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alter definition
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Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb alter 3 of 5 senses of alter Sense 1 change, alter => awaken, wake, waken, rouse, wake up arouse => cause to sleep => affect => refresh, freshen, refreshen => inseminate, fertilize, fertilise => indispose => cry => brutalize, brutalise => convert => opalize, opalise => mutate => arterialize, arterialise => make get => counterchange, transpose, interchange => vascularize => decrepitate => suburbanize, suburbanise => revolutionize, revolutionise, overturn => etiolate => barbarize, barbarise => alkalinize, alkalinise => mythologize, mythologise => allegorize, allegorise => demythologize, demythologise => bring land => coarsen => affect, impact, bear upon bear on touch on touch => alchemize, alchemise => alcoholize, alcoholise => shape, form => round off round down round out round => suspend => sober => reconstruct => increase => assimilate => dissimilate => commute, convert, exchange => unclutter, clear => activate => activate => activate, aerate => activate => inactivate, deactivate => deaden, blunt => remodel, reconstruct, redo => edit, redact => edit, cut, edit out => tame, chasten, subdue => chasten, moderate, temper => better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate => worsen, aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate => wet => dry, dry out => lubricate => strengthen, beef up fortify => spike, lace, fortify => weaken => blunt => oxidize, oxidise => reduce, simplify => unite, unify, merge => age => ripen => antique, antiquate => antiquate => develop, make grow => soften => damage => acerbate => stabilize, stabilise => destabilize, destabilise => sensitize, sensitise, sensify, sensibilize, sensibilise => desensitize, desensitise => habituate, accustom => familiarize, familiarise => disorder, disarray => discolor => color, colorize, colorise, colourise, colourize, colour, color in colour in => stain => hue => uglify => set => disqualify, unfit, indispose => domesticate, domesticize, domesticise, tame => widen => dehydrogenate => hydrogenate => oxygenize, oxygenise => darken => brighten, lighten up lighten => blur, blear => clarify => obscure, bedim, overcloud => obscure, blot out obliterate, hide => cook => slenderize, slenderise => crack => end terminate, cease => end terminate => demist => condense, concentrate, contract => cool, chill, cool down => heat, heat up => warm => boil => freeze => switch, change over shift => transpose => convert, change over => transmute => transform, transmute => ash => translate, transform => convert => invert, reverse => invert => customize, customise => personalize, personalise, individualize, individualise => depersonalize, depersonalise, objectify => sharpen => flatten, drop => magnetize, magnetise => simplify => complicate, refine, rarify, elaborate => refine => complicate, perplex => supercharge, pressurize, pressurise => centralize, centralise, concentrate => decentralize, deconcentrate, decentralise => socialize, socialise => prepare, set up ready, gear up set => internationalize, internationalise => communize, communise, bolshevize, bolshevise => Europeanize, Europeanise => Europeanize, Europeanise => bestialize, bestialise => Americanize, Americanise => anglicize, anglicise => Frenchify => civilize, civilise, modernize, modernise, develop => nationalize, nationalise => denationalize, denationalise => naturalize, naturalise => denaturalize, denaturalise => naturalize, naturalise => denaturalize, denaturalise => even even out => equal, match, equalize, equalise, equate => stiffen => loosen, loose => tighten, fasten => transitivize, transitivise => detransitivize, detransitivise, intransitivize, intransitivise => thicken => full => diversify => deaden => check, retard => decrease, lessen, minify => harden => liquefy, liquify, liquidize, liquidise => solvate => validate => invalidate, void, vitiate => empty => fill, fill up make full => saturate => louden => normalize, normalise, renormalize, renormalise => morph => neutralize, neutralise => commercialize, commercialise, market => mechanize, mechanise => automatize, automatise, automate => automatize, automatise => mechanize, mechanise => harmonize, harmonise, chord => polarize, polarise => glorify => contaminate => devalue => insulate => calcify => urbanize, urbanise => emulsify => demulsify => Nazify => fertilize, fertilise => clarify => mark => barb => nick => disable, disenable, incapacitate => enable => deemphasize, destress => tender, tenderize, tenderise => sweeten => iodinate => ionate => archaize, arachaise => inform => officialize, officialise => occidentalize, occidentalise, Westernize, Westernise, westernize, westernise => orientalize, orientalise => acetylate, acetylize, acetylise => achromatize, achromatise => parallel, collimate => camp => classicize, classicise => conventionalize, conventionalise => decimalize, decimalise => dizzy => poison, envenom => exteriorize, exteriorise, externalize, externalise, objectify => glamorize, glamourise => introvert => laicize, laicise => politicize, politicise => proof => romanticize, romanticise => rusticate => sauce => shallow, shoal => tense => steepen => scramble => unscramble => unsex => vitrify => pall => saponify => extend, expand => suspend, set aside => muddy => transform => lift, raise, elevate => harshen => dinge => demonize, demonise => devilize, devilise, diabolize, diabolise => etherealize, etherialise => immaterialize, immaterialise, unsubstantialize, unsubstantialise => animize, animise, animate => clear => dynamize, dynamise => dynamize, dynamise => rarefy, sublimate, subtilize => volatilize, volatilise => uniformize, uniformise => symmetrize, symmetrise => immortalize, immortalise, eternize, eternise, eternalize, eternalise => denature => denature => denature => sanitize, sanitise => verbify => shift => sputter => draw => make => dope => prostrate => excite => excite, energize, energise => shake => outmode => spice, spice up zest => shorten => think => make => deflate => inflate => digitize, digitise, digitalize, digitalise => gelatinize, gelatinise => recombine => feminize, effeminize, womanize => dissonate => sexualize, sexualise => schematize, schematise => patent => constitutionalize, constitutionalise => rationalize, rationalise => plasticize, plasticise => rarefy => paganize => incandesce => confuse, blur, obscure => confuse => tone down moderate, tame => obfuscate => synchronize => mince, soften, moderate => militarize, militarise => break down crush => fatten, fat, flesh out fill out plump, plump out fatten out fatten up => touch, disturb => dull => dull, blunt => sharpen => coarsen => loosen => untie, undo, loosen => barb => string => straighten, straighten out => close fill, fill up => bring => mix, mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate => charge => put => clean, make clean => dirty, soil, begrime, grime, colly, bemire => lower, depress => deform => form => break, break up => alter => decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify => humanize, humanise => humble => estrange, alienate, alien, disaffect => right => desensitize, desensitise => deodorize => develop => blur => blind => change intensity => change taste => capture => lend, impart, bestow, contribute, add bring => restore, reinstate, reestablish => liberalize => right compensate, redress, correct => democratize => neutralize => corrupt, pervert, demoralize, demoralise, debauch, debase, profane, vitiate, deprave, misdirect => turn => make possible Sense 2 change, alter, vary => alternate, jump => crackle => modulate => avianize, avianise => move => adapt, accommodate => let out widen => take in => diversify, branch out broaden => diversify => specialize, specialise, narrow, narrow down => honeycomb => break Sense 5 alter, spay, neuter => defeminize Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb alter 3 of 5 senses of alter Sense 1 change, alter => awaken, wake, waken, rouse, wake up arouse => reawaken => bring to bring back bring round, bring around => resuscitate, revive => boot, reboot, bring up => resurrect, raise, upraise => call => cause to sleep => affect => attack => ulcerate => stimulate, arouse, brace, energize, energise, perk up => cathect => animate, recreate, reanimate, revive, quicken, vivify, revivify => enliven, animate => invigorate, reinvigorate => enliven, liven, liven up invigorate, animate => jazz up juice up pep up ginger up => spirit, spirit up inspirit => tense, strain, tense up => crick => stretch, extend => spread-eagle => crane, stretch out => relax, unstrain, unlax, loosen up unwind, make relaxed => unbend => jaundice => register => intoxicate, soak, inebriate => befuddle, fuddle => refresh, freshen, refreshen => inseminate, fertilize, fertilise => stratify => impregnate, knock up bang up prang up => cross-fertilize, cross-fertilise => pollinate, cross-pollinate => indispose => hurt => injure, wound => trample => sabre, saber => concuss => calk => torture, excruciate, torment => rack => martyr, martyrize => pull overstretch => traumatize, traumatise, shock => maim => mutilate, mar => gouge, force out => cripple, lame => hamstring => twist, sprain, wrench, turn, wrick, rick => disable, invalid, incapacitate, handicap => stub, scrape, skin, abrade => harm => sicken => gag, choke => run down run over => shoot, hit, pip => gun