browse words by letter
ors |
Grep of noun ors anas discors board of directors colors connors council of economic advisors flying colors helsingfors james scott connors jimmy conors majors minors mors orson welles ostwald's theory of indicators out-of-doors outdoors pair of scissors right to confront accusors scissors staggered board of directors tammerfors theory of indicators Grep of noun or abbreviator abdicator abductor abettor abies concolor abnegator abominator abor absorption factor absorption indicator abstractor academic administrator accelerator accelerator factor accentor acceptor accommodator accordion door accumulator ace inhibitor achromatic color acid-base indicator activator actor actuator adaptor adductor adipose tumor adjudicator adjustor administrator adulator adulterator advisor advocator aerator aerogenerator african monitor aggravator aggregator aggressor agitator air compressor algorithm error alienator all-or-none law alleviator alligator alliterator allocator alpha-adrenergic receptor alpha-adrenoceptor alpha receptor alternator ambassador american alligator american federation of labor amor amputator anaphor ancestor anchor andean condor angiogenesis inhibitor angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor animator ann arbor annihilator annotator annunciator anterior anti-torque rotor antiberiberi factor anticipator antihaemophilic factor antihemophilic factor antihemorrhagic factor antiophthalmic factor antipernicious anemia factor antony tudor applicator appreciator appropriator aqueous humor arbitrator arbor archidiskidon imperator ardor aristolochia durior armor arrogator art director art editor arteria alveolaris inferior arteria alveolaris superior arteria labialis inferior arteria labialis superior arteria temporalis anterior arteria temporalis posterior articulator asia minor asphyxiator aspirator assassinator assessor asseverator assignor assimilator assistant professor associate professor astor astrantia major astrogator atomic reactor attenuator attestator attestor attractor auditor authenticator author aviator baby doctor bachelor back door bailor ballast resistor bangor barn door barndoor baroreceptor battle of marston moor beauty parlor behavior benefactor benign tumor beta-adrenergic receptor beta-adrenoceptor beta receptor bettor bi-fold door billiard parlor black humor blackamoor bleach liquor blood donor boa constrictor body armor body odor boiling water reactor boor brain doctor brain tumor breeder reactor bronchodilator budorcas taxicolor business editor business sector butterfly collector bypass capacitor caladium bicolor calculator california condor calosoma scrutator camera operator campaign for governor camphor candor canis major canis minor cantor capacitor capital of ecuador captor car door car mirror carburetor carburettor cardiac monitor cargo door cartridge ejector cartridge extractor castor causal factor caveat emptor cavity resonator celebrator celestial equator censor central processor cervus unicolor chador chain armor chain reactor chancellor change of color character actor charge-exchange accelerator chemical reactor chemoreceptor chest protector chinese alligator chiropractor christian dior christmas factor chromatic color cine projector cirsium discolor city editor claims adjustor clamor clangor clematis versicolor clotting factor clusia major coadjutor coagulation factor coagulator coauthor cockcroft-walton accelerator cockcroft and walton accelerator coconspirator code of behavior cofactor cognitive factor coin collector collaborator collector collimator collinsia bicolor color coluber constrictor commentator common denominator common divisor common factor communicator commutator company operator competitor complementary color compositor compressor computer error conciliator condor conductor confessor congenator congressional medal of honor conjuror connector conqueror conquistador conscientious objector conservator consignor conspirator constrictor constrictor constrictor constructor contractor contributor convector conversion factor convertor conveyor cooperator coordinator copper color copy editor corn liquor corporate investor corregidor corridor corticium salmonicolor cottrell precipitator councillor counsellor counselor countertenor country doctor cox-2 inhibitor creator creditor crystal detector crystal oscillator cultivator cunctator curator cursor cursorius cursor cuspidor cygnus buccinator cygnus olor dance floor data processor dead metaphor debtor decisive factor decor decorator deems taylor defalcator defecator defector defense contractor defibrillator deflator deflector defoliator demeanor demodulator demonstrator dennis gabor denominator department of commerce and labor department of labor department of the interior depilator depositor depreciator depressor dermacentor detector determining factor detonator detractor