browse words by letter
ter |
Grep of noun ter 1-hitter 2-hitter 3-hitter 4-hitter 5-hitter abetter abstracter abutter accelerometer accipiter accumulator register actinometer adapter adhesive plaster adjuster adopter aerobacter air-raid shelter air filter air letter air thermometer airmail letter alabaster alcohol-in-glass thermometer alcohol thermometer algometer alma mater alphabetic character altimeter american lobster ammeter ammonia water amphitheater anal sphincter analog-digital converter analog-to-digital converter analog computer analogue computer anatomical sphincter anchovy butter anemometer aneroid barometer annual salt-marsh aster anointer anteater antimatter apple butter apple fritter arbiter arena theater aromatic aster arrester arrow leaved aster artium magister ascii character ascii control character assaulter asserter astatic galvanometer aster athletic supporter atmometer attempter attester audiometer auditory center azure aster baby-sitter baby buster babysitter back matter backbiter backspace character backwater ballet master ballistic galvanometer baluster banded anteater bandmaster banister bank charter bannister banter bar printer bar sinister bargain hunter barley water barometer baron lister baron snow of leicester barretter barrister barter barycenter baster bath water batter bay stater beach aster beater beckman thermometer bedsitter bedwetter bee eater beefeater begetter bend dexter bend sinister bercy butter bessemer converter better big sister bilge water bilgewater bill poster bimester bister biter bitter black letter blackwater bladder sphincter blaster blighter blister bloater block letter blockbuster blood blister blotter blue darter blue peter bluster boaster boater body of water bog aster bolometer bolster bolt cutter bomb calorimeter bomb shelter bonesetter booster bottled water brain truster branch water brandy snifter brazilian trumpeter bread and butter breakwater briefcase computer broadcaster broca's center bronco buster broncobuster brown butter bruno walter bubblejet printer bug-hunter bullfighter bunter burgomaster burn center burster bushy aster business letter buster butter c. s. forester cabinet minister cadaster calico aster calorimeter calypter cancer magister candy thermometer canecutter canister cannister canter cape lobster carbonated water cardiac sphincter cargo helicopter carpenter carpet beater carter cash register caster catalytic converter catheter cecil scott forester celebrater cellulose ester center centigrade thermometer centiliter centimeter chain letter chain printer chanter chapiter chapter character character-at-a-time printer character printer charter chatter cheater checkout counter cheese cutter chess master chest register chester child molester china aster chlorine water choirmaster chorister chronometer cigar cutter cigar lighter cigarette lighter city center city of westminster civic center claims adjuster clarified butter clatter clinical thermometer clinometer cloister clot buster cluster clutter clyster coaster cocoa butter coconut water coffee filter colbert butter cole albert porter cole porter collapsible shelter cologne water colorimeter colter comforter common meter common pond-skater common scoter community center commuter complex instruction set computer computer conference center congress gaiter connecter connecticuter conservation of matter control center control character converter cooter copywriter corn fritter cornflower aster cotoneaster cotter coulter counter counterfeiter court plaster cover letter covering letter crafter craniometer crank letter crap-shooter crater cricketer critter crofter crooked-stemmed aster crookes radiometer crux of the matter cryometer crystal counter cubic centimeter cubic decimeter cubic kilometer cubic meter cubic millimeter custer cutter daisywheel printer daniel webster darter dasymeter data converter daughter day care center dead center dead letter debater decaliter decameter decanter deciliter decimeter declinometer deep water deer hunter defaulter defroster dekaliter dekameter demeter demister densimeter densitometer departer deserter designated hitter desktop computer diameter digester digital-analog converter digital-to-analog converter digital computer digital voltmeter dilater diplomatic minister disaster discounter dishwater display adapter dissenter distilled water distributer dogfighter dosemeter dosimeter dot matrix printer dot printer doubter down easter drafter drawn butter drifter drill master drinking water drosophila melanogaster drum printer dry-bulb thermometer duck hunter dumbwaiter dura mater duster dynamiter dynamometer earl of leicester easter eastern silvery aster eater effecter eggbeater eighter elater electric heater electric thermometer electric typewriter electrical converter electrodynamometer electrometer electronic computer electronic converter electronic voltmeter electroplater electrostatic printer emitter enchanter encounter encyclical letter end matter english setter