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nes |
Grep of noun nes achimenes aerobacter aerogenes apennines ardennes aristophanes asplenium trichomanes bobby jones bones bouvines cannes capital of the philippines casey jones chopines class dicotyledones class monocotyledones confines crossbones daniel jones davy jones demosthenes des moines dicotyledones diogenes division lichenes dow jones eratosthenes eumenes genus achimenes genus eumenes genus leucogenes genus meriones genus psenes genus trichomanes holofernes inigo jones jackstones john luther jones john maynard keynes john paul jones jones keynes knucklebones lazybones leroi jones leucogenes lichenes linked genes mary harris jones meriones monocotyledones mother jones napier's bones nescience nesokia ness nessie nest nest egg nester nesting place nestle nestling nestor nestor notabilis nones opiliones order opiliones order pseudoscorpiones order testudines oscines philippines porcupines psenes pseudoscorpiones republic of the philippines robert tyre jones saint vincent and the grenadines sauternes sawbones skin and bones skull and crossbones st vincent and the grenadines suborder oscines testudines trichomanes xenophanes Grep of noun ne 5-hydroxytryptamine a. a. milne abalone abilene aborigine abrading stone abyssal zone acarine acetone acetylcholine acetylene achene aclinic line acne acoustic delay line acoustic gramophone actor's line adding machine addressing machine adenine adenosine adonic line adrenaline adrenocorticotrophic hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone adrenosterone aeromedicine aeroplane aerospace medicine agate line agene agonic line air lane aircraft engine airline airplane aitchbone al capone alan alexander milne alanine alaskan pipeline aldactone aldosterone aleurone alexandrine alfred hawthorne algernon charles swinburne alizarin carmine alizarine alkane alkene alkylbenzene alkyne allegheny vine allophone alluvial cone almandine alphonse capone alpine anemone alpine celery pine altar wine alternative medicine amboina pine amboyna pine american bugbane american plane american white pine amidopyrine amine aminoalkane aminobenzine aminomethane aminophylline aminopyrine amiodarone amitriptyline ammine amphetamine amrinone ancient pine androgenic hormone androgyne androsterone anemone angevine aniline anklebone anodyne anopheline answering machine antarctic zone anthony wayne anticyclone antidiuretic hormone antigone antihistamine antivenene apolune apomorphine aposelene apresoline aquamarine aquaplane aquitaine arabian jasmine arachnoid membrane archine arctic zone argemone argentine arginine argonne ariadne arm bone arolla pine arsine asparagine asphodeline assembly line astatine atabrine athene atropine attack submarine aubergine augustine auld langsyne australian aborigine australian pine australopithecine automated teller machine automatic teller machine automobile engine auvergne auxiliary engine auxiliary research submarine aventurine aviation medicine axone azathioprine azidothymidine bachelor of medicine backbone balanchine balkline balletomane balloon vine bane bank line baptistic doctrine bar line barbados-gooseberry vine barbitone baritone barytone baseline basilar membrane bassine bathing machine bathyal zone battle line battle of boyne battle of the aisne battle of the marne baulk line bayonne beading plane beef bourguignonne beeline beguine bellarmine benedictine benne benthonic zone benzedrine benzene benzine benzocaine benzodiazepine benzoquinone berne beta-carotene bethune bicorne bilestone bine biomedicine biplane bishop's pine bishop's throne bishop pine black-eyed susan vine black cypress pine black henbane black pine black turnstone bladder stone blarney stone block plane blood line bloodline bloodstone blue columbine blue fleabane blue jasmine blue jessamine blue stone bluestone blush wine boeuf bourguignonne bone boone bordeaux wine borderline botanical medicine bottom line boundary line bourgogne bourne bovine bowline boyne branch line bread line breadline breakstone breastbone breathing machine bretagne brigandine brigantine brilliantine brimstone brine brisbane bristlecone pine bromine brown pine browne brownstone brucine brush-tail porcupine brush-tailed porcupine buckminsterfullerene bugbane bull pine bullnosed plane burgoyne burgundy wine bus lane bus line business line buspirone butacaine butadiene butane butanone butene buteonine butylene by-line bygone byzantine cadaverine caffeine calabar-bean vine calamine calamity jane calcimine calculating machine calf bone california wine canada anemone canada porcupine canadian fleabane canadian red pine canary wine canarybird vine canavanine candy cane cane canine cannon bone cantaloupe vine capacitor microphone cape jasmine cape jessamine capital of maine capital of sierra leone capital of the ukraine capitate bone capone capstone carbine cardamine cardinal bellarmine