dictator diesel motor differentiator diffusor dilator dior director disambiguator discriminator disfavor dishonor disk error disorderly behavior display adaptor disseminator distributor dithered color divisor doctor dolor donor door double door double standard of sexual behavior drill instructor drum major duchess of windsor duke of windsor duplicator dutch door ear-nose-and-throat doctor ear doctor earth color earth tremor ecuador editor educator edward the confessor effector egg-and-anchor ejaculator ejector el libertador el salvador elector electric motor electric razor electric refrigerator electrical distributor electrolytic capacitor electron accelerator electronic fetal monitor electronic foetal monitor electronic transistor electrostatic generator elevator elevator operator eliminator elizabeth taylor emancipator embassador emperor emptor emulator endeavor english professor enteroceptor enumerator eoraptor epilator epilepsia major epilepsia minor equator equivalent-binary-digit factor equivocator eradicator error escalator essential tremor estimator evaluator ewing's tumor ex-mayor excavator excelsior excogitator executive director executor exhibitor existential operator exmoor expectorator extensor exterior exterior door exterminator exteroceptor extractor eye doctor fabricator facilitator factor false labor family doctor fast reactor favor felis concolor fervor festuca elatior fetal monitor fetor fibroid tumor film director film projector fire door first floor fish doctor flannery o'connor flavor flexor flight indicator flight simulator floor fluor flux applicator foetal monitor foetor folding door fomor food color food elevator food processor foot doctor fornicator fraxinus excelsior freight elevator french door front door frozen metaphor fructidor fudge factor fuel indicator full professor full radiator funeral director funeral parlor furor fusion reactor gabor garbage collector gas-cooled reactor generator genitor genus alligator genus castor genus dermacentor genus eoraptor genus mucor genus myocastor genus nestor genus stentor genus utahraptor genus velociraptor gerardus mercator gladiator glamor glossopsitta versicolor good humor governor grand inquisitor grantor grape arbor grapnel anchor great attractor greatest common divisor greatest common factor ground floor growth hormone-releasing factor growth regulator guarantor guard of honor guvnor hageman factor half door ham actor hand calculator hand mirror harbor hard liquor hardware error heart monitor hector henry tudor herb doctor heritor hesitator heterodyne oscillator highest common factor holocanthus tricolor holy roman emperor holy terror honor horror horse doctor house decorator house of tudor house of windsor humor hyla arenicolor hypothalamic releasing factor ichor identity operator ignitor ill humor illustrator imitator impersonator impostor incinerator incisor incubator indicator induction accelerator induction of labor inductor inferior infiltrator inflator inhalator inheritor inhibitor initiator innovator inocor inoculator inquisitor inspector instigator instillator instructor insulator integrator interceptor interior interior decorator interior door interlocutor intermediator interoceptor interrogator intrinsic factor invalidator inventor investigator investment advisor investor invigilator invigorator ipomoea tricolor iridoprocne bicolor iris versicolor iron chancellor jailor janitor john jacob astor joint author joseph deems taylor junction transistor junior jupiter fulminator juror k-lor kaochlor knight bachelor komondor kor kwashiorkor labor labrador lachrymator lacrimator lake superior laminator languor lanius excubitor lapidator laudator lauritz lebrecht hommel melchior lauritz melchior lead-acid accumulator leading indicator lector leg extensor legislator lemna minor lespedeza bicolor lessor liberator lie detector lieutenant governor lightning conductor linear accelerator linear operator linkage editor lipitor liquid metal reactor liquidator liquor literal error litigator little terror load factor lobster thermidor local oscillator locator looking for lopressor lord chancellor lord high chancellor louis d'or lubricator luxor macgregor machinator magnetic equator main rotor major malefactor malignant tumor malodor malt liquor managing director managing editor mandator manipulator maniraptor manor manual labor margin of error markhoor markhor marston moor mary flannery o'connor mary tudor masturbator matador mayetiola destructor mayor medal of honor mediator melchior mentor mercator mergus serrator messidor metal detector metaphor metastatic tumor meteor mevacor mezzanine floor micronor microprocessor microwave linear accelerator migrator military governor mine detector minor mirror misbehavior misdemeanor mixed metahor moderator monitor monoamine oxidase inhibitor monsignor moor mooring anchor mortgagor mother