entertainment center epicenter ester eudiometer eurasian hamster eurasian otter european lobster evaporometer exophthalmic goiter experimenter exploiter exporter exposure meter faecal matter fahrenheit thermometer fallout shelter falter fashion arbiter fathometer fecal matter femtometer fester fetter fever blister fictional character fictitious character figeater fighter filibuster film writer filter finance minister financial center fire-eater fire fighter firefighter firelighter firewater first-nighter first-rater first quarter first trimester first water fitter five-hitter flat-topped white aster floater flouter fluster flutter fluxmeter flyswatter folk writer fomenter footer fore-and-after forecaster foreign minister forequarter forest fire fighter forester form letter fortune hunter foster foster-sister four-hitter four-poster fox hunter frankenstein's monster frankfurter freebooter freedom fighter freighter french fritter frequenter fresh water fritter fritter batter front matter fuel filter fuscoboletinus paluster gagster gagwriter gaiter galvanometer games-master gangster garbage carter garlic butter garment cutter garroter garrotter garter gas fitter gas heater gas meter gas thermometer gasometer gaussmeter geiger-muller counter geiger counter gem cutter genus accipiter genus aerobacter genus aster genus cotoneaster genus nitrobacter genus physeter geometer george armstrong custer german short-haired pointer ghetto blaster ghostwriter giant anteater gila monster glass cutter glasscutter glister glitter globetrotter gloucester glyceryl ester go-getter goddaughter goiter goldbeater golden aster golden hamster goldilocks aster goniometer gordon setter government minister granddaughter grandmaster granter grass-leaved golden aster grater gravimeter gravity meter gray matter great anteater great charter green-eyed monster greeter grey matter ground water grunter guerrilla theater gutter hack writer hairy golden aster half sister hall porter halobacter halter hamster hand-held computer hangman's halter hans conrad julius reiter hard water harlean carpenter harry f. klinefelter harry fitch kleinfelter harvester hater hatter head register head waiter headcounter headhunter headmaster heart-leaved aster heater heath aster heavy hitter heavy water hectoliter hectometer helicopter hell-rooster hereafter herpes varicella zoster herpes zoster hesitater hexameter high water highlighter highwater hindquarter hipster hitter hodometer hoister holster holy water honey eater hooter hot-water heater hot water house of lancaster house painter housemaster howard carter huckster hundred-percenter hungarian pointer hunter hydrometer hygrometer hymenopter hypsometer ice-skater ice water idolater igniter impact printer importer imposter inciter inclinometer index register inflater ink-jet printer insurance underwriter interferometer international grandmaster interpreter interrupter inverter investment letter irish setter james earl carter japanese oyster javel water javelle water jester jew-baiter jimmy carter jitter job's comforter john bach mcmaster jointer jokester joseph alois schumpeter joseph emerson worcester joseph lister joseph schumpeter jotter jupiter katharometer keister kelter kerosene heater kerosine heater kick starter kicksorter kilogram-meter kiloliter kilometer kilter kitty litter klinefelter knitter knuckle duster lamb's-quarter lamenter lamplighter lancaster laptop computer large-leaved aster laser printer last quarter late purple aster lath and plaster latin quarter latter laughter law of conservation of matter leaf-cutter legal ouster leicester leister lemon butter lesser anteater letter letter writer levanter lifter light filter light meter lighter lightning arrester limewater limiter line-at-a-time printer line-shooter line printer linoleum cutter lion-hunter lister liter lithia water litter little sister little theater lobster lobster butter locater loch ness monster lockmaster looter lotus-eater love-in-winter love-philter love letter low water lower-case letter lunar crater luster machmeter magna mater magnetometer mailsorter maine lobster mainframe computer making water maltreater maltster man-eater manchester manometer manslaughter manumitter manx shearwater market letter marketer maryland golden aster mass spectrometer master mater matrix printer matter maximum and minimum thermometer mcalester mcmaster meat counter meat thermometer medical center meeter melter mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer mercury-in-glass thermometer mercury barometer mercury thermometer meter meuniere butter microcomputer micrometer micromillimeter microphotometer microtus ochrogaster mid-water middle buster midwinter mileometer milliammeter milliliter millimeter millivoltmeter milometer mineral water minicomputer minister minster minter mister miter mobster mojave aster molester molter monoamine neurotransmitter monster morale booster mother's daughter motor scooter moulter mounter movie theater moving-coil galvanometer