down => grass => kneecap => knife, stab => poniard => bayonet => skin, scrape => bruise, contuse => jam, crush => graze => afflict, trouble, ail, pain => disagree with => erupt, recrudesce, break out => constipate, bind => tire, wear upon tire out wear, weary, jade, wear out outwear, wear down fag out fag, fatigue => exhaust, wash up beat tucker, tucker out => frazzle => play => overtire, overweary, overfatigue => cry => brutalize, brutalise => convert => caramelize, caramelise => deaden => opalize, opalise => receive => reconvert => malt => malt => ferment, work => vinify => transcribe => scrap => opalize, opalise => mutate => arterialize, arterialise => make get => render => get let have => leave => counterchange, transpose, interchange => vascularize => decrepitate => suburbanize, suburbanise => revolutionize, revolutionise, overturn => etiolate => barbarize, barbarise => alkalinize, alkalinise => mythologize, mythologise => allegorize, allegorise => demythologize, demythologise => bring land => coarsen => affect, impact, bear upon bear on touch on touch => strike a blow => repercuss => tell on => redound => process, treat => iodize, iodise => nitrate => tank => oxygenate, oxygenize, oxygenise, aerate => mercerize, mercerise => malt => fluoridate, fluoridize, fluoridise => creosote => chlorinate => carbonate => camphorate => bromate, brominate => ammoniate => irradiate, ray => refine => nitrify, nitrogenize, nitrogenise => curry => seed => dose => winnow => sulphur, sulfur => vulcanize, vulcanise => chrome => bituminize, bituminise => Agenize, Agenise => run => rerun => carboxylate => digest => stomach => predigest => fumigate, fume => air-condition => queer, expose, scupper, endanger, peril => compromise => subject => incur => run => hit, strike => clap => subject => bacterize, bacterise => put => shipwreck => refract => expose => sun => air out air, aerate => overexpose => underexpose => expose => overexpose => underexpose => trouble, put out inconvenience, disoblige, discommode, incommode, bother => influence, act upon work => prejudice, prepossess => bias, predetermine => slant, angle, weight => bias => handicap => imprint, form => militate => manipulate, pull strings, pull wires => color, colour => swing, swing over => blackmail, blackjack, pressure => carry, persuade, sway => get at => dominate => overbear => possess => alchemize, alchemise => alcoholize, alcoholise => shape, form => individuate => tie => terrace => fork => dimension => roll => draw => strike => crystallize, crystallise, crystalise, crystalize => twist => culminate => granulate, grain => sliver => ridge => plume => round, round out round off => purse => pooch, pooch out => scallop, scollop => square, square up => dish => fit => dovetail => flatten => splat => roll out roll => cog => mill => laminate => deform, distort, strain => jaundice => blow => block => block => cup => encircle, circle => round off round down round out round => suspend => resuspend => sober => reconstruct => increase => extend, stretch => augment => build up => snowball => enlarge => expand => develop => inflate, blow up => reflate => billow, surge, heave => ream => deepen => up => raise => bump up => blow up enlarge, magnify => multiply, manifold => double, duplicate => redouble => geminate => triple, treble => quadruple => quintuple => proliferate => build up work up build => inflate, blow up expand, amplify => puff up => escalate, intensify, step up => redouble => boost => lengthen => prolong, protract, extend, draw out => extend => temporize, temporise => spin, spin out => elongate, stretch => regenerate => maximize, maximise => heighten => heighten, rise => rev up rev => rev up step up => boost, advance, supercharge => widen, broaden, extend => broaden => globalize, globalise => stretch => assimilate => dissimilate => commute, convert, exchange => unclutter, clear => activate => reactivate => activate => activate, aerate => activate => inactivate, deactivate => paralyze => deaden, blunt => obtund => petrify => dampen, damp, soften, weaken, break => deafen => remodel, reconstruct, redo => edit, redact => blue-pencil, delete => interpolate, alter, falsify => hack, cut up => black out => blank out => copyread, subedit, copyedit => bracket, bracket out => edit, cut, edit out => tame, chasten, subdue => chasten, moderate, temper => better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate => relieve, alleviate, palliate, assuage => soothe => comfort, ease => help, aid => cure, heal => benefit, do good => rehabilitate => regenerate, revitalize => rejuvenate => enrich => round out fill out => choke, throttle => fertilize, fertilise, feed => nitrify => dung => topdress => develop => redevelop => settle => turn