carl von linne carmine carolina jasmine carolina lupine carotene carpal bone carpenter's plane cartilage bone cash machine catecholamine catherine cayenne cayenne jasmine cefoperazone ceftriaxone celandine celery-topped pine celery pine celery top pine cell membrane cellophane cellular phone cellular telephone center line centerline cephaloridine cezanne chaim soutine chalice vine chalk line chalons-sur-marne chamaedaphne chamfer plane champagne champagne-ardenne chaperone charlemagne charles farrar browne chatelaine checkout line cheekbone chelone cherry stone cherrystone chest tone cheyenne chian turpentine chicane chile pine chilean jasmine chili con carne china fleece vine china stone chine chloramine chlorhexidine chlorine chloroprene chloroquine chlorpromazine chlortetracycline choline chopine chordophone chorine chorioallantoic membrane chorus line chow line church doctrine cicerone cimetidine cinnamene cinnamon stone cinnamon vine circular plane citrine citrulline city line claymore mine claystone clementine climatic zone climbing hemp-vine clingstone cloisonne clomiphene clomipramine clone clonidine clothesline cloud nine coal mine coastline cobalt ultramarine cobblestone cocaine cockaigne codeine coelogyne coeur d'alene cohune coigne coin machine colchine cold medicine collarbone cologne color line colour line columbine combat zone combination plane combine comedienne comfort zone command line common dogbane common grape vine common jasmine common matrimony vine common purslane common sickle pine commune compass plane complementary medicine compline computing machine concubine condenser microphone cone confederate jasmine conga line constantine contour line copaline copestone coping stone copper mine coral vine cordarone cordyline cornerstone cornpone corticosterone cortisone cosine coumarone count palatine countermine counterpane county line county palatine crane crape jasmine crazy bone creatine credit line crepe de chine crepe jasmine cretonne crew neckline crinoline cromorne crone cross of lorraine cross vine cryptocoryne crystal microphone ctene cubeb vine cuboid bone cucumber vine cuisine cumarone cuneiform bone cuprimine curbstone cy pres doctrine cyclobenzaprine cyclone cyclopropane cycloserine cypress pine cypress vine cyproheptadine cysteine cystine cytokine cytosine dado plane daisy fleabane dalmane damascene dammar pine dane danger line danger zone daniel boone danish krone daphne dapsone date line dateline david livingstone day jessamine deadline decline delay line deltasone demarcation line demesne demimondaine dental medicine dentine deoxyadenosine deoxycytidine deoxyephedrine deoxyguanosine deoxythymidine depokene desk phone despiramine dessert wine dessiatine dexamethasone dexedrine dexone di-iodotyrosine diacetylmorphine dial phone dial telephone dialysis machine diamine diaphone diathermy machine dibucaine dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane dictaphone dieffenbachia sequine diesel engine dihydroxyphenylalanine dimetane dimethyl ketone dindymene diphenhydramine diphenylbutyl piperidine diplotene discipline dishwashing machine district line dividing line divine doctor of dental medicine doctor of medicine doctrine dogbane dominant gene domine don luchino visconti conte di modrone donkey engine donne dopamine dotted line double-propeller plane douglas pine dovetail plane doxycycline doyenne dpt vaccine dramamine dripstone drive line drone drop line drop scone drop zone dropline dropping zone dryopithecine duke wayne dumb cane dump routine dundathu pine dune dwarf mountain pine dyne earphone easter lily vine eastern white pine eau de cologne edirne edmond malone edmund malone edward durell stone eglantine egyptian henbane egyptian lupine elbow bone eleanor gwynne eleanor of aquitaine elecampane electromagnetic delay line electrostatic machine element of a cone eleusine elizabeth haldane elizabeth sanderson haldane embryonic membrane emergency medicine emery stone enamine ene enflurane engine enterprise zone eocene epergne ephedrine epicine epigone epinephrine epipactis helleborine epitrochoidal engine equine equinoctial line equity credit line ergonovine ergotamine ermine erne erogenous zone estrone etamine ethane ethene ethmoid bone ethocaine ethoxyethane ethrane ethylene ethyne eugene euphrosyne european nut pine eva le gallienne exacum affine executive routine external-combustion engine facet plane facsimile machine false bugbane false lupine false rue anemone family line famine famotidine farm machine fast lane fast one fault line february daphne fedelline feeder line feldene feline feminine fence line fertilization membrane fetal membrane fetid bugbane fetter bone fettuccine fibrous dysplasia of bone field line field lupine fieldstone figurine fine finish line finishing line fir cone fire and brimstone fire engine firestone firing line fishbone fishing line flagstone flat bone fleabane