salicornia europaea salix alba caerulea salix alba sericea salix caprea salix cinerea salix herbacea salix purpurea salix sericea salpichroa rhomboidea salvia azurea salvia clarea salvia farinacea salvia sclarea salvia spathacea sambucus caerulea sand flea sanicula europaea sarcodes sanguinea sarcoscypha coccinea sardinops caerulea sargasso sea sarracenia purpurea saussurea saxe-gothea saxegothea scabiosa atropurpurea schizaea scombroidea scorpaenoidea sea sea pea seating area seborrhea secondary amenorrhea secondary dysmenorrhea sedum rosea senecio jacobaea sensitive pea sensorimotor area sequoia gigantea service area shamrock pea shorea sidalcea singletary pea sisymbrium barbarea sitta europaea sleep apnea sloanea slum area smooth darling pea snap pea snow pea solea solea solea south china sea south korea south sea spanish guinea spanish tea sphaeralcea sphaeralcea coccinea sphecoidea spinacia oleracea spiraea spirea spizella arborea split-pea spondias purpurea spraguea staging area stanhopea staphylea star ipomoea state of eritrea steatorrhea stellaria holostea sterling area sticktight flea storage area sturt's desert pea sturt pea subgenus azalea subject area suborder alcyonacea suborder anthropoidea suborder blattodea suborder blennioidea suborder gorgonacea suborder gorgoniacea suborder lemuroidea suborder manteodea suborder mugiloidea suborder percoidea suborder scombroidea suborder scorpaenoidea suborder tarsioidea substantia grisea suburban area sugar pea sugar snap pea sulfonylurea superfamily aphidoidea superfamily apoidea superfamily coccoidea superfamily hominoidea superfamily muroidea superfamily muscoidea superfamily sphecoidea superfamily tineoidea surface area sutura lamboidea swamp azalea swansea sweet pea sweetpea sydenham's chorea syringa josikaea syringa josikea tai nuea tangier pea target area tarsioidea taxidea tea tecophilaeacea telopea tephrosia purpurea testacea thaliacea thea thespesia populnea tinea tineoidea todea toea tolmiea tonsilla adenoidea trachea trapper's tea tremella foliacea tyrrhenian sea urban area urea urginea usnea ustilaginoidea uvea vaccinium vitis-idaea vanda coerulea vena choroidea vena cutanea vena laryngea vena poplitea vena sternocleidomastoidea vena stylomastoidea vena thyroidea venezia-euganea viminaria juncea vinca rosea visual area volvariella volvacea waiting area water flea wernicke's area western australia coral pea white sea wild hydrangea wild pea wild sweet pea wild winterpea winged pea wynnea xanthorroea yea yellow pea yellow sea zea zea mays amylacea zeno of elea Overview of noun ea The noun ea has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. Ea -- ((Akkadian) god of wisdom; son of Apsu and father of Marduk; counterpart of the Sumerian Enki; (Babylonian) god of waters and one of the supreme triad including Anu and Bel) Grep of adj eas eased east east-central east german east pakistani eastbound easterly eastern eastern orthodox easternmost eastmost eastside eastward easy easygoing overseas Overview of noun ea The noun ea has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. Ea -- ((Akkadian) god of wisdom; son of Apsu and father of Marduk; counterpart of the Sumerian Enki; (Babylonian) god of waters and one of the supreme triad including Anu and Bel)
eas definition