around => help => upgrade => condition => recondition => emend => iron out straighten out put right => enhance => touch up retouch => repair, mend, fix, bushel, doctor, furbish up restore, touch on => fill => piece, patch => cobble => point, repoint => trouble-shoot => patch, patch up => sole, resole => vamp, revamp => heel, reheel => darn => reform => beautify, embellish, prettify => groom, neaten => cleanse, clean => bathe => shower => wash => wash, lave => sponge down => scrub, scrub up => gargle, rinse => shampoo => condition => hush => soap, lather => bathe, bath => douche => floss => decontaminate => shave => razor => tonsure => comb, comb out disentangle => slick, slick down sleek down => tease, fluff => dress, arrange, set do coif, coiffe, coiffure => bob => wave => marcel => perm => mousse, gel => pomade => clean up => make up => lipstick => rouge => powder => talc => manicure => barber => pedicure => doll up do up pretty up glam up => spruce up spruce, slick up smarten up => perfume, scent => dress, groom, curry => dress up window-dress => spruce up spruce, titivate, tittivate, smarten up slick up spiff up => polish, smooth, smoothen, shine => Simonize => slick, sleek => buff, burnish, furbish, flush => become suit => build => perfect, hone => optimize, optimise => polish, round, round off polish up brush up => polish, refine, fine-tune, down => educate, school, train, cultivate, civilize, civilise => sophisticate => purify, sublimate, make pure, distill => refine => purge => fructify => raise, lift => advance => educate => socialize => prepare, groom, train => qualify, dispose => habilitate => capacitate => school => worsen, aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate => irritate => chafe, gall, fret => rub, scratch, itch => inflame => degrade, cheapen => devalue, devaluate => demonetize, demonetise => wet => bedew => drench, douse, dowse, soak, sop, souse => brine => bedraggle => bate => ret => sluice, flush => moisten, wash, dampen => humidify, moisturize, moisturise => hydrate => slack, slake => air-slake => baste => water, irrigate => syringe => hose, hose down => hush => sprinkle, besprinkle => squirt => spritz => squish => douse, dowse => dry, dry out => dehydrate, dry up desiccate => tumble => spin-dry => tumble dry => spray-dry => dehumidify => parch, scorch, sear => rough-dry => blow-dry => drip-dry => air => lubricate => strengthen, beef up fortify => vitalize, vitalise => restrengthen => undergird, brace up => confirm => reinforce, reenforce => buttress => line => substantiate, back back up => vouch => support, bolster, bolster up => mine => countermine => buttress => brace, steady => batten => batten, batten down secure => spike, lace, fortify => weaken => de-energize => break => devitalize, devitalise => shake => depress => unbrace => etiolate => cripple => dilute, thin, thin out reduce, cut => water down => rarefy, attenuate => blunt => temper, season => enfeeble, debilitate, drain => waste, emaciate, macerate => enervate => dampen => neutralize, neutralise, nullify => emasculate => wash out => blunt => oxidize, oxidise => catabolize, catabolise => breath => reduce, simplify => abbreviate => unite, unify, merge => consolidate => weld => unitize, unitise => age => ripen => antique, antiquate => antiquate => develop, make grow => evolve, work out work up => elaborate, work out => foliate => discipline, train, check, condition => soften => mellow => mollify => macerate => damage => burn => scald => singe, swinge, scorch => char, blacken, scorch => bilge => break => bruise => disturb => afflict, smite => blight, plague => hurt, injure => impair => flaw, blemish => corrode, eat, rust => erode, eat away fret => wash => mutilate, mangle, disfigure, cut up => deface => mar, impair, spoil, deflower, vitiate => defile, sully, corrupt, taint, cloud => deface, disfigure, blemish => maul, mangle => scar, mark, pock, pit => pockmark => scarify => cicatrize => whittle away whittle down wear away => bang up smash up smash => acerbate => stabilize, stabilise => peg => destabilize, destabilise => sensitize, sensitise, sensify, sensibilize, sensibilise => desensitize, desensitise => habituate, accustom => inure, harden => callous => steel oneself against, steel onself for brace oneself for prepare for => teach => addict, hook => familiarize, familiarise => disorder, disarray => mess, mess up => perturb, derange, throw out of kilter => disarrange => randomize, randomise => scramble, jumble, throw together => tumble => discolor => bleach, bleach out decolor, decolour, decolorize, decolourize, decolorise, decolourise, discolorize, discolourise, discolorise => sallow => wash out => infuscate => color, colorize, colorise, colourise, colourize, colour, color