fleet ballistic missile submarine flight line flintstone floating mine floatplane flowering stone floxuridine fluoresceine fluorine fluoxetine fluphenazine foetid bugbane follicle-stimulating hormone fontanne fore plane forensic medicine fort wayne fortified wine fortune foul line foundation stone four-stroke engine four-stroke internal-combustion engine francis turbine francoise d'aubigne frangipane frank morrison spillane frankincense pine franking machine franz joseph kline free throw lane free zone freestone french telephone french ultramarine frigid zone front line frontal bone fuel line fullerene funny bone furane gabardine gaberdine gaborone gag line galantine galium aparine gallamine gallstone gangrene ganoine garonne gas engine gas line gas turbine gascogne gasolene gasoline gasoline engine gastrophryne gelatine gemstone gene general medicine gentleman's-cane genus anemone genus argemone genus asphodeline genus athene genus cardamine genus chamaedaphne genus chelone genus coelogyne genus cordyline genus cryptocoryne genus daphne genus eleusine genus gastrophryne genus geochelone genus glycine genus helxine genus homogyne genus hylactophryne genus iresine genus iridoprocne genus morone genus myrsine genus myxine genus nyctimene genus pleione genus progne genus selene genus silene genus terrapene geochelone geodesic line geographical zone george balanchine georgia pine giant cane giant helleborine giotto di bondone giovanni di bernardone gladstone glutamine glycerine glycine glyoxaline goa bean vine goal line gold mine goldmine goldstone gonadotrophic hormone gonadotropic hormone gonne good fortune gourd vine graham greene gramophone grapevine gravestone gray-leaf pine great dane greater celandine greene gregarine grenadine grindstone gritstone ground-effect machine ground-emplaced mine ground pine groundnut vine growth hormone groyne guanine guideline guillotine guinea gold vine gum terpentine gynne gyroplane hablot knight browne hailstone hairline haldane halftone haloalkane halothane hamate bone hand line handline hanoverian line hard line harlan fiske stone harold hart crane harpoon line hart crane hawthorne head tone headline headphone headstone heart-lung machine heart line hearthstone heat engine heckelphone heelbone helleborine hellene helxine hemline henbane henry graham greene heptane heroine herringbone hexachlorophene hexane hickory pine hipbone hipline histamine histidine histone holandric gene holistic medicine holocene holystone homogyne homophone hone hoop pine hormone hornstone hot line hottentot's bread vine hottentot bread vine human growth hormone humanistic discipline huon pine hurricane hyaline hyaloid membrane hydralazine hydrazine hydrocortisone hydrocortone hydroelectric turbine hydromorphone hydroplane hydroxybenzene hydroxychloroquine hydroxyproline hydroxytetracycline hydroxyzine hygiene hylactophryne hyoid bone hyoscine hyoscyamine hypothalamic releasing hormone i. f. stone ice-cream cone ice machine ilosone imipramine immune imou pine impulse turbine incline inclined plane indene indigene indiscipline infernal machine innominate bone input routine internal-combustion engine internal medicine international date line interne interphone interstitial cell-stimulating hormone intestine iodine iodothyronine iodotyrosine ion engine iresine iridoprocne ischial bone isidor feinstein stone isobutylene isochrone isoflurane isogonal line isogone isogonic line isoleucine israel baline italian woodbine j. b. rhine j. b. s. haldane jack pine jack plane jade vine jadestone japanese black pine japanese red pine japanese table pine japanese umbrella pine jasmine jawbone je ne sais quois jean baptiste racine jean de la fontaine jean racine jeffrey's pine jeffrey pine jellow jessamine jersey pine jessamine jet-propelled plane jet engine jet plane john burdon sanderson haldane john burgoyne john donne john haldane john james osborne john osborne john scott haldane john the divine john wayne jointer plane jointing plane joseph banks rhine judicial doctrine jug wine jugal bone jules verne june kaoline karl linne kauri pine kerbstone kerosene kerosine ketamine ketone ketorolac tromethamine keystone kidney stone kine king william pine kiwi vine kline knitting machine knobcone pine knotty pine koine krone kudzu vine la fontaine lace-flower vine lacrimal bone lactogenic hormone lagune lancastrian line land mine lane langoustine langsyne language zone large intestine lasagne lateral line latino sine flexione latrine laugh line laurence sterne lausanne lawyer cane lazuline le gallienne lead line leaded gasoline leading tone ledger line leg bone leger line leone leonide fedorovitch massine leopard's-bane leopardbane lepidomelane leptotene lesser celandine lethal gene leucine levantine libertine library fine library routine lidocaine life line lifeline ligne limber pine limestone limonene limousine lindane line linguine linotype