superior motivator motor movie projector mucor multiplier factor multiprocessor musculus buccinator musculus pectoralis major musculus pectoralis minor musculus rhomboideus major musculus rhomboideus minor musculus serratus anterior musculus serratus posterior musculus teres major musculus teres minor mushroom anchor music director mutilator myocastor n-type semiconductor nancy witcher astor narrator natator natural language processor naucrates ductor navigator negotiator neighbor nestor newspaper editor newsstand operator newsvendor newtonian reflector nickel-cadmium accumulator nickel-iron accumulator night terror nominator nonconductor nonmalignant tumor nonsolid color nuclear reactor numerator o'connor objector obliterator obstructor obturator occam's razor ocean floor ockham's razor oculomotor odor off-axis reflector offeror oil color open door operator oppressor or or circuit or gate orach orache oracle oracle of apollo oracle of delphi oradexon oragami oral oral cancer oral cavity oral communication oral contraception oral contraceptive oral contraceptive pill oral contract oral exam oral examination oral fissure oral herpes oral personality oral phase oral poliovirus vaccine oral presentation oral roberts oral sex oral smear oral stage oran orang orange orange-blossom orchid orange-juice concentrate orange balsam orange bat orange daisy orange fleabane orange grass orange grove orange hawkweed orange horseshoe bat orange juice orange liqueur orange marmalade orange milkweed orange milkwort orange mushroom pimple orange peel orange peel fungus orange pekoe orange red orange rind orange river orange sneezeweed orange soda orange toast orange tortrix orange tree orange yellow orange zest orangeade orangeman orangeness orangewood orangutan orangutang orasone oration orator oratorio oratory orb orb web orbiculate leaf orbignya orbignya cohune orbignya martiana orbignya phalerata orbignya spesiosa orbison orbit orbit period orbital cavity orbital motion orbital plane orbital point orbital rotation orbitale orbiter orca orchard orchard apple tree orchard grass orchard oriole orchestia orchestiidae orchestra orchestra pit orchestral bells orchestration orchestrator orchid orchid cactus orchid family orchid tree orchidaceae orchidaceous plant orchidales orchidalgia orchidectomy orchiectomy orchil orchiopexy orchis orchis mascula orchis papilionaceae orchis spectabilis orchitis orchotomy orcinus orcinus orca orcus orczy ord kangaroo rat ordainer ordeal ordeal bean ordeal tree order order-chenopodiales order acarina order accipitriformes order actinaria order actiniaria order actinomycetales order actinomyxidia order aepyorniformes order agaricales order alcyonaria order alismales order amoebida order amoebina order amphipoda order anacanthini order anaspida order andreaeales order anguilliformes order anoplura order anostraca order anseriformes order anthocerotales order anura order aphyllophorales order aplacophora order apodes order apodiformes order apterygiformes order arales order araneae order araneida order aristolochiales order arms order artiodactyla order aspergillales order auriculariales order batoidei order batrachia order belemnoidea order bennettitales order berycomorphi order blastocladiales order book order branchiura order bryales order campanulales order caprimulgiformes order carnivora order caryophyllales order casuariiformes order casuarinales order caudata order cestida order cetacea order charadriiformes order charales order chelonethida order chelonia order chiroptera order chlorococcales order chytridiales order ciconiiformes order cilioflagellata order coccidia order code order coleoptera order collembola order columbiformes order colymbiformes order commelinales order coniferales order conodonta order conodontophorida order coraciiformes order cordaitales order corrodentia order crocodilia order crocodylia order cuculiformes order cycadales order cycadofilicales order cyclostomata order cydippea order cydippida order cydippidea order cypriniformes order decapoda order dermaptera order dermoptera order diapensiales order dicranales order dictyoptera order dinocerata order dinoflagellata order dinornithiformes order diptera order discocephali order ebenales order edentata order embiodea order embioptera order endomycetales order entomophthorales order ephemerida order ephemeroptera order equisetales order ericales order erysiphales order eubacteriales order eubryales order euphausiacea order eurotiales order eurypterida order exocycloida order fagales order falconiformes order filicales order foraminifera order form order fucales order gadiformes order galliformes order ganoidei order gaviiformes order gentianales order geophilomorpha order geraniales order ginkgoales order gnetales order graminales order gregarinida order gruiformes order guttiferales order gymnophiona order