muenster municipal center musical theater mustard plaster muster mutter myriameter mythical monster myxobacter nanometer narrow-leaved white-topped aster neglecter nerve center nester neurotransmitter neuter new england aster new world anteater new york aster newscaster newsletter newswriter night letter night porter niter nitrobacter no-hitter noah webster nonstarter nontextual matter noreaster northeaster northern lobster northwester norway lobster norwegian lobster notebook computer notions counter nut butter obstructer octameter oculus dexter oculus sinister odometer ohmmeter oil filter oil heater oil painter old master oldster oleaster one-hitter onion butter open letter operating theater optical pyrometer orbiter oriental alabaster ornithopter orthopter otter ouster out-and-outer outfitter oven stuffer roaster oven thermometer overnighter owen wister oximeter oyster pacesetter page-at-a-time printer page printer painter palmister pancake batter panicled aster paper cutter parachuter parameter parking meter passing water passive resister past master paster pater paternoster patter paymaster pea shooter peanut butter pearl oyster pedometer pelter pelvimeter pentameter perennial salt marsh aster perfecter perimeter personal computer personal letter peter petter pewter philter photometer physeter physiological sphincter pia mater piaster picometer pictorial matter piezometer pilaster pimento butter pinch hitter pipe cutter pipe fitter pitter-patter placement center planimeter planter plaster plater platinum thermometer platter plessimeter pleximeter plotter pocket lighter point after pointer polarimeter pole vaulter police blotter pollster polluter polyester polyphonic letter pond-skater portable computer porter portrait painter postage meter poster postmaster potentiometer pothunter potter pouter prairie aster prairie golden aster prankster prater presbyter presenter president carter primary sex character prime minister printer prizefighter promoter prompter property master proportional counter protester psalter psychrometer puff batter pullman porter pulse counter punster punter pupillary sphincter purple-stemmed aster putter pyloric sphincter pyrometer quarter quartermaster quester question master quinine water quitter quizmaster quoter radiation pyrometer radio interferometer radio transmitter radiometer radiomicrometer rafter rail-splitter rainwater ranter raster ratter rattlesnake's master rattlesnake master reaumur thermometer rebutter reciter recruiter red setter red water reduced instruction set computer reflectometer refractometer refuter register reiter renter repeater reporter research center resistance pyrometer resistance thermometer resister respecter respiratory center restauranter rester reversing thermometer rewriter rhymester riding master ringmaster rioter river cooter river otter riveter rivetter roadster roaster rochester rock lobster roger bannister roller-skater roller coaster rooster rose water roster rotary converter rotter rough-leaved aster rough water router rug beater runic letter rush aster saddle oyster sailing master saint peter salinometer salter saltpeter saltwater saluter sandblaster satellite transmitter saunter scaly anteater scarlet letter scatter scene painter sceneshifter scepter schlockmeister schoolmaster schreiber's aster schumpeter scintillation counter sclerometer scooter scoter scouter scoutmaster screenwriter scriptwriter sea aster sea otter sea scooter sea slater seamster seawater second-rater second trimester secondary sex character secreter seed oyster self-registering thermometer self-starter semester semidiameter sensitometer serial printer setter sewer water sex character sharpshooter shearwater shelter shift register shifter shinplaster shirtlifter shirtwaister shitter shlockmeister shooter shoplifter shopping center short's aster short letter shot putter shoulder holster shouter shrimp butter shunter shutter shuttle helicopter shyster sickleweed golden aster sidesplitter sifter sign painter silky anteater simon peter single-rotor helicopter sir roger gilbert bannister sister sitter six-footer six-shooter skater slack water slater slaughter small letter small white aster smelter smooth aster snack counter snail butter snail darter snifter snorter snow eater sob sister soda niter soda water sodbuster soft water solar heater solenogaster songster songwriter sorter sou'easter sou'wester southeaster southern aster southwester space heater space writer spanish pointer spark arrester spark counter spark transmitter sparkling water spatter specter spectrometer spectrophotometer speechwriter speedometer spherometer sphincter sphygmomanometer spike arrester spin the platter spinster spiny anteater spiny lobster spirometer spitter splatter splinter splitter splutter sports writer sportscaster spotter spouter spring water sprinter sputter square meter square shooter squatter squinter squirter st peter starter starved aster state of matter stater stationmaster steamfitter stepdaughter