machine liothyronine lipid-lowering medicine lithane lithograph machine lithophragma affine littoral zone living stone livingstone load line loading zone loadstone loblolly pine locomotive engine lodestone lodgepole pine lodine log line lolium perenne lomustine london plane long-tailed porcupine long bone long plane longleaf pine loop-line lorraine love line love vine loved one lower jawbone loxapine loxitane lubber's line lubber line lucerne lucy stone lunate bone lupine luteinizing hormone lycopene lymphokine lynn fontanne lysine macedoine machine mad anthony wayne madagascar jasmine madonna louise ciccone madrilene magazine maginot line magnetic mine magnetoelectric machine main line maine malacca cane malar bone malone mandelamine mane marchpane margarine marine marine mine marline marlstone marrowbone mary-jane mary jane mary magdalene mary mcleod bethune masculine mason-dixon line mason and dixon's line mason and dixon line massine match plane matrimony vine maud gonne maxmilien de bethune may wine mayenne mbabane mearstone meclizine medicine medline medroxyprogesterone meerestone megaphone melamine melanocyte-stimulating hormone melbourne melodic line melon vine melpomene membrane membrane bone membranophone menadione mensal line mental hygiene mepacrine meperidine merbromine mercaptopurine merchant marine merestone mescaline metacarpal bone methacholine methadone methamphetamine methane methapyrilene methaqualone methedrine methenamine methionine methyl ethyl ketone methylbenzene methylene methylenedioxymethamphetamine methyltestosterone metycaine meuse-argonne mexican nut pine mexiletine mezzanine michel eyquem montaigne michel montaigne mickey spillane microphone microwave diathermy machine mid-june midline midplane mifepristone migraine milestone milking machine milline milling machine millstone milne mimeograph machine mincing machine mine minestrone minisubmarine minocycline miocene mise en scene misfortune mnemosyne modifier gene molindone moline mono-iodotyrosine monoamine monoplane monotone monroe doctrine montaigne monterey pine moonshine moonstone mooring line moraine moreton bay pine morone morphine mountain anemone mountain pine mucous membrane mugho pine mugo pine mulled wine multiengine airplane multiengine plane murine muscadine muscle tone musteline mutant gene myeline myrsine mysoline mytilene myxine na-dene nabumetone nalline nalorphine naloxone naltrexone nandrolone naphazoline naphthalene naphthoquinone nasal bone nathaniel hawthorne navane ne ne'er-do-well ne plus ultra neandertal neandertal man neanderthal neanderthal man neap neap tide neapolitan ice cream near beer near east near gale near miss near vision nearness nearside nearsightedness neat's-foot oil neatness neb nebcin nebe nebn nebo nebraska nebraska fern nebraskan nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar ii nebuchadrezzar nebuchadrezzar ii nebula nebular hypothesis nec necessary necessitarian necessity neck neck bone neck brace neck exercise neck ruff neck sweetbread neckar neckar river neckband neckcloth necker neckerchief necking necklace necklace poplar necklace tree necklet neckline neckpiece necktie neckwear necrobiosis necrobiosis lipoidica necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum necrology necrolysis necromancer necromancy necromania necrophagia necrophagy necrophilia necrophilism necropolis necropsy necrosis necrotizing enteritis necrotizing enterocolitis nectar nectarine nectarine tree nectary necturus necturus maculosus need needer needle needle bearing needle biopsy needle blight needle bush needle cast needle furze needle palm needle rush needle spike rush needle wood needlebush needlecraft needlefish needlenose pliers needlepoint needlewoman needlewood needlework needleworker neel neem neem cake neem seed neem tree neencephalon nefariousness nefazodone nefertiti negaprion negaprion brevirostris negara brunei darussalam negation negative negative charge negative chemotaxis negative correlation negative feedback negative feedback circuit negative magnetic pole negative muon negative pole negative reinforcer negative reinforcing stimulus negative stimulation negative stimulus negativeness negativism negativist negativity negatron negev negev desert neggram neglect neglect of duty neglecter neglectfulness neglige negligee negligence negotiable instrument negotiant negotiation negotiator negotiatress negotiatrix negress negritude negro negro peach negro pepper negro race negro spiritual negro vine negroid negroid race negus nehru neigh neighbor neighborhood neighborliness neighbour neighbourhood neighbourliness neil armstrong neil simon neisseria gonorrhoeae nekton nell gwynn nell gwynne nell gywn nellie bly nellie ross nellie tayloe ross nelson nelson mandela nelson rolihlahla mandela nelumbo nelumbo lutea nelumbo nucifera nelumbonaceae nematocera nematoda nematode nematode worm nembutal nemean lion nemertea