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raw raw definition


  Grep  of  noun  raw 
  creating  from  raw  materials 
  drinking  straw 
  fragrant  bedstraw 
  john  joseph  mcgraw 
  john  mcgraw 
  last  straw 
  northern  bedstraw 
  northern  snow  bedstraw 
  our  lady's  bedstraw 
  raw  beauty 
  raw  data 
  raw  deal 
  raw  material 
  raw  meat 
  raw  milk 
  raw  recruit 
  raw  sienna 
  raw  talent 
  raw  throat 
  raw  umber 
  raw  vegetable 
  raw  weather 
  raw  wood 
  raw  wool 
  raw  wound 
  white  bedstraw 
  yellow  bedstraw 
  Overview  of  noun  raw 
  The  noun  raw  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  raw,  altogether,  birthday  suit  --  (informal  terms  for  nakedness;  "in  the  raw";  "in  the  altogether";  "in  his  birthday  suit") 
  Overview  of  adj  raw 
  The  adj  raw  has  13  senses  (first  7  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (7)  natural,  raw,  rude  --  ((used  especially  of  commodities)  in  the  natural  unprocessed  condition;  "natural  yogurt";  "natural  produce";  "raw  wool";  "raw  sugar";  "bales  of  rude  cotton") 
  2.  (2)  raw  --  (having  the  surface  exposed  and  painful;  "a  raw  wound") 
  3.  (1)  raw  --  (not  treated  with  heat  to  prepare  it  for  eating) 
  4.  (1)  raw  --  (not  processed  or  refined;  "raw  sewage") 
  5.  (1)  naked,  raw  --  (devoid  of  elaboration  or  diminution  or  concealment;  bare  and  pure;  "naked  ambition";  "raw  fury";  "you  may  kill  someone  someday  with  your  raw  power") 
  6.  (1)  raw  --  (brutally  unfair  or  harsh;  "received  raw  treatment  from  his  friends";  "a  raw  deal") 
  7.  (1)  crude,  raw  --  (not  processed  or  subjected  to  analysis;  "raw  data";  "the  raw  cost  of  production";  "only  the  crude  vital  statistics") 
  8.  raw  --  (untempered  and  unrefined;  "raw  talent";  "raw  beauty") 
  9.  bleak,  cutting,  raw  --  (unpleasantly  cold  and  damp;  "bleak  winds  of  the  North  Atlantic") 
  10.  raw,  sore  --  (inflamed  and  painful;  "his  throat  was  raw";  "had  a  sore  throat") 
  11.  raw,  unsanded  --  (used  of  wood  and  furniture;  "raw  wood") 
  12.  raw,  new  wet  behind  the  ears  --  (lacking  training  or  experience;  "the  new  men  were  eager  to  fight";  "raw  recruits";  "he  was  still  wet  behind  the  ears  when  he  shipped  as  a  hand  on  a  merchant  vessel") 
  13.  bare-assed,  bare-ass,  in  the  altogether,  in  the  buff,  in  the  raw,  raw,  peeled,  naked  as  a  jaybird,  stark  naked  --  ((used  informally)  completely  unclothed) 
  Antonyms  of  adj  raw 
  13  senses  of  raw 
  Sense  1 
  natural,  raw(postnominal),  rude(postnominal) 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unprocessed)  ->  processed 
  Sense  2 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  injured)  ->  uninjured 
  Sense  3 
  raw  (vs.  cooked) 
  cooked  (vs.  raw) 
  =>  au  gratin 
  =>  baked 
  =>  barbecued,  grilled 
  =>  boiled,  poached,  stewed 
  =>  braised 
  =>  broiled,  grilled 
  =>  burned,  burnt 
  =>  done 
  =>  fried,  deep-fried 
  =>  hard-baked 
  =>  hard-boiled 
  =>  medium 
  =>  overdone 
  =>  parched 
  =>  roast,  roasted 
  =>  seared 
  =>  steamed 
  =>  toasted 
  =>  well-done 
  =>  lyonnaise 
  =>  saute,  sauteed 
  =>  soft-boiled 
  Sense  4 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  untreated)  ->  treated 
  Sense  5 
  naked,  raw 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  overt)  ->  covert 
  Sense  6 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unfair)  ->  fair,  just 
  Sense  7 
  crude,  raw 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unanalyzed)  ->  analyzed 
  Sense  8 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unpolished)  ->  polished 
  Sense  9 
  bleak,  cutting,  raw 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  cold)  ->  hot 