haemosporidia order haplosporidia order heliozoa order helotiales order hemiptera order heterosomata order heterotrichales order hymenogastrales order hymenoptera order hypericales order hypermastigina order hypocreales order hyracoidea order ichthyosauria order ictodosauria order insectivora order insessores order isoetales order isopoda order isoptera order isospondyli order juglandales order jungermanniales order lagomorpha order laminariales order lechanorales order lepidodendrales order lepidoptera order lichenales order liliales order lobata order loricata order lycoperdales order lycopodiales order lyginopteridales order madreporaria order mallophaga order malvales order marattiales order marchantiales order marsupialia order mecoptera order moniliales order monotremata order mucorales order musales order myaceae order mycelia sterilia order mycoplasmatales order mycrosporidia order myricales order myrtales order mysidacea order myxobacterales order myxobacteria order myxobacteriales order myxosporidia order naiadales order neuroptera order nidulariales order notostraca order nudibranchia order octopoda order odonata order oedogoniales order of business order of magnitude order of payment order of the day order of the purple heart order oleales order ophioglossales order opiliones order opuntiales order orchidales order ornithischia order orthoptera order ostariophysi order ostracodermi order palmales order pandanales order papaverales order paper order parietales order passeriformes order pectinibranchia order pediculati order pedipalpi order pelecaniformes order pelycosauria order perciformes order percomorphi order perissodactyla order peronosporales order pezizales order phalangida order phallales order phasmatodea order phasmida order pholidota order picariae order piciformes order piperales order plantaginales order platyctenea order plecoptera order plectognathi order pleuronectiformes order plumbaginales order podicipediformes order podicipitiformes order polemoniales order polygonales order polymastigina order polypodiales order primates order primulales order proboscidea order procellariiformes order proteales order protura order pseudomonadales order pseudoscorpiones order pseudoscorpionida order psilophytales order psilotales order psittaciformes order psocoptera order pterosauria order pulmonata order pycnogonida order radiolaria order rajiformes order ranales order ranunculales order raptores order rhamnales order rheiformes order rhoeadales order rhynchocephalia order rickettsiales order rodentia order rosales order rubiales order salicales order salientia order santalales order sapindales order saprolegniales order sarcosporidia order sarraceniales order saurischia order sauropterygia order scandentia order sclerodermatales order scleroparei order scorpionida order scrophulariales order secotiales order selaginellales order siluriformes order siphonaptera order siphonophora order sirenia order solenichthyes order solenogastres order spatangoida order sphaeriales order sphaerocarpales order sphagnales order sphenisciformes order spirochaetales order squamata order stegocephalia order stereospondyli order stomatopoda order strigiformes order struthioniformes order synentognathi order taxales order temnospondyli order testacea order testudinata order testudines order tetraodontiformes order thecodontia order therapsida order thymelaeales order thysanoptera order thysanura order tinamiformes order torpediniformes order tremellales order trichoptera order trogoniformes order tuberales order tubulidentata order tulostomatales order ulvales order umbellales order uredinales order urodella order uropygi order urticales order ustilaginales order volvocales order xiphosura order xyridales order zeomorphi order zygnemales order zygnematales ordered series orderer ordering orderliness orderly orderly sergeant ordinal ordinal number ordinance ordinand ordinariness ordinary ordinary annuity ordinary bicycle ordinary care ordinary shares ordinate ordination ordnance ordnance stores ordovician ordovician period ordure ore ore bed ore dressing ore processing oread oreamnos oreamnos americanus orectolobidae orectolobus orectolobus barbatus oregano oregon oregon alder oregon ash oregon cedar oregon crab apple oregon fir oregon grape oregon holly grape oregon jargon oregon larch oregon lily oregon maple oregon myrtle oregon oak oregon pine oregon white oak oregonian oreide oreo oreo cookie oreopteris oreopteris limbosperma oreortyx oreortyx picta palmeri orestes orff organ organ-grinder organ donor organ loft organ of corti organ of hearing organ pipe organ stop organ transplant organdie organdy organelle organic organic brain syndrome organic chemistry organic compound organic disorder organic fertilizer organic law organic phenomenon organic process organic structure organicism organification organisation