nemertean nemertina nemertine nemesis nemophila nemophila aurita nemophila maculata nemophila menziesii nenets nentsi nentsy neo-darwinism neo-lamarckism neo-latin neo jazz neobiotic neoceratodus neoceratodus forsteri neoclassicism neoclassicist neocolonialism neocortex neodymium neoencephalon neoexpressionism neofiber neofiber alleni neohygrophorus neohygrophorus angelesianus neolentinus neolentinus ponderosus neoliberal neoliberalism neolith neolithic age neologism neologist neology neomycin neomys neomys anomalus neomys fodiens neon neon induction lamp neon lamp neon tube neonatal death neonatal hyperbilirubinemia neonatal intensive care unit neonatal mortality neonatal mortality rate neonatal period neonate neonatology neopallium neophobia neophron neophron percnopterus neophyte neoplasia neoplasm neoplastic cell neopolitan neoprene neoromanticism neosho neosho river neosporin neostigmine neotoma neotoma cinerea neotoma floridana neotoma fuscipes nepa nepal nepal trumpet flower nepalese nepalese monetary unit nepalese rupee nepali nepenthaceae nepenthes nepeta nepeta cataria nepeta hederaceae nephelium nephelium lappaceum nephelium litchi nephelium longana nephelium mutabile nephew nephoscope nephralgia nephrectomy nephrite nephritis nephroangiosclerosis nephroblastoma nephrocalcinosis nephrogenic diabetes insipidus nephrolepis nephrolepis exaltata nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis nephrolepis pectinata nephrolith nephrolithiasis nephrology nephron nephropathy nephrops nephrops norvegicus nephropsidae nephroptosia nephroptosis nephrosclerosis nephrosis nephrotic syndrome nephrotomy nephthys nephthytis nephthytis afzelii nepidae nepotism neptune neptunium nerd nereid nereus nergal nerita nerita peloronta neritid neritid gastropod neritidae neritina nerium nerium oleander nernst nero nero's crown nero claudius caesar drusus germanicus nerodia nerodia sipedon neroli oil nerthus nerva nerve nerve block anaesthesia nerve block anesthesia nerve cell nerve center nerve centre nerve compression nerve deafness nerve end nerve ending nerve entrapment nerve fiber nerve fibre nerve gas nerve impulse nerve pathway nerve plexus nerve tissue nerve tract nervelessness nerveroot nerves nervi nervii olfactorii nervous breakdown nervous disorder nervous exhaustion nervous prostration nervous strain nervous system nervous tissue nervousness nervure nervus nervus abducens nervus accessorius nervus coccygeus nervus facialis nervus femoralis nervus glossopharyngeus nervus hypoglosus nervus ischiadicus nervus oculomotorius nervus opticus nervus phrenicus nervus radialis nervus saphenus nervus spinalis nervus trigeminus nervus ulnaris nervus vagus nervus vestibulocochlearis nescience nesokia ness nessie nest nest egg nester nesting place nestle nestling nestor nestor notabilis net net ball net estate net income net melon net profit net sales net ton netball nether region netherlander netherlands netherlands antilles netherlands guiana netherworld netkeeper netscape netted melon netting nettle nettle-leaved bellflower nettle-leaved goosefoot nettle family nettle rash nettle tree nettleleaf goosefoot network network architecture network programming neumann neural arch neural net neural network neural structure neural tube neuralgia neuralgy neurasthenia neurasthenic neurectomy neurilemma neurilemoma neurinoma neuritis neuroanatomy neurobiologist neurobiology neuroblast neuroblastoma neurochemical neurodermatitis neuroepithelioma neuroepithelium neurofibroma neurofibromatosis neurogenesis neurogenic bladder neuroglia neurogliacyte neuroglial cell neurohormone neurohypophysis neurolemma neuroleptic neuroleptic agent neuroleptic drug neurolinguist neurological disease neurological disorder neurologist neurology neurolysin neuroma neuromuscular blocking agent neuromuscular junction neuron neuropathy neurophysiology neuropsychiatry neuropsychology neuroptera neuropteran neuropteron neuropterous insect neurosarcoma neuroscience neuroscientist neurosis neurospora neurosurgeon neurosurgery neurosyphilis neurotic neurotic depression neuroticism neurotoxin neurotransmitter neurotrichus neurotrichus gibbsii neurotropism neuter neutering neutral neutral spirits neutralisation neutralisation reaction neutralism neutralist neutrality neutralization neutralization fire neutralization reaction neutrino neutron neutron bomb neutron flux neutron radiation neutron star neutropenia neutrophil neutrophile neva neva river nevada nevadan nevado de colima nevelson never-never land nevil shute nevil shute norway neville chamberlain nevis nevoid elephantiasis nevus nevus flammeus new-zealand beech new-zealand honeysuckle new britain new brunswick new caledonia new caledonian pine new caledonian yew new criticism new deal new dealer new delhi new edition new england new england aster new england boiled dinner new england clam chowder new englander new english bible