  Sense  10 
  raw,  sore 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unhealthy)  ->  healthy 
  Sense  11 
  raw(postnominal),  unsanded 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unfinished)  ->  finished 
  Sense  12 
  raw,  new  wet  behind  the  ears(prenominal) 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  inexperienced)  ->  experienced 
  Sense  13 
  bare-assed,  bare-ass,  in  the  altogether,  in  the  buff,  in  the  raw,  raw,  peeled,  naked  as  a  jaybird,  stark  naked 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unclothed)  ->  clothed,  clad 
  Similarity  of  adj  raw 
  13  senses  of  raw 
  Sense  1 
  natural,  raw(postnominal),  rude(postnominal) 
  =>  unprocessed  (vs.  processed) 
  Sense  2 
  =>  injured  (vs.  uninjured) 
  Sense  3 
  raw  (vs.  cooked) 
  =>  half-baked,  underdone 
  =>  rare 
  =>  uncooked 
  =>  untoasted 
  Sense  4 
  =>  untreated  (vs.  treated) 
  Sense  5 
  naked,  raw 
  =>  overt  (vs.  covert),  open 
  Sense  6 
  =>  unfair  (vs.  fair),  unjust 
  Sense  7 
  crude,  raw 
  =>  unanalyzed  (vs.  analyzed) 
  Sense  8 
  =>  unpolished  (vs.  polished) 
  Sense  9 
  bleak,  cutting,  raw 
  =>  cold  (vs.  hot) 
  Sense  10 
  raw,  sore 
  =>  unhealthy  (vs.  healthy) 
  Sense  11 
  raw(postnominal),  unsanded 
  =>  unfinished  (vs.  finished) 
  Sense  12 
  raw,  new  wet  behind  the  ears(prenominal) 
  =>  inexperienced  (vs.  experienced) 
  Sense  13 
  bare-assed,  bare-ass,  in  the  altogether,  in  the  buff,  in  the  raw,  raw,  peeled,  naked  as  a  jaybird,  stark  naked 
  =>  unclothed  (vs.  clothed) 
  Attributes  of  adj  raw 
  Familiarity  of  adj  raw 
  raw  used  as  an  adjective  is  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  13) 
  Grep  of  adj  raw 
  in  the  raw 
  Overview  of  noun  raw 
  The  noun  raw  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  raw,  altogether,  birthday  suit  --  (informal  terms  for  nakedness;  "in  the  raw";  "in  the  altogether";  "in  his  birthday  suit") 
  Overview  of  adj  raw 
  The  adj  raw  has  13  senses  (first  7  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (7)  natural,  raw,  rude  --  ((used  especially  of  commodities)  in  the  natural  unprocessed  condition;  "natural  yogurt";  "natural  produce";  "raw  wool";  "raw  sugar";  "bales  of  rude  cotton") 
  2.  (2)  raw  --  (having  the  surface  exposed  and  painful;  "a  raw  wound") 
  3.  (1)  raw  --  (not  treated  with  heat  to  prepare  it  for  eating) 
  4.  (1)  raw  --  (not  processed  or  refined;  "raw  sewage") 
  5.  (1)  naked,  raw  --  (devoid  of  elaboration  or  diminution  or  concealment;  bare  and  pure;  "naked  ambition";  "raw  fury";  "you  may  kill  someone  someday  with  your  raw  power") 
  6.  (1)  raw  --  (brutally  unfair  or  harsh;  "received  raw  treatment  from  his  friends";  "a  raw  deal") 
  7.  (1)  crude,  raw  --  (not  processed  or  subjected  to  analysis;  "raw  data";  "the  raw  cost  of  production";  "only  the  crude  vital  statistics") 
  8.  raw  --  (untempered  and  unrefined;  "raw  talent";  "raw  beauty") 
  9.  bleak,  cutting,  raw  --  (unpleasantly  cold  and  damp;  "bleak  winds  of  the  North  Atlantic") 
  10.  raw,  sore  --  (inflamed  and  painful;  "his  throat  was  raw";  "had  a  sore  throat") 
  11.  raw,  unsanded  --  (used  of  wood  and  furniture;  "raw  wood") 
  12.  raw,  new  wet  behind  the  ears  --  (lacking  training  or  experience;  "the  new  men  were  eager  to  fight";  "raw  recruits";  "he  was  still  wet  behind  the  ears  when  he  shipped  as  a  hand  on  a  merchant  vessel") 
  13.  bare-assed,  bare-ass,  in  the  altogether,  in  the  buff,  in  the  raw,  raw,  peeled,  naked  as  a  jaybird,  stark  naked  --  ((used  informally)  completely  unclothed) 

raw definition