in colour in => blackwash => motley, parti-color => polychrome, polychromize, polychromise => azure => purple, empurple, purpurate => aurify => verdigris => pinkify => incarnadine => embrown => handcolour => pigment => retouch => silver => gray, grey => tone => redden => madder => encrimson => vermilion => carmine => rubify => rubric => ruddle => mottle, streak, blotch => stain => smut => hue => pigment => uglify => set => pitch => pitch => keynote => disqualify, unfit, indispose => domesticate, domesticize, domesticise, tame => break in break => widen => white-out => dehydrogenate => oxygenize, oxygenise => hydrogenate => oxygenize, oxygenise => darken => embrown => murk => dun => blind, dim => dim => obscure, benight, bedim => overcast, cloud => fog up => brighten, lighten up lighten => blur, blear => clarify => demystify => obscure, bedim, overcloud => mystify => eclipse => shadow, shade, shade off => obscure, blot out obliterate, hide => cook => slenderize, slenderise => crack => check, chink => fissure => end terminate, cease => halt => close out => conclude => find feel => end terminate => finish => abort => culminate => lift, raise => ax axe => stamp out kill => dissolve, break up => break, break off discontinue, stop => fracture => bog down bog => interrupt, disrupt, break up cut off => cut, cut off => punctuate => break => put away => pause, intermit, break => rest, breathe, catch one's breath, take a breather => take five => take ten => chime in cut in put in butt in chisel in barge in break in => interrupt, disrupt => cut in => cut short => burst in on burst upon => heckle, harass => interject, come in interpose, put in throw in inject => jam, block => take off take time off => interrupt, break => break, hold on stop => cut short, break short, break off => hang up => freeze, suspend => stub out crush out extinguish, press out => finalize, finalise, settle, nail down => complete, finish => get through wrap up finish off mop up polish off clear up finish up => cap off top off => see through => round out finish out => follow through carry out implement, put through go through => adhere => carry through accomplish, execute, carry out fulfill, fulfil => get over => run => perfect, consummate => consummate => do perform => turn => underachieve, underperform => misdo => go all out give one's best, do one's best => ply => closure, cloture => decide, settle, resolve => judge => referee, umpire => adjust => close => phase out => close => demist => condense, concentrate, contract => cool, chill, cool down => quench => ice => refrigerate => heat, heat up => toast, crisp => soak => calcine => preheat => overheat => sear, scorch => sizzle => broil, bake => reheat => warm => chafe => boil => decoct => freeze => deep freeze => quick-freeze, flash-freeze => switch, change over shift => back => transpose => convert, change over => commutate => transduce => immobilize, immobilise => metricize, metricise => flour => reclaim => nitrify => fossilize, fossilise => lapidify, petrify => tan => bark => dress => compost => decimalize, decimalise => float => transmute => transform, transmute => sorcerize, sorcerise => stalinize, stalinise => destalinize, destalinise => work work on process => coldwork => overwork => rework, make over retread => rack => tool => till => plow, plough, turn => ridge => harrow, disk => hoe => ash => translate, transform => prepare => preserve, keep => freeze-dry => lyophilize, lyophilise => pickle => salt => can, tin, put up => refrigerate => cure => dun => corn => dress, dress out => metricize, metricise => diagonalize, diagonalise => convert => reform, regenerate => evangelize, evangelise => catholicize, catholicise, latinize, latinise => invert, reverse => invert => customize, customise => personalize, personalise, individualize, individualise => depersonalize, depersonalise, objectify => sharpen => flatten, drop => magnetize, magnetise => simplify => oversimplify => complicate, refine, rarify, elaborate => involve => develop => sophisticate => refine => complicate, perplex => complexify => snarl, snarl up embrangle => snafu => supercharge, pressurize, pressurise => centralize, centralise, concentrate => decentralize, deconcentrate, decentralise => socialize, socialise => prepare, set up ready, gear up set => socialize, socialise => cram => precondition => fix => mount => set up lay out set => winterize => summerize => prime => cultivate, crop, work => overcrop, overcultivate => brace, poise => steel, nerve => internationalize, internationalise => communize, communise, bolshevize, bolshevise => Europeanize, Europeanise => Europeanize, Europeanise => bestialize, bestialise => Americanize, Americanise => anglicize, anglicise => Frenchify => civilize, civilise, modernize, modernise, develop => nationalize, nationalise => communize, communise => denationalize, denationalise => privatize, privatise => naturalize, naturalise => denaturalize, denaturalise => naturalize, naturalise => denaturalize, denaturalise => even even out => equal, match, equalize, equalise, equate => homologize, homologise => homogenize, homogenise => tie, draw => stiffen => starch => buckram => rigidify => loosen, loose => relax, unbend => unbrace => slacken, remit => douse, dowse => slack => unscrew => unscrew => tighten, fasten => frap => tauten, firm => wind, wind up => screw => wind, wind up => transitivize, transitivise => detransitivize, detransitivise, intransitivize, intransitivise => thicken => full => diversify => vary, variegate, motley => checker, chequer => deaden => check, retard => dampen => stay, detain, delay => decrease, lessen, minify => moderate, mitigate => relieve => pare, pare down => limit, circumscribe, confine => number, keep down => cap => restrict, curtail, curb, cut back => immobilize, immobilise => paralyze, paralyse => palsy => stun, stupefy, stupify => demarcate, delimit, delimitate => reduce, boil down concentrate => shrink, reduce => reduce, scale down => reef => miniaturize, miniaturise => depopulate, desolate => contract => purse, wrinkle => abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduce => bowdlerize, bowdlerise, expurgate, shorten => condense, concentrate => encapsulate, capsule, capsulize => telescope => slake, abate, slack => turn down lower, lour => de-escalate, weaken, step down => minimize, minimise => reduce, cut down cut back trim, trim down trim back cut, bring down => shorten => foreshorten => clip, curtail, cut short => syncopate => truncate, cut short => quench => cut => retrench => slash => thin out => snip, clip, crop, trim, lop, dress, prune, cut back => shear => poll, pollard => top pinch => tail => disbud => thin => draw => take away detract => deflate => inflate => shave, knock off => mark down => discount => allow => rebate => slack, slacken, slack up => diminish, belittle => harden => face-harden => callus => liquefy, liquify, liquidize, liquidise => solvate => validate => invalidate, void, vitiate => empty => bail => clean out clear out => clinker => evacuate => evacuate, exhaust => void => clear => clear => exhaust => knock out => drain => bleed => hollow, hollow out core out => rout, gouge, groove => scallop, scollop => hole => suck in draw in => scoop out => cavern, cavern out => cave, undermine => sap => dig, dig out => lift => trench => dibble => excavate => core => gut => fill, fill up make full => clutter, clutter up => clog, overload => brim => stuff => pad, bolster => people => heap => overfill => ink => replenish, refill, fill again => prime => line => complete => saturate, soak, imbue => steep, brew, infuse => marinade, marinate => decoct => draw => impregnate, saturate => medicate => alcoholize, alcoholise => ammonify => thoriate => stuff => charge => imbrue, drench => impregnate, infuse, instill, tincture => electrify => lubricate, lube => surcharge => load, lade, laden, load up => reload => stack => load, charge => recharge, reload => deluge, flood, inundate, swamp => stuff => jam, jampack, ram, chock up cram, wad, pack => overstuff => pad, fill out => rat => pack => saturate => louden => normalize, normalise, renormalize, renormalise => morph => neutralize, neutralise => commercialize, commercialise, market => mechanize, mechanise => automatize, automatise, automate => semi-automatize, semi-automatise => automatize, automatise => mechanize, mechanise => harmonize, harmonise, chord => key => polarize, polarise => glorify => contaminate => devalue => depreciate => write off => debase, alloy => lower, lour => derate => insulate => weatherstrip => soundproof => calcify => urbanize, urbanise => emulsify => demulsify => Nazify => fertilize, fertilise => clarify => mark => dot => raddle => striate => red-ink => line => reline => dimple => spot => freckle => mottle, dapple, cloud => harlequin => stipple, speckle => crisscross => honeycomb => star, asterisk => flag => tip => underline, underscore => stripe => speck => bespot => trace, draw, line outline, describe, delineate => construct => inscribe => circumscribe => circumscribe => write => superscribe => superscribe => capitalize, capitalise => letter => print => misprint => scribble, scrawl => copy => recopy => copy out => print, impress => letter => typeset => prove => multigraph => overprint, print over => surcharge => cyclostyle => boldface => italicize, italicise => stake, post => brand => barb => nick => disable, disenable, incapacitate => lay up => nobble => pinion => restrain, confine, hold => tie down tie up bind, truss => chain up => hog-tie => fetter, shackle => manacle, cuff, handcuff => enchain => pinion, shackle => impound, pound => pound, pound up => pen up fold => ground => enable => equip => endow, indue, gift, empower, invest, endue => cover => deemphasize, destress => tender, tenderize, tenderise => sweeten => iodinate => ionate => archaize, arachaise => inform => officialize, officialise => occidentalize, occidentalise, Westernize, Westernise, westernize, westernise => orientalize, orientalise => acetylate, acetylize, acetylise => achromatize, achromatise => parallel, collimate => camp => classicize, classicise => conventionalize, conventionalise => decimalize, decimalise => dizzy => poison, envenom => exteriorize, exteriorise, externalize, externalise, objectify => glamorize, glamourise => introvert => laicize, laicise => politicize, politicise => proof => romanticize, romanticise => rusticate => sauce => shallow, shoal => tense => steepen => scramble => unscramble => unsex => vitrify => pall => saponify => extend, expand => suspend, set aside => muddy => transform => lift, raise, elevate => exalt => harshen => dinge => demonize, demonise => devilize, devilise, diabolize, diabolise => etherealize, etherialise => immaterialize, immaterialise, unsubstantialize, unsubstantialise => disincarnate => animize, animise, animate => clear => dynamize, dynamise => dynamize, dynamise => rarefy, sublimate, subtilize => volatilize, volatilise => uniformize, uniformise => symmetrize, symmetrise => immortalize, immortalise, eternize, eternise, eternalize, eternalise => denature => denature => denature => sanitize, sanitise => verbify => shift => transfer, transpose, transplant => sputter => draw => make => dope => prostrate => excite => excite, energize, energise => shake => outmode => spice, spice up zest => shorten => cut => shave, trim => fleece, shear => crop, cut short => think => make => deflate => inflate => digitize, digitise, digitalize, digitalise => gelatinize, gelatinise => recombine => feminize, effeminize, womanize => dissonate => sexualize, sexualise => schematize, schematise => patent => constitutionalize, constitutionalise => rationalize, rationalise => plasticize, plasticise => rarefy => paganize => incandesce => confuse, blur, obscure => muddy => confuse => tone down moderate, tame => obfuscate => synchronize => dub => mince, soften, moderate => militarize, militarise => mobilize, mobilise => remilitarize, remilitarise => break down crush => fatten, fat, flesh out fill out plump, plump out fatten out fatten up => touch, disturb => upset => violate => dull => dull, blunt => sharpen => strap => edge => strop => whet => hone => set => coarsen => loosen => scarify => ruffle, fluff => untie, undo, loosen => barb => string => straighten, straighten out => untwist => unbend => extend => channelize => untwine => unweave => comb => heckle, hackle, hatchel => close fill, fill up => seal => plug, stop up secure => stopper, stopple => tampon => chink => cork, cork up => coapt, conglutinate => bring => mix, mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate => aggregate, combine => unitize, unitise => concoct => compound, combine => integrate, incorporate => fold => reintegrate => build in => re-incorporate => heterodyne => sulfurette, sulphurette => carburet => blend, intermix, immingle, intermingle => commingle => charge => burden, burthen, weight, weight down => overburden => plumb => saddle => load => pack, load down => bomb up => overload, surcharge, overcharge => freight => put => put to sleep => clean, make clean => disinfect => sterilize, sterilise => autoclave => chlorinate => brush => dust => vacuum, vacuum-clean, hoover => sanitize, sanitise, hygienize => bream => steam, steam clean => preen, plume => sweep => wash up do the dishes => pipe-clay => scavenge => dry clean => wash, launder => water-wash => wash, rinse => elute => wash out => pressure-wash, powerwash => suds => rinse, rinse off => flush, scour => cradle => stonewash => handwash => machine wash => acid-wash => dirty, soil, begrime, grime, colly, bemire => foul => pollute, foul, contaminate => infect, taint => superinfect => smut => smear => moil => smirch, besmirch => slime => muddy, muddy up => splash => mire, muck, mud, muck up => crock => blemish, spot => lower, depress => deform => form => layer => bunch, bunch up bundle, cluster, clump => agglomerate => cut out => rabbet => turn => brecciate => reticulate => flake => strickle => break, break up => alter => decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify => wreathe => encrust, beset => braid => embroider, broider => purl => purl => illustrate => garland => fledge, flight => spangle, bespangle => foliate => flag => caparison, bard, dress up => bead => pipe => applique => smock => hang => prank => tinsel => tart up => stucco => redecorate => panel => bejewel, jewel => fillet, filet => scallop => bedizen => dress ship => trim, garnish, dress => trim => deck, bedight, bedeck => plume => festoon => enamel => inlay => hatch => damascene => gloss, polish => glaze => lacquer => japan => gild, begild, engild => illuminate => miniate, rubricate => emblazon, blazon => color, colour, emblazon => miniate => fringe => fret => landscape => humanize, humanise => humble => efface => estrange, alienate, alien, disaffect => drift apart, drift away => wean => right => desensitize, desensitise => numb, benumb, blunt, dull => stun, bedaze, daze => besot, stupefy, stupify => deafen, deaf => deodorize => develop => redevelop => blur => blind => change intensity => darken, dim => dim, dip => brighten => quieten, hush, quiet, quiesce, quiet down pipe down => louden => soften => muffle, mute, dull, damp, dampen, tone down => sharpen => focus => refocus => change taste => sweeten, dulcify, edulcorate, dulcorate => honey => sugar, saccharify => sugarcoat, glaze, candy => mull => bitter => sour, acidify, acidulate, acetify => capture => lend, impart, bestow, contribute, add bring => instill, transfuse => breathe => tinsel => throw in => restore, reinstate, reestablish => liberalize => decontrol => right compensate, redress, correct => over-correct, overcompensate => expiate, aby, abye, atone => democratize => neutralize => corrupt, pervert, demoralize, demoralise, debauch, debase, profane, vitiate, deprave, misdirect => sensualize, sensualise, carnalize, carnalise => lead off lead astray => whore => poison => bastardize, bastardise => suborn => turn => make possible Sense 2 change, alter, vary => alternate, jump => crackle => modulate => avianize, avianise => move => scroll => sink, pass, lapse => adapt, accommodate => adjust => gear, pitch => fit => anglicise, anglicize => shoehorn, tailor => domesticate, tame => domesticate, cultivate, naturalize, naturalise, tame => naturalize, naturalise => electrify, wire => transcribe => let out widen => take in => diversify, branch out broaden => diversify => specialize, specialise, narrow, narrow down => overspecialize, overspecialise => honeycomb => break Sense 5 alter, spay, neuter => defeminize Entailment of verb alter 1 of 5 senses of alter Sense 3 alter => sew, tailor, tailor-make Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Frequency) of verb alter 5 senses of alter Sense 1 change, alter Sense 2 change, alter, vary Sense 3 alter => change, alter Sense 4 interpolate, alter, falsify => edit, redact Sense 5 alter, spay, neuter => sterilize, sterilise, desex, unsex, desexualize, fix Familiarity of verb alter alter used as a verb is common (polysemy count = 5) Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb alter Sense 1 change, alter -------------- Sense 2 change, alter, vary -------------- Sense 3 alter => change, alter -------------- Sense 4 interpolate, alter, falsify => edit, redact -------------- Sense 5 alter, spay, neuter => sterilize, sterilise, desex, unsex, desexualize, fix -------------- Grep of noun alter alter ego alterability alteration altercation altering alternanthera alternanthera philoxeroides alternate alternating current alternation alternation of generations alternative alternative birth alternative birthing alternative energy alternative medicine alternative pleading alternator bruno walter falter halter hangman's halter psalter salter walter Overview of verb alter The verb alter has 5 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (26) change, alter -- (cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue") 2. (2) change, alter, vary -- (make or become different in some particular way without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season") 3. (1) alter -- (make an alteration to "This dress needs to be altered") 4. interpolate, alter, falsify -- (insert words into texts) 5. alter, spay, neuter -- (castrate, used with animals; "Is your dog neutered?") Grep of adj alter alterable alterative altered alternate alternating alternative Overview of verb alter The verb alter has 5 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (26) change, alter -- (cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue") 2. (2) change, alter, vary -- (make or become different in some particular way without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season") 3. (1) alter -- (make an alteration to "This dress needs to be altered") 4. interpolate, alter, falsify -- (insert words into texts) 5. alter, spay, neuter -- (castrate, used with animals; "Is your dog neutered?")
alter definition