stephen collins foster stephen foster stepsister sticking plaster sticky aster stiff aster stinter stokes' aster stonecutter storm center straight shooter street fighter street theater student center stutter stylus printer subject matter submitter subsister subtracter subverter sugar water suggester sumpter supermarketer supplanter supporter surmounter surrebutter swatter sweater swing voter switch-hitter synchronous converter syrian hamster tabular matter tacheometer tachometer tachymeter tailgater takeoff booster tam-o'-shanter tansy leaf aster tap water tapster taskmaster taster tastetester tater tatter tax shelter taximeter teamster teeter-totter telecaster telemeter teleprinter teleprompter telethermometer teletypewriter television newscaster television reporter television transmitter tempter tensimeter tensiometer tenter tera terabyte teras teratogen teratogenesis teratology teratoma terazosin terbinafine terbium terbium metal terce tercel tercelet tercentenary tercentennial tercet terebella terebellidae terebinth teredinid teredinidae teredo terence terence rattigan teres teres major teres major muscle teres minor teres minor muscle teres muscle teresa tereshkova tergiversation teriyaki term term infant term insurance term of a contract term of enlistment term of office term paper termagant termer termes terminable interest terminal terminal emulation terminal leave terminal point terminal velocity termination terminator terminology terminus terminus a quo terminus ad quem termite termitidae terms tern ternary ternion terpene terpsichore terra alba terra cotta terra firma terra incognita terra sigillata terrace terrain terrain flight terrain intelligence terramycin terrapene terrapene ornata terrapin terreplein terrestrial dynamical time terrestrial guidance terrestrial planet terrestrial time terribleness terrier terrietia terrietia trifoliolata terrine territorial territorial army territorial division territorial dominion territorial reserve territorial waters territorialisation territoriality territorialization territory terror terrorisation terrorism terrorist terrorization terry terry towel terrycloth terseness tertiary tertiary period tertiary syphilis tertigravida tertium quid tertry tertullian terylene terza rima terzetto tester tetrameter textual matter the green-eyed monster the hunter the tempter theater theater prompter theatrical poster thermal printer thermoelectric thermometer thermogravimeter thermohydrometer thermometer third-rater third trimester thirster three-hitter throwster thruster thwarter thysanopter tidewater tile cutter tilter tinter tintometer tipster titer titter toaster toastmaster toilet water tongue twister tonic water tonometer tormenter torque converter toter touter toy manchester tradescant's aster trainmaster transit declinometer transmitter transplanter transporter transshipment center trapshooter treading water treater trend-setter trickster trimester trochanter trotter trouble shooter troubleshooter true lobster trumpeter trustbuster truster tv reporter tweeter twister twitter two-hitter two-seater two-toed anteater typesetter typewriter ulster underwriter unit character upland white aster upper-case letter uprooter upsetter urban center ureter urethral sphincter variometer varsity letter vaudeville theater vaulter vaunter vegetable matter vegetable oyster venter vermonter vernier micrometer vichy water virginia oyster viscometer viscosimeter volcanic crater voltmeter vomiter vote counter voter wage setter waiter waldmeister walter wanter warranter waste matter waster wastewater water water blister water filter water heater water meter water scooter water skater wavy-leaved aster weather forecaster webster weightlifter well water welter wernicke's center wester western silvery aster westminster wet-bulb thermometer wetter white-topped aster white matter white prairie aster white water white wood aster whoremaster whorled aster wildcatter willem de sitter william sydney porter willow aster winchester windcheater window oyster windowpane oyster wine taster wine waiter winter wire cutter wire matrix printer wire printer wister witch-hunter witches' butter woman hater wood aster woodcutter wool sorter worcester word-painter world-beater wrester writer written matter xerographic printer yak butter yardmaster youngster zoroaster zoster Grep of adj ter aflutter after aglitter alabaster better bitter center counter deep-water dexter fitter foster freshwater greater helter-skelter inter jerkwater lackluster later latter left-of-center master neuter off-center outer over-the-counter quarter saltwater sinister sister sought-after sought after summercater teratogenic terefah terete terminable terminal terminated terminative terminological ternary ternate terpsichorean terrene terrestrial terrible terrific terrified terrifying territorial terror-stricken terror-struck terrorist terse tertian tertiary the matter three-quarter unbitter under-the-counter underwater utter winter
ter definition