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displaced definition
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Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb displace 3 of 6 senses of displace Sense 2 displace, force out => transplant, transfer => crowd out => evacuate Sense 4 move displace => mobilize, mobilise, circulate => dislocate, splay, slip => translate => station, post base, send place => agitate, disturb, commove, shake up stir up raise up => transmit, transfer, transport, channel, channelize => funnel => brandish, flourish, wave => pull draw, force => transport, carry => tug => disarrange => expel, eject, chuck out exclude, throw out kick out turf out boot out turn out => put set place pose, position, lay => engage, mesh, lock, operate => propel, impel => launch, set in motion => wind, wrap, roll, twine => unwind, wind off unroll => wedge, squeeze, force => work => spill, shed, disgorge => spill, slop, splatter => unseat => separate, disunite, divide, part => uproot, extirpate, deracinate, root out => press down depress => lift => flick, ruffle, riffle => work => take back => center, centre => pump => scan => jar, shake up bump around => dandle => push force => pulse => shift, dislodge, reposition => glide => stir => play => overturn, tip over turn over upset, knock over bowl over => transport, send ship => send direct => transport => saltate => lower, take down let down get down bring down => lift, raise => raise, lift, elevate, get up bring up => drop => sink => advance, bring forward => chase away drive out turn back drive away dispel, drive off run off => transfer, shift => displace, force out => herd, crowd => circulate => circulate, pass around pass on distribute => rout out drive out force out rouse => drive => race, rush => whoosh => pour => exteriorize, bring outside => upstage => swing => turn, turn over => turn => turn => slide => run => whistle => beat flap => singsong => hustle => wash => rake => blow => drag => pull => change hands => transfer => expel, throw out kick out Sense 5 dislodge, displace, bump => throw Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb displace 3 of 6 senses of displace Sense 2 displace, force out => transplant, transfer => crowd out => evacuate Sense 4 move displace => mobilize, mobilise, circulate => dislocate, splay, slip => translate => station, post base, send place => garrison => fort => locate, place site => agitate, disturb, commove, shake up stir up raise up => stir, toss => beat scramble => whisk, whip => cream => churn => paddle => poke => roil, rile => muddle, puddle => transmit, transfer, transport, channel, channelize => bring get convey, fetch => retrieve => deliver => misdeliver => serve, process, swear out => subpoena => drop, set down put down unload, discharge => wharf => air-drop => consign => project => propagate => translate => turn, release => deflate => throw => send send out => send in => mail out => mail get off => pouch => funnel => brandish, flourish, wave => wigwag => pull draw, force => twitch => skitter => entrain, trail => pull back => adduct => abduct => stretch => pull back draw => pluck, plunk, pick => twang => tug => drag => shlep, schlep, pull along => tow => trail => tug => trail, train => haul, hale, cart, drag => bowse, bouse => attract, pull pull in draw in => tug => catch, arrest, get => draw in retract => invaginate, introvert => intussuscept => yank, jerk => winch => pluck, tweak, pull off pick off => tweeze => hike up hitch up => transport, carry => shoulder => port => bear => frogmarch => piggyback => bucket => return => pipe in => port => porter => pack => cart, haul => fly => airlift, lift => haul => piggyback => piggyback => lug, tote, tug => chariot => bring convey, take => fetch => ferry => return, take back bring back => church => tube => whisk => conduct, transmit, convey, carry, channel => wash up => pipe in => bring in => retransmit => land => ground, run aground => tug => disarrange => ruffle, ruffle up rumple, mess up => muss, tussle => tousle, dishevel, tangle => expel, eject, chuck out exclude, throw out kick out turf out boot out turn out => evict, force out => bounce => dislodge, displace, bump => throw => exorcise, exorcize => put set place pose, position, lay => docket => cock => postpose => prepose => replace, put back => hang up => intersperse => interleave => pile => arrange, set up => regularize, regularise => even even out => order => order => tidy, tidy up clean up neaten, straighten, straighten out square away => make make up => houseclean, clean house, clean => spring-clean => route => systematize, systematise, systemize, systemise => codify => collate, collect => disentangle, unsnarl, straighten out => tease, tease apart, loosen => ravel, unravel, ravel out => straighten => rearrange => recode => reshuffle => serialize, serialise => alphabetize, alphabetise => organize, organise, coordinate => categorize, categorise => structure => restructure, reconstitute => interlock, mesh => stratify => interstratify => string, thread, draw => bead => wire => marshal => string => string out spread out => tuck => preen, plume => concord => cascade => settle => pyramid => corral => catenate, catenulate => dress, decorate => range, array, lay out set out => compart => pack, bundle, wad, compact => puddle => stack, pile, heap => rick => cord => stack, stagger, distribute => drape => drape => set => line up => superimpose, superpose, lay over => develop => superpose => park => ensconce, settle => trench => pigeonhole => shelve => jar => repose => stick, put forward => sign => middle => parallelize => butt => recess => reposition => reduce => throw => tee, tee up => rack up => coffin => bed => appose => set down put down place down => plank, flump, plonk, plop, plunk, plump down plunk down plump => sow, sough, seed => broadcast => inseminate, sow, sow in => scatter => misplace => juxtapose => pitch => set down => bottle => bucket => barrel => ground => pillow, rest => misplace, mislay, lose => upend => seat, sit sit down => reseat => lay, put down repose => rail => lay => spawn => spat => blow => bury, entomb, inter, lay to rest => rebury => stand stand up place upright => plant, set => root => puddle => checkrow => dibble => afforest, forest => re-afforest => reforest => replant => install, instal, put in set up => retrofit => reinstall => post put up => situate, fix, posit, deposit => bury => ladle => poise => lean => clap => rest => perch => load => cram => set => siphon => position => deploy => play => cover => aim take train, take aim direct => target, aim place direct, point => address => range in home in zero in => hold => turn => swing => charge, level, point => level => square => square up jog, even up => dress, line up => orient => glycerolize => space => marshal => settle, settle down => throw => engage, mesh, lock, operate => throw, flip, switch => switch on turn on => switch off cut, turn off turn out => kill => ride => propel, impel => flick, flip => rocket => carry => kick => drop-kick => place-kick => dropkick => volley => dropkick => punt => punt, pole => hit => play => foul => foul out => cannon => ground out => fly => snap => whang => undercut => putt => heel => toe => bunker => bounce => bounce out => backhand => pop => ground => ground => top => pull => kill => kill => connect => drive => drive => hole, hole out => bunt, drag a bunt => snick => racket => dribble, carry => slice => hook => single => double => triple => shoot => dunk => break => chip => carom => birdie => double birdie => double bogey => bogey => knuckle => volley => croquet => loft => throw => slam, flap down => ground => prostrate => hurl, hurtle, cast => crash, dash => precipitate => sling, catapult => heave => pelt, bombard => snowball => egg => defenestrate => deliver, pitch => strike out => shy => drive => deep-six, throw overboard => volley => ridge => jettison => fling => flip, toss sky, pitch => submarine => lag => throw back toss back => lob => chuck, toss => skim, skip, skitter => juggle => flip, flick => pass => drive => launch => float => blast off => catapult => project, send off => loft => launch, set in motion => launch => wind, wrap, roll, twine => spool => cheese => reel => reel off unreel => ball => clue, clew => coil, loop, curl => unwind, wind off unroll => wedge, squeeze, force => impact => compress, compact, pack together => tamp down tamp, pack => work => spill, shed, disgorge => seed => reseed => spill, slop, splatter => unseat => separate, disunite, divide, part => compartmentalize, compartmentalise, cut up => polarize, polarise => sequester, sequestrate, keep apart, set apart, isolate => disjoin, disjoint => disjoint, disarticulate => disconnect => uncouple => detach => break, break off snap off => unbind => unhook => cut => manicure, trim => scissor => plane, shave => slice, slice up => pink => jag => carve, cut up => shave => fillet, filet => chisel => engrave, grave, inscribe => character => carve => hew, hew out => rough-hew, roughcast => sculpt, sculpture, grave => fret => honeycomb => carve, chip at => cube, dice => julienne => chop, hack => axe, ax => undercut => hack => chop, chop up => hash => mince => fell, drop, strike down cut down => chop down => poleax, poleaxe => log lumber => cut => nick, chip => nick, snick => chip, knap, cut off break off => pare, trim => circumcise => furrow, chamfer, chase => indent => cut out => gouge out => die, die out => mortise, mortice => mow, cut down => scythe => shear => slash, gash => slash, cut down => tap => hob => bore, drill => counter-drill => trepan => nip, nip off clip, snip, snip off => dissect => vivisect => anatomize, anatomise => bisect => trisect => whittle, pare => chatter => cut away => undercut => undercut => tomahawk => sabre, saber => rebate, cut a rebate in => rusticate => cradle => incise => notch => score, nock, mark => scarify => scotch => scribe => line => hatch => crisscross => indent => recess => scratch, scrape, scratch up => claw => clapperclaw => scuff => groove => mill => slit => worry => girdle, deaden => trench => dock, tail, bob => slit, slice => saw => whipsaw => sever, lop => chase => bevel, chamfer => miter => cone => crosscut, cut across => rip => tear => cleave, split, rive => maul => gin => break => sever, break up => tear, rupture, snap, bust => lacerate => rend, rip, rive, pull => shred, tear up rip up => tease => uproot, extirpate, deracinate, root out => press down depress => lift => heave, heave up heft, heft up => upheave => weigh anchor => pitchfork, fork => flick, ruffle, riffle => work => take back => center, centre => pump => scan => jar, shake up bump around => dandle => push force => nudge, poke at prod => jog => elbow => press, push => repel, drive, repulse, force back push back beat back => shove => jerk, flick, flip => jostle, shove => elbow => shoulder in => nose => push out obtrude, thrust out => push aside, push away => muscle into => push up => uplift => boost up => thrust => jab, prod, stab, poke, dig => stab, jab => goad, prick => shoulder => boost => force, drive, ram => toe => ram, ram down pound => punch => jam => thrust, stuff, shove, squeeze => topple, tumble => pulse => shift, dislodge, reposition => beat down => glide => stir => play => overturn, tip over turn over upset, knock over bowl over => transport, send ship => barge => railroad => dispatch, despatch, send off => bundle off => route => forward, send on => send direct => project, cast, contrive, throw => shoot => turn => take up => turn => divert => route => deviate => perturb => perturb => shunt => route => refer => submit => give => return => report out => relegate, pass on submit => recommit => redirect, airt => sublimate => desexualize => blow => transport => sluice => float => tide => drift => refloat => ferry => raft => bus => pipe => freight => truck => rail => sledge => lighter => pick up => wheel, wheel around => carry over => advect => saltate => lower, take down let down get down bring down => reef => depress => dip => incline => lift, raise => raise, lift, elevate, get up bring up => get up => jack, jack up => shoulder => kick up => hoist, lift, wind => trice, trice up => trice, trice up => hoist, run up => hoist => pump => skid => pinnacle => chin, chin up => raise, leaven, prove => heighten => hike, hike up boost => pick up lift up gather up => rear, erect => pitch, set up => camp, camp down => prick up prick, cock up => drop => plop => dump => hang => plonk down plump down plank down => sink => settle => advance, bring forward => nose => chase away drive out turn back drive away dispel, drive off run off => frighten => fire => clear the air => banish => shoo off shoo, shoo away => transfer, shift => shunt => carry => shuffle => transship => bunker => carry over carry forward => remove, transfer => displace, force out => transplant, transfer => crowd out => evacuate => herd, crowd => overcrowd => surcharge => circulate => convect => circulate, pass around pass on distribute => send around => circularize, circularise => utter => spread, scatter, spread out => manure, muck => birdlime, lime => circumfuse => rout out drive out force out rouse => hunt => smoke out => drive => pull => drive around chauffeur => race, rush => whoosh => pour => spill, shed, pour forth => dribble, drip => transfuse => effuse, pour out => decant, pour, pour out => exteriorize, bring outside => upstage => swing => wind up => turn, turn over => evert => leaf => turn => reorient => tip => bank => leaf => port => turn => slide => run => whistle => beat flap => bate => clap => singsong => hustle => wash => rake => blow => whiff => drag => pull => change hands => fall, return, pass, devolve => fall, light => accrue, fall => transfer => mail post send => express => airmail => register => express-mail => send get off send off => convey, transmit, communicate => communicate, pass on pass, put across => plant, implant => send a message => relay => get across put over => request, bespeak, call for quest => order => reorder => place => call => wish => commission => ask => request => order tell enjoin, say => direct => stet => instruct => charge => charge => command, require, compel => charge, saddle, burden => overburden => bear down => overwhelm, deluge, flood