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ker definition
ker |
Grep of noun ker abraham stoker ale drinker alice malsenior walker alice walker all-day sucker alpha-adrenergic blocker alpha-blocker alpha blocker apple canker artificial pacemaker asker atlantic croaker attacker auto maker baby-walker backer backpacker backstroker baedeker baker balker ballad maker banker barker barrel maker basket maker basketmaker baulker beaker beer drinker beer maker belt maker benjamin ricketson tucker beta-adrenergic blocker beta blocker bialystoker bib-and-tucker bicker bill sticker billiard marker bird parker blight canker blinker blocker bloodsucker bobbysocker boneshaker booker bookmaker bookmarker boot maker bootlicker bootmaker boston rocker brainworker bram stoker bread maker breaker breaststroker broker bunker bushwhacker busker cabinetmaker calcium-channel blocker calcium blocker candlemaker candymaker canker cannon cracker car maker cardiac pacemaker caretaker caseworker cat cracker catalytic cracker census taker chain-smoker charles christopher parker charlie parker checker chestnut canker choker chukker cigar smoker cigarette smoker circuit breaker city slicker civil rights worker clark's nutcracker clinker cloakmaker clockmaker co-worker cocker cocksucker cocktail shaker coffee maker common nutcracker conker construction worker convergent thinker cooker corker cornhusker cracker creative thinker croaker customer's broker davy jones's locker decision maker decker deerstalker diemaker diesinker divergent thinker dock worker docker dolphin striker doorknocker dorothy parker dorothy rothschild parker double-decker draw poker dressmaker drinker dropkicker drug trafficker dunker eddie rickenbacker edward vernon rickenbacker espresso maker european goatsucker factory worker faker farm worker fellow worker fieldworker fighting joe hooker film maker filmmaker fire walker firecracker first sacker flanker flicker floorwalker footlocker freethinker fucker funeral undertaker furniture maker garment worker garmentmaker garmentworker gas cooker genetic marker gilded flicker glassmaker glassworker goatsucker goldworker graham cracker granville-barker green woodpecker ground-shaker hacker hard worker harley granville-barker hatmaker hawker haymaker head-shrinker highjacker hijacker hiker histamine blocker hitchhiker hog sucker hogchoker holidaymaker homemaker honeysucker honker hooker hop-picker housebreaker housewrecker ice maker icebreaker image breaker insurance broker intercom speaker investment banker ironworker ivory-billed woodpecker jawbreaker jaywalker jerker jewelry maker john walker john wanamaker joker joseph hooker junker karl baedeker kera keratalgia keratectasia keratin keratinisation keratinization keratitis keratoacanthoma keratocele keratoconjunctivitis keratoconus keratoderma keratoderma blennorrhagica keratodermia keratoiritis keratomalacia keratomycosis keratonosis keratonosus keratoplasty keratoscleritis keratoscope keratoscopy keratosis keratosis blennorrhagica keratosis follicularis keratosis nigricans keratosis pilaris keratotomy kerb kerbstone kerchief kerensky kerion kern kernel kernicterus kernig's sign kernite kerosene kerosene heater kerosene lamp kerosine kerosine heater kerosine lamp kerouac kerr cell kerry blue terrier kerugma kerygma kicker knacker knocker kronecker lawbreaker lawmaker leaker lens maker leopold kronecker line backer line worker linebacker locker looker loudspeaker lumpsucker lurker magic marker maker map maker marker marriage broker masker matchmaker matthew walker meat packer medical social worker merrymaker metalworker middlebreaker milker mimicker mineworker miracle worker mischief-maker mocker moneymaker moniker mother fucker motherfucker movie maker muckraker necker needleworker new yorker nicker nightwalker nitpicker noisemaker nondrinker nonsmoker nonworker norma jean baker nosey-parker nosy-parker nutcracker odds-maker oil tanker onlooker opium taker oyster cracker pacemaker packer parker partaker patternmaker pawnbroker peacemaker pecker penny ante poker peppershaker piano maker picker picknicker picnicker pipe smoker place-kicker placeseeker platform rocker pleasure seeker pledge taker plunker poker policy maker poll taker porker power-station worker power broker power worker practical joker pressure cooker pricker printmaker profit taker provoker public speaker pucker punk rocker quaker racker rainmaker ranker real estate broker rebuker record-breaker red-breasted sapsucker red-hot