organism organist organization organization chart organization expense organization man organization of american states organization of petroleum-exporting countries organized crime organizer organon organophosphate organs organza orgasm orgy oriel oriel window orient oriental oriental alabaster oriental arborvitae oriental beetle oriental bittersweet oriental black mushroom oriental bush cherry oriental cherry oriental cockroach oriental garlic oriental person oriental plane oriental poppy oriental roach oriental scops owl oriental sore oriental spruce orientalist orientation orientation course orifice origanum origanum dictamnus origanum majorana origanum vulgare origin original original sin originalism originality origination origination fee originator orinasal orinasal phone orinase orinoco orinoco river oriole oriolidae oriolus oriolus oriolus orion orison orissa orites orites excelsa oriya orizaba orkney islands orlando orleanais orleanist orleans orlon orlop orlop deck orly ormandy ormazd ormer ormolu ormosia ormosia coarctata ormosia monosperma ormuzd ornament ornamental ornamentalist ornamentation ornateness orneriness ornithine ornithischia ornithischian ornithischian dinosaur ornithogalum ornithogalum pyrenaicum ornithogalum thyrsoides ornithogalum umbellatum ornithologist ornithology ornithomimid ornithomimida ornithopod ornithopod dinosaur ornithopoda ornithopter ornithorhynchidae ornithorhynchus ornithorhynchus anatinus ornithosis orobanchaceae orography oroide orology orono orontium orontium aquaticum oropharynx orozco orphan orphanage orphans' asylum orphenadrine orpheus orphrey orpiment orpin orpine orpington orr orrery orris orrisroot orson welles ortalis ortega ortega y gasset orthicon orthilia orthoboric acid orthochorea orthochromatic film orthoclase orthodontia orthodontic treatment orthodontics orthodontist orthodonture orthodox catholic church orthodox church orthodox jew orthodox judaism orthodox sleep orthodoxy orthogonal opposition orthogonality orthography orthomorphic projection orthomyxovirus orthopaedics orthopaedist orthopedics orthopedist orthophosphate orthophosphoric acid orthophosphorous acid orthopnea orthopristis orthopristis chrysopterus orthopter orthoptera orthopteran orthopteron orthopterous insect orthoptics orthoptist orthoscope orthostatic hypotension orthotomus orthotomus sutorius orthotropous ovule ortilis vetula macalli ortolan ortolan bunting ortygan orudis orudis kt oruvail orville wright orwell orycteropodidae orycteropus orycteropus afer oryctolagus oryctolagus cuniculus oryx oryx gazella oryza oryza sativa oryzomys oryzomys palustris oryzopsis oryzopsis hymenoides oryzopsis miliacea orzo oscillator osculator osmoreceptor outboard motor outside door outside mirror overhead projector ovipositor oxidation-reduction indicator p-n-p transistor p-type semiconductor pallor pamelor papillary tumor parabolic mirror parabolic reflector paraboloid reflector parlor parquet floor pars anterior particle accelerator party favor parus bicolor pastor pavior pearl harbor pectoralis major pectoralis minor peculator penetrator people of color perambulator percolator percussor peronospora destructor perpetrator persecutor person of color petit juror petty juror phacelia minor philohela minor photocoagulator picador pictor pier mirror pinicola enucleator pipe major pizza parlor plaintiff in error plantago major plasminogen activator plate armor playactor plessor plexor pocket calculator point of honor pollinator possessor poster color posterior postulator pot liquor praetor pre-emptor precentor preceptor precipitator precursor predator predecessor predicator predictor preemptor premature labor president taylor pressurized water reactor prestidigitator pretor prevaricator price floor priest-doctor prime factor primogenitor primula elatior principal investigator prior private instructor private investigator privilege of the floor processor procrastinator proctor procurator procyon lotor professor progenitor prognosticator programming error projector promisor promulgator propagator propellor proprietor proprioceptor prosecutor prospector protector prothrombin accelerator proton accelerator protractor publius cornelius scipio africanus major pulse generator purple emperor purveyor pyrola minor quaestor quartz oscillator quercus bicolor radiator radio reflector radius vector rancor random number generator raptor ratiocinator razor reactor realtor rearview mirror receptor rector rectus inferior rectus superior redactor reflection factor reflector refrigerator refuse collector regius professor regulator reign of terror relaxation behavior releasing factor remunerator renovator rent collector repressor republic of ecuador republic of el salvador research director resistor resonator respirator resuscitator retaliator retractor rh factor rhesus factor rheumatoid factor rigor ring