new flower new guinea new hampshire new hampshirite new haven new hebrides new ireland new jazz new jersey new latin new latin utopia new line new london new mexico new moon new netherland new norwegian new orleans new penny new phase of the moon new river gorge bridge new scotland yard new south wales new style new testament new wave new waver new world new world anteater new world beaver new world blackbird new world chat new world coral snake new world flycatcher new world goldfinch new world jay new world least weasel new world leishmaniasis new world monkey new world mouse new world opah new world oriole new world porcupine new world sparrow new world tapir new world vulture new world warbler new year new year's new year's day new year's eve new york new york aster new york bay new york city new york fern new york minute new york state new york state barge canal new york stock exchange new york strip new yorker new zealand new zealand cotton new zealand dacryberry new zealand daisybush new zealand dollar new zealand mountain pine new zealand spinach new zealand white pine new zealand wine berry new zealand wren new zealander newari newark newborn newborn baby newborn infant newburg sauce newburgh newcastle newcastle-upon-tyne newcastle disease newcomb newcomer newel newel post newfoundland newfoundland dwarf birch newlywed newman newmarket newness newport newport news news news agency news article news bulletin news conference news event news item news media news organization news photography news program news report news show news story newsagent newsboy newscast newscaster newsdealer newsflash newsletter newsman newsmonger newspaper newspaper ad newspaper advertisement newspaper article newspaper clipping newspaper column newspaper columnist newspaper critic newspaper editor newspaper headline newspaper publisher newspapering newspaperman newspaperwoman newsperson newsprint newsreel newsroom newssheet newsstand newsstand operator newsvendor newswoman newsworthiness newswriter newt newton newton's first law newton's first law of motion newton's law newton's law of gravitation newton's law of motion newton's second law newton's second law of motion newton's theory of gravitation newton's third law newton's third law of motion newtonian newtonian mechanics newtonian reflector newtonian telescope newtown wonder next friend next of kin nexus ney nez perce nicotine nictitating membrane nifedipine night-line night jasmine night jessamine nine nitrobenzene nitrochloromethane nitroglycerine nne no-parking zone noble cane nocturne noradrenaline norepinephrine norethandrolone norethindrone norfolk island pine normodyne north frigid zone north temperate zone northern pitch pine nortriptyline norwegian krone nose cone nota bene nouvelle cuisine novocaine noxiptiline nuclear-powered submarine nuclear medicine nuclear submarine number one nut pine nyctimene occipital bone octane oestrone oil of turpentine oil pipeline oilstone old world porcupine olefine oleomargarine oligocene oliver stone olivine oncogene one one-and-one opening line openside plane operator gene oral poliovirus vaccine orange fleabane orasone orbignya cohune orbital plane oregon pine oriental plane orinasal phone ornithine orphenadrine orpine osborne oscine outline output routine over-the-counter medicine overtone oxyacetylene oxybenzene oxyphenbutazone oxyphencyclimine oxytetracycline oxytone ozone pachytene pacific sardine padrone paine palatine palatine bone paleocene palestine pallas athene pallone pane papaver argemone papaverine parathormone parathyroid hormone pari-mutuel machine parietal bone parking zone paroxytone party line passerine passing tone passionflower vine patent medicine patronne paul cezanne paul verlaine pavane paving machine paving stone pay-phone peacock-throne peanut vine pediatric medicine penicillamine pentazocine pentoxifylline pepper vine peptone perchloromethane peregrine perilune periselene perpetual motion machine perphenazine persephone personal credit line pharmacological medicine phenazopyridine phencyclidine phenelzine pheniramine phenobarbitone phenothiazine phentolamine phenylalanine phenylamine phenylbutazone phenylephrine phenylethylene phenylpropanolamine phenyltoloxamine pheromone philadelphia fleabane philhellene philippine philistine philosopher's stone philosophical doctrine phone phone line phosgene phosphine phosphocreatine photostat machine phragmacone phragmocone phylloquinone physostigmine phytohormone phytonadione picket line picture plane pilocarpine pilot engine pin bone pinball machine pine pinecone pink wine pinon pine pipe vine pipeline piperazine piperine piperocaine pisiform bone pitch pine pitchstone plane planing machine plant hormone plantagenet line plasma membrane plasticine platycerium alcicorne pleione pleistocene plimsoll line pliocene plot line plumb line pneumococcal vaccine polar zone poliovirus vaccine