out => adjure => requisition => forbid, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, veto, disallow => ban => bar, debar, exclude => enjoin => outlaw, criminalize, criminalise, illegalize, illegalise => ban, censor => call send for => summon, summons, cite => vouch => vouch in => demand => beep => recall => call in => lift => muster => hail => summon => page => buzz => convoke, convene => beckon => call up mobilize, mobilise, rally => warn => call => invite, bid => tempt, allure => challenge => provoke, stimulate => entice, lure, tempt => seduce => call => stool => lead on => tweedle => decoy => bait => jog => incite, instigate, set off stir up => raise => agitate, foment, stir up => rumpus => counterchallenge => question, oppugn, call into question => suspect, distrust, doubt => impeach => impugn => defy, dare => brazen => call out => remit, remand, send back => appeal => sue, litigate, process => expedite => litigate => propose, offer, pop the question => encore => petition => demand => want => ask require, expect => call => clamor, clamour => dun => ask => appeal => plead => beg, implore, pray => crave => supplicate => importune, insist => besiege => bid, beseech, entreat, adjure, press, conjure => call on turn => apply => put in submit => solicit, beg, tap => quest => canvass, canvas => lobby, buttonhole => reserve => book up => challenge => excuse, beg off => demand => claim => demand, exact => command => call call in => counterclaim => demand => invite, call for => invite, ask in => call in => desire => beg => scrounge, cadge => panhandle => claim, lay claim, arrogate => pretend => requisition => arrogate, ascribe, assign => invite, ask over ask round => call => ask out invite out take out => reserve, hold book => carry => render, deliver, return => reveal, display, show => port => offload => post carry => ftp => spool => download => upload => expel, throw out kick out => expatriate, deport, exile => suspend, debar => send down rusticate => extradite, deliver, deport, surrender => repatriate => banish, relegate, bar => spike => banish, ban, ostracize, ostracise, shun, cast out blackball => banish, ban => rusticate Sense 5 dislodge, displace, bump => throw Entailment of verb displace Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Frequency) of verb displace 6 senses of displace Sense 1 displace => move Sense 2 displace, force out => move displace Sense 3 displace, uproot, deracinate => place Sense 4 move displace Sense 5 dislodge, displace, bump => expel, eject, chuck out exclude, throw out kick out turf out boot out turn out Sense 6 dislocate, displace => resettle Familiarity of verb displace displace used as a verb is common (polysemy count = 6) Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb displace Sense 1 displace => move -------------- Sense 2 displace, force out => move displace -------------- Sense 3 displace, uproot, deracinate => place -------------- Sense 4 move displace -------------- Sense 5 dislodge, displace, bump => expel, eject, chuck out exclude, throw out kick out turf out boot out turn out -------------- Sense 6 dislocate, displace => resettle -------------- Grep of noun displaced displaced fracture displaced person Overview of verb displace The verb displace has 6 senses (first 2 from tagged texts) 1. (6) displace -- (take the place of) 2. (1) displace, force out -- (force to move "the refugees were displaced by the war") 3. displace, uproot, deracinate -- (move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment; "The war uprooted many people") 4. move displace -- (cause to move both in a concrete and in an abstract sense "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant") 5. dislodge, displace, bump -- (remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied; "The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space") 6. dislocate, displace -- (put out of its usual place position, or relationship; "The colonists displaced the natives") Overview of verb displace The verb displace has 6 senses (first 2 from tagged texts) 1. (6) displace -- (take the place of) 2. (1) displace, force out -- (force to move "the refugees were displaced by the war") 3. displace, uproot, deracinate -- (move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment; "The war uprooted many people") 4. move displace -- (cause to move both in a concrete and in an abstract sense "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant") 5. dislodge, displace, bump -- (remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied; "The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space") 6. dislocate, displace -- (put out of its usual place position, or relationship; "The colonists displaced the natives")
displaced definition