armor ring of color robert macgregor roman emperor room decorator rose-colored pastor rotary actuator rotor rubor ruminator rumor run-time error rust inhibitor safe harbor safety factor safety razor sailor saint edward the confessor sales demonstrator salix discolor salvador salvor san salvador sand tumor sarracenia minor sartor savior savor scale factor scipio africanus major screen door sculptor sea anchor secretary of commerce and labor secretary of labor secretary of the interior secretor sector security director segregator seignior selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor selector seleucus i nicator semantic error semiconductor senator senhor senior senor sense of humor sensor sensory receptor separator sequenator sergeant major serratus anterior serratus posterior serratus posterior inferior serratus posterior superior service door service elevator servitor sewing-machine operator sheet anchor shipwreck survivor shop floor side door signior signor simulator sinbad the sailor skin color skin doctor skin tumor slide projector sliding door snake doctor snuff-color software error solicitor solidago bicolor sorghum bicolor sparaxis tricolor spectator spectral color speculator speed indicator spike suppressor spin doctor splendor sponsor spoor sports commentator sports editor spreading factor squalor st edward the confessor stable factor stage director stage door stamp collector starter motor starting motor state senator stator steganopus tricolor stentor sternutator stertor straight razor stressor stretch receptor stridor stupor subcontractor subeditor subgenus pastor subjugator successor succor sudor suit of armor suitor sun parlor sun visor superior supervisor suppressor surge protector surge suppressor surveyor survivor suspensor swing door swinging door switchboard operator synchronous motor syncopator syndicator synesthetic metaphor syntax error system error tabor tabulator tail rotor tailor tambocor tangor tax assessor tax collector taylor tea parlor technicolor telegraph operator telephone operator television monitor temblor tenor tensor teres major teres minor terminator terror testator text editor thalassaemia major thalassemia major the great elector theater director theatre director thermal reactor thermal resistor thermidor thermistor thermonuclear reactor thermoreceptor thermoregulator thor threshing floor throat protector thyme camphor thyrotropin-releasing factor tibialis anterior tibialis posterior ticket collector time-scale factor timor tissue plasminogen activator titrator toll collector tongue depressor tooth doctor tor toreador tormentor torpor tort-feasor tortfeasor totalisator totalizator tractor trading floor trafficator traitor transactor transferor transgressor transistor translator trap door tremor trial and error trick or treat tricolor trimming capacitor tudor tumor tumor necrosis factor tumour necrosis factor turbogenerator turgor turn indicator tutor tv monitor typographical error tyrosine kinase inhibitor ulan bator umbrina roncador uniform resource locator universal donor universal resource locator urinator ursa major ursa minor utahraptor uxor vaccinator vacillator valor valuator van de graaff generator vapor variable resistor variola major variola minor vasoconstrictor vasodilator vasopressor vat color vaticinator vector velociraptor vena cerebri anterior vena cerebrum superior vena epigastrica inferior vena facialis anterior vena labialis inferior vena labialis superior vena pulmanalis inferior vena pulmonalis superior vena vertebralis anterior venae cerebrum inferior vendor venerator ventilator vibrator vice chancellor victor vigor vinca major vinca minor vindicator viola tricolor violator vis major viscountess astor visiting professor visitor visor vitreous humor vizor vociferator voltage regulator wage floor waist anchor wallis warfield windsor warrantor warrior water-cooled reactor water vapor watercolor what for wicket door william the conqueror wilms' tumor wind generator windsor wiper motor witch doctor woman's doctor word of honor word processor writ of error x-or circuit zachary taylor zocor Overview of noun or The noun or has 2 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. Oregon, Beaver State, OR -- (a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific) 2. operating room OR operating theater, operating theatre, surgery -- (a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; "great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic") Overview of noun or The noun or has 2 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. Oregon, Beaver State, OR -- (a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific) 2. operating room OR operating theater, operating theatre, surgery -- (a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; "great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic")
ors definition