poker red-shafted flicker redheaded woodpecker redhorse sucker research worker richard hooker rickenbacker risk taker rocker rope-maker ropemaker ropewalker safebreaker safecracker sailmaker salt shaker saltshaker salutatory speaker sapsucker scrimshanker sea poker second sacker seeker seersucker self-seeker shaker sharksucker ship-breaker ship broker shirker shirtmaker shocker shoemaker shopwalker silverworker sinker skilled worker skulker slacker slave-maker sleepwalker slicker smacker smirker smoker snacker sneaker snicker snooker soaker social drinker social worker soda cracker soda jerker sophie tucker spacewalker spanker sparker speaker speechmaker spell-checker spelling checker spelunker spinnaker squawker squeaker stacker stalker statue maker steelmaker steelworker stem canker sticker stinker stock ticker stockbroker stocker stoker stone breaker storage locker stove poker straight poker streaker streetwalker strikebreaker striker strip poker stud poker stumpknocker sucker sunblocker supertanker sweet talker syntax checker tacker taker talker tanker taste-maker tea maker temporary worker tennessee walker tentmaker the kingmaker thinker third sacker thread maker three-decker ticker ticket taker tiebreaker tinker tolltaker toolmaker tracker trafficker trained worker trekker tricker tripple-decker trouble maker troublemaker trucker tucker tunker tusker undertaker unpaid worker valedictory speaker valve rocker violin maker waker walker wanamaker wanker watchmaker welfare worker whacker whalesucker whicker whisker white croaker wicker wigmaker windbreaker wine maker winemaker winker wishful thinker woodpecker woodworker worker wrecker yanker yard marker yardbird parker yellow-bellied sapsucker yellow-shafted flicker yellowfin croaker younker Overview of adj k The adj k has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. thousand, a thousand, one thousand, 1000, m, k -- (denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units) Antonyms of adj k 1 sense of k Sense 1 thousand, a thousand, one thousand, 1000, m, k INDIRECT (VIA cardinal) -> ordinal Similarity of adj k 1 sense of k Sense 1 thousand, a thousand, one thousand, 1000, m, k => cardinal (vs. ordinal) Attributes of adj k Familiarity of adj k k used as an adjective is very rare (polysemy count = 1) Grep of adj ker aflicker pressure-cooker Grep of adj k a-ok ahorseback airsick amok amuck antiblack antiknock antitank around-the-clock at work attack awestruck back back-to-back ballpark bareback berserk black blank bleak blind drunk blue-black bolshevik brainsick breakneck brick brisk brusk buck bulk carsick casebook cheapjack cheek chockablock coal-black crack crank crookback damask dank dark double-quick drunk folk frank gimcrack greek half-track hardback heartsick hick high-risk homesick horror-struck hunchback in stock ink-black inky-black jet-black k kafkaesque kaleidoscopic kaleidoscopical kampuchean kannada-speaking kantian kaput kashmiri katabatic katabolic katari katharobic kayoed kechuan keeled keen keen-sighted kempt kenyan kept kept up key keyed keyless keynesian khaki kidnaped kidnapped kidney-shaped killable killing kin kinaesthetic kind kindhearted kindled kindly kindred kinesthetic kinetic king-size king-sized kinglike kingly kinky kiplingesque kitsch kittenish kitty-corner kitty-cornered knavish knee-deep knee-length kneeling knifelike knightly knitted knobbed knobbly knobby knock-down knock-down-and-drag-out knock-kneed knockabout knockdown-dragout knocked-out knocked out knockout knotted knotty knowable knowing knowledgeable knowledgeable about known known as ko'd kokka kookie kooky koranic korean kosher kuwaiti kyphotic laid-back lank lap-streak lovesick maverick meek midweek milk mock moonstruck nonstick oak off-peak off-the-rack off the beaten track off the hook ok on the hook out of stock out of work outback panic-struck paperback peak pinchbeck pink pitch-black pitch-dark point-blank polo-neck punch-drunk punk quack quick rank razorback round-the-clock seasick shrunk sick slack slapstick sleek slick sneak spick stage-struck stark stock struck stuck sunk sunstruck swank swayback sweptback tantrik terror-struck textbook thick throwback thunderstruck tongue-in-cheek turtleneck under attack undrunk unstuck weak wide of the mark wonder-struck Overview of adj k The adj k has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. thousand, a thousand, one thousand, 1000, m, k -- (denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units)
ker definition