political machine polybutene polybutylene polyethylene polyphone polypropene polypropylene polystyrene polytetrafluoroethylene polythene polyurethane pond pine ponderosa pine pone pontoon plane porcupine port jackson pine port wine potato vine poverty line powder magazine power line practice of medicine prairie anemone prairie gourd vine praline precious stone prednisolone prednisone prelone prescription medicine preventive medicine prickly pine primaquine primidone primrose jasmine prince's pine princess pine printing machine private line privine procaine procarbazine prochlorperazine procyclidine product line production line progesterone progne program line prolamine proline promethazine propane propanone proparoxytone propeller plane propene property line propoxyphene propylene proserpine protamine proto-oncogene protriptyline prune pseudoephedrine psilomelane psychological medicine ptomaine pubic bone pudding stone pulp magazine pumice stone pumpkin vine punch line pure tone purine purse seine purslane putrescine pyramidal bone pyridine pyridoxamine pyridoxine pyrilamine pyrimidine pyrometric cone pyroxene pyroxyline pyrrhotine quarantine quartertone quartervine quiche lorraine quinacrine quine quinidine quinine quinone rabbet plane racine radial engine radio-gramophone radiochlorine radiophone radiotelephone rail line railroad line railroad vine railway line ramjet engine ranitidine rankine rapine ratline rattan cane ravine reaction-propulsion engine reaction engine reaction turbine reboxetine reception line recessive gene reciprocating engine recording machine recursive routine red cypress pine red helleborine red line red pine red wine redbone regalecus glesne regression line regulator gene regulatory gene releasing hormone religious doctrine repressor gene republic of sierra leone reserpine retinal cone retinene reusable routine rhine rhine wine rhinestone rhone rhone wine rhumb line richard burdon haldane richard haldane rimactane river tyne rivet line riveting machine robert treat paine roberto francesco romolo bellarmine rock purslane rocket engine rocky mountain bristlecone pine rocky mountain dogbane rogaine romaine rose wine rosetta stone rotary engine rotenone round bone router plane routine royal line ruddy turnstone rue anemone rune running headline running pine russian vine s. s. van dine sabin vaccine sabine sabine pine sacramental wine safety zone sailplane saint augustine saline salk vaccine salt mine saltine sand dune sandstone saone sapphirine sarcodine sarcosine sardine sash line sauce-alone sauterne sawing machine saxophone scallopine scaphoid bone scene school of medicine scientific discipline scone scopolamine scotch pine scots pine screw pine scrimmage line scrub pine scrub plane sea anemone sea lane seaplane search engine seine selene self-discipline semilunar bone semipermeable membrane semitone sene serine serotine serous membrane sertraline service routine serzone sesamoid bone setline sewer line sewing machine sex hormone shaggymane shaping machine shinbone shine ship of the line shoeshine shore pine shoreline short-leaf pine short bone short line shortleaf pine shortleaf yellow pine shortwave diathermy machine shoshone shoulder bone shrine sibine sickle lucerne sideline siegfried line sierra leone sierra lodgepole pine signature tune silene silicone silk vine siloxane siltstone silver lace vine silver mine silver pine silver vine silvervine simazine simple machine sine single-leaf pine single-propeller plane sir charles wheatstone sixty-nine ski-plane skyline slick magazine slot machine slovene slow lane small cane small fortune small intestine smitane smooth plane smoothing plane snapline snow line snowdrop anemone soapberry vine soapstone sofia scicolone soldier of fortune soledad pine somatotrophic hormone somatotropic hormone someone sone sonic delay line sorbonne sounding line sourdine sousaphone soutane south frigid zone south temperate zone southern yellow pine southwestern white pine soutine sowbane space medicine sparkling wine spectrum line sphenoid bone spillane spine spinning machine spirit of turpentine spirits of wine spironolactone spline splint bone spodumene spokane spotted cowbane spreading dogbane spreading fleabane spruce pine squall line squash vine st augustine st augustine st mary magdalene staff line staff vine stamping machine stapling machine star jasmine starting line state line static line steam engine steam line steam turbine steamship line stephen crane stepped line stepping stone sterne steroid hormone sthene sticks and stone stone stone pine storm cone storyline straight line strainer vine straw wine string line stringybark pine strip mine structural gene strychnine styrene submarine subroutine succinylcholine sugar cane sugarcane sulfadiazine sulfamethazine sulfamezathine sulfapyridine sulfur mine sulphur mine summer squash vine sundial lupine sunshine sunstone supervisory routine supply line suppresser gene suppressor gene sutural bone swamp pine sweet melon vine sweet potato vine swinburne swine swiss mountain pine swiss pine swiss stone pine switch cane switch engine sword cane sylvine synovial membrane table-mountain pine table wine tag line tail bone tailplane tambourine tamburlaine tamerlane tangent plane tangerine tangier peavine tank engine tape machine tapeline tara vine tarsal bone tasman dwarf pine taurine telegraph line telephone telephone line teletype machine telex machine temperate zone temporal bone terbinafine terpene terrapene terrine terylene testosterone tetracaine tetrachlorethylene tetrachloroethylene tetrachloromethane tetracycline tetrafluoroethylene tetraiodothyronine tetramethyldiarsine textile machine textile screw pine thane the argentine the crane theological doctrine theophylline thiamine thiazine thighbone thiodiphenylamine thioguanine thioridazine thiothixene thomas paine thoracic medicine thorazine threonine threshing machine throne thylacine thymidine thymine thyroid-stimulating hormone thyroid hormone thyronine thyrotrophic hormone thyrotropic hormone thyrotropin-releasing hormone thyroxine ticket line tidal zone timber line timberline time machine time zone tincture of iodine tine tisane tisiphone tolazoline toll line toluene tom paine tombstone tone tonguing and grooving plane tonne tontine top of the line torrey's pine torrey pine torrid zone touchline touchstone tourmaline towing line towline tracing routine traction engine trade magazine traffic lane tragedienne tramline tramontane trampoline trans-alaska ppipeline transalpine transforming gene transit line transmission line tranylcypromine trap line trapezium bone trapezoid bone trawl line trazodone tree celandine tree line tree lupine trend line trephine tri-iodomethane tri-iodothyronine triamcinolone tribromomethane tribune trichloromethane tricorne trifluoromethane triiodomethane triiodothyronine trimipramine trine trinitrotoluene trip line triphosphopyridine triquetral bone trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine trolley line trombone tropical medicine tropical zone trotline true jasmine true pine truman doctrine trumpet vine truncated cone trunk line tryptophane tsine tubocurarine tune turbinate bone turbine turbo-propeller plane turbofan engine turbojet engine turing machine turnstone turpentine twenty-nine twenty-one twin-aisle airplane twin-propeller-plane twine tympanic bone tympanic membrane tyne typesetting machine tyramine tyrocidine tyrosine ubiquinone ukraine ultramarine umbrella pine unciform bone underline undertone undine undiscipline unemployment line unleaded gasoline upper jawbone urethane urine urogenital medicine uruguay potato vine utility routine vaccine valentine valine valve-in-head engine vane vase-fine vase vine vaseline vending machine verlaine verne verse line veterinary medicine vibraphone vicereine vientiane vinblastine vincristine vine vinylbenzene virginal membrane virginia pine viverrine von neumann machine voting machine waistline waiting line wane wankel engine wankel rotary engine washing machine water line waterline watermelon vine wats line wayne weather vane weathervane wedge bone weighing machine west indian jasmine western prince's pine western white pine western yellow pine westland pine weymouth pine whalebone wheatstone whetstone whine white cypress pine white line white lupine white pine white potato vine white wine whitebark pine whitebarked pine whole tone whooping crane wild lupine wild potato vine wild quinine wild sweet potato vine willard van orman quine william ewart gladstone william gladstone wimshurst machine wind vane windowpane wine winter jasmine winter melon vine winter purslane wireless telephone wishbone wishing bone wolf's bane wolfbane wolfsbane wollemi pine wolverine wood anemone woodbine woodworking plane wormian bone wrist bone x-linked gene x-ray machine xanthine xerox machine xylene xylocaine xylophone y-linked gene yardline yellow-leaf sickle pine yellow henbane yellow jasmine yellow lupine yellow pine yellowstone zabaglione zidovudine zigadene zone zygomatic bone zygotene Overview of noun ne The noun ne has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. neon, Ne atomic number 10 -- (a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts) 2. northeast, nor'-east, NE -- (the compass point midway between north and east; at 45 degrees) 3. Nebraska, Cornhusker State, NE -- (a midwestern state on the Great Plains) Grep of adj nes dressed to the nines nescient nestled Overview of noun ne The noun ne has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. neon, Ne atomic number 10 -- (a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts) 2. northeast, nor'-east, NE -- (the compass point midway between north and east; at 45 degrees) 3. Nebraska, Cornhusker State, NE -- (